
"I'm really am fine, please don't worry, Mom," Selene said reassuringly over the phone. She was sitting on a chaise lounge chair in one of the bedrooms of Ben's house. They called it the blue bedroom because the walls were painted a light steel blue color. The contemporary light brown furniture set off the blue and tan accent colors nicely.

Her mother replied, "I'll feel better once I can see you in person and see with my own eyes."

"Tell her we're going to leave early so we'll be there around 4," her father said loudly as he stood next to his wife. He always did this, even though they were on speaker phone.

Selene smiled and answered, "I can hear you just fine Dad. Ok, I will see you both at 4. Love you!"

"We love you dear!," exclaimed her mother.

"I love you baby girl. We will see you at 4. Bye," a quiet voice that belonged to her father said.

Selene said, "Bye" and then started tearing up as she hung up the phone. Ben had called everyone to tell them that she was safe on the ride back from the airport. But he had also told them that she wasn't ready to talk at the time. So, she was calling everyone now to let them know herself that she was alright. Her parents were the first call.

She needed to do something to keep her mind off the conversation she just had with Ben because she didn't know what to think about it. How could he keep such a big secret from her? This was about her family. Her biological family. He knew how much she had always wanted to know more about them. She understood his reasons on an intellectual level, but on an emotional level, she felt betrayed. Maybe that was too strong of a word? She didn't know how she was feeling. "Ok, I can't think about this right now. I have to call Peter," she thought.

Selene pushed on Peter's name on the recents list on her phone and as soon as he picked up he exclaimed, "Hey! Are you ok?"

She responded, "I am. For the most part. Physically I'm fine. The bastard didn't harm me like that."

Peter sighed, "Thank God you're ok…But, I'm sure it was traumatic otherwise. How are you holding up? I imagine Ben is being supportive, but you know that I am here for you too."

"Thank you, Peter. You're the greatest friend any girl could ask for. I would love to see you actually. There is so much to talk about. I don't even know how to begin. Can you come over? I'm at Ben's," was Selene's reply.

"Of course! Let me just finish up a few things here and I will be there soon," Peter said.

"Thank you. I know you're at work and busy. Are you sure?" Selene asked quietly.

"It's ok. I've been working nights and weekends like crazy. I can afford to take a few hours away. I'll see you in a little while ok?," Peter responded. And when Selene agreed, they both made their goodbyes. He was tearing up just thinking about what she must have gone through that she needed him there immediately, especially since Ben was there. Peter knew something was terribly wrong and it wasn't just the kidnapping.

After Selene hung up with Peter, she called Lucy. When Lucy answered, she said, "Selene, oh my God, hi, how are you doing?"

She responded, "I'm really ok Lucy, please don't worry. Physically I'm totally fine."

"That is such a relief," Lucy sighed. "Physically. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry," she continued and then started crying.

Selene started crying too and mumbled, "Listen, it's not your fault. Do you hear me? It wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. It was me. They were able to get to my phone and they did something to it. It had nothing to do with you."

Lucy was crying listening to Selene's words but then calmed herself down before saying, "Are you sure? Are you sure it wasn't because of something I did?"

Selene responded, "Yes, yes, absolutely sure. Please, please don't cry. I need you right now so much Lucy."

"Of course, honey. I am here for you. Anything you need," Lucy said quickly. "Can I come over?"

Selene stopped crying and smiled. She said, "I wish you would. I just called Peter and he's going to come over in a little bit too. But aren't you working too though?"

Lucy sighed and said, "Oh yah. Shoot. I'll have to get someone to cover for me. But I'll get it done, don't worry. I'll just owe someone. That's how it works. No worries. I've done it for others so it's no problem. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you. I appreciate you guys so much," Selene said.

Lucy replied, "What are you talking about? That's what friends are for dummy. See you in a bit. Bye."

"Bye," was Selene's response before they hung up.

Selene laid down on the lounge chair, holding the phone to her chest, with one arm under her head. She looked up at the ceiling, feeling grateful to have a support system in her family and friends.

Even though she didn't want to think about it, her mind drifted to the conversation she had with Ben before she left and came into the bedroom she was currently occupying.

He had looked so earnest in his apology and yet so sure that he had done the right thing.

She thought about how the conversation went when he said, "Drakos told you" and her response was, "And I can't believe you knew. All this time?"

Then she remembered the rest.

Ben said, "I did, but I was always going to tell you. I promise you, that is the truth."

Selene looked down. Then she turned away and with her back to him she said, "I don't know what to believe anymore. First, Victor tells me is my brother and now you tell me you knew this and you kept it from me to protect me." She turned around to face him. "Why? How would this information hurt me?," she asked, looking at him with furrowed brows and hands out in front, palms facing up.

Ben gnawed on his lips, took a breath, and said, "Because Drakos is a very dangerous man. He and his organization have killed people. My family knew about your connection to him, but then about a year ago we found out he was searching for his sister. When you and I got back together, I didn't tell you immediately because I was afraid that you would want to reach out to him, to get to know him. I knew how much you wanted to know your biological family. I was afraid that no amount of me warning you about him would stop you from reaching out to him. And then he would have you right where he wanted you so he could hurt you like he just did."

His eyes started tearing up and he reached for her arms, drawing her in for an embrace. "I was also afraid that you would tell Peter and Lucy, and if they told anyone, it might get out and it would somehow get to Drakos. You know how information spreads."

She let him hug her for a few moments more minutes and then withdrew. She looked up at him, removing his arms from her and said, "Thank you for explaining and I understand. But here is how I feel right now. When you came back, you asked me to trust you. It was difficult but I did. I trusted you. But *you* didn't trust that I trusted you, so you didn't tell me about my brother. I would not have gone to him, and I would not have told anyone if you told me not to. So, this hurts." Letting out a long breath, she continued, "I need some time to think. I'm going to stay in the blue bedroom for now. I'm going to call my parents and ask them to come over for dinner."

Ben watched quietly as she walked away. He put his hands on his waist and looked down, not knowing what to say. "She's right," he thought. "I should have trusted that she would have listened to me and not let my fear get the best of me." He sighed. "Ok. There's nothing I can change about the past. I'll just do better. We can get through this. I'll make sure of it."

He called Johnny and said, "Hey, just calling for an update."

Johnny responded, "Hey, good timing. I was just going to call you. Drakos's people have already released him."

"Dammit. That didn't take long," Ben fumed. He rubbed his hand over his mouth went on, "Where is he?"

There was silence for a beat and then Johnny replied, "That's the problem. We don't know."