Some Action

As soon as Selene left Johnny's penthouse, she called Peter, who was still in his car on his way home. Once he was done providing the play-by-play of everything that was said and done with Johnny, Selene asked, "So what are you going to wear tonight?"

Peter laughed, "After all that, *that's* your question?"

"What?," she replied, laughing, "This is super important and can determine the fate of the rest of your relationship."

"True, but still," he said, "I'm more concerned about the fact that I'm going to be dating an ex-special forces, slash high-powered business man who is somehow 'hypothetically' involved in corporate espionage, slash former third generation rich kid, slash current gazillionaire, slash…and the list goes on."

"Pfft," Selene huffed, "It's not like you don't have your own baggage mister. And look how great you turned out. It sounds like Johnny definitely has his issues but he seems nice. And what's this about corporate espionage? That's not what they're doing, just so you know."

"Well, I don't know," Peter responded, "And that's part of the problem, I guess. I mean, he told me some of it and he said he'd tell me the rest later. But maybe you can fill me in on a bit of it too, I don't know. I had no idea what all was going down, Selene. This is serious stuff."

Selene nodded to herself, "I know right? The Drakos family has done a lot of damage and they have a lot to pay for."

"True. But don't you think it's all so weird?," Peter asked in a tone that indicated he was a little awed. "I mean, Ben is involved in this through his family. Now you have a connection to this, and he has another one through you. And then I have a connection to it through the DA's office and now I'm going out on a date with a guy who is also trying to take them down. I mean, it can't all be coincidence, right?"

She'd had similar thoughts herself. "I know what you mean," she responded, "It all feels like fate or something that brought us all together."

"Fate," Peter wondered. "Do you really think it could be that?" He didn't want to get his hopes up about Johnny in that sense.

"Definitely," Selene answered.

Peter sighed.

"I know what you're thinking," she said.

"I'm sure you do," he replied.

"I know it's scary," she continued. "This seems different. I feel it too. For you I mean. You seem different with him. I don't know Johnny, obviously. But I don't think he's the type of guy to act like this either from what you told me and what you said he told you about himself. Just go in with an open mind and I'm sure it will work out."

"Good advice," Peter said after letting out a long breath. "Okay, I'm going to get going so I have several hours to sit and worry before I get dressed. Just kidding. Ha ha."

"If I know you, you'll probably dive into some work instead," she said, shaking her head.

"I can hear you shaking your head, you know?," Peter laughed.

Selene laughed too and said, "Then don't do it. Take a bath instead. Relax. Pamper yourself or something."

"Okay, okay. I hear you. Talk to you tomorrow," he said.

"You better! Bye!," she replied and they both hung up.

Peter had arrived at home during the phone call with Selene. Once they hung up the call, he made arrangements for the date. But as soon as he was done with that, just as Selene had predicted, he decided to do some work to take his mind off of his nerves.

About an hour or so before he was to be picked up, Peter started getting ready. He had texted Johnny to pick him up at 5:30pm instead of 7pm because of the plans he ended up making. He decided to take Johnny to dinner and then to an evening of music at the Hollywood Bowl. There was an orchestra playing movie soundtracks from famous action movies so he thought it would be fun for Johnny.

Johnny was very punctual and showed up right at 5:30pm. Peter had not told him where they were headed and just told him to wear something "nice for a night in Hollywood." Therefore, Johnny came wearing a spread-collar, dark gray button-down shirt, paired with lighter grey slim-fit chinos. The look was topped off with low cut, black leather sneakers. Somehow, he had found time for a haircut so his dirty blonde hair was now short on both sides, revealing the darker roots. With no tapering, the lighter-colored top was left long and leaned toward the left dramatically. The overall look was quite handsome and to Peter's taste.

Peter also looked good to Johnny's eye. He was wearing a white designer polo shirt, with dark gray cuffed pants, and black leather loafers. His jet-black hair was not slicked back as was usual when working but was rather left loose and parted to the side. Since it was short, there wasn't much he could do with it, but because it was black and his skin was fair, the contrast made him look striking to most people. It didn't hurt that his chiseled features added to the effect.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going yet?," Johnny asked after Peter told him to make a left turn at the next light.

"Not yet," Peter responded. This had been his response to the question every time Johnny had asked ever since they'd left Peter's apartment.

Johnny shook his head at Peter, but the smile was still on his face as he said, "I still don't understand why it has to be a surprise."

"Eyes on the road, Mr. Spoil Sport," was Peter's answer. He tried to suppress a laugh, but it came out as a little chuckle, so he put his hand to his mouth and turned it into a cough as he said, "When you get to Journey Avenue, make a right. It's the next light after the upcoming stop sign."

"You're really enjoying this," Johnny teased.

"Maybe a little," Peter admitted. "I don't get why it's a big deal. Just enjoy the surprise."

Johnny shrugged, "You do know who you're talking to right?," referring to the fact that he was not one for surprises of any kind given his military background and overall personality. All he got was a side eye from Peter, so he responded, "Okay. I'll try."

When they finally pulled up to the restaurant, Johnny said, "Nicely done." The restaurant, Hell Fire Grill, was famous in Hollywood for having some of the best barbeque in around.

"Since we've only had a handful of conversations, all I know so far is that you like barbeque," Peter said, "so here we are. Hope you like it."

Johnny smiled as he pulled into the valet spot and replied, "What's there to dislike?"

Once they were seated and the food ordered, Peter said, "So, for a barbeque lover such as yourself, how have you never been to this restaurant before?"

"What can I say, I don't get out much," Johnny replied. "I'm just very busy with work so I eat a lot of take out or I cook. Plus, I don't live in this area, so…." He trailed off.

"That makes sense," Peter nodded, "But it's also a little sad." He frowned. "I guess revenge is a 24 hour business, huh?"

"Are you making fun of me?," Johnny smirked.

Peter chuckled, "Not at all. Okay, maybe a little. You have to admit, it's a little hard to take in as an outsider."

Johnny frowned and looked down. He shifted in his seat as he thought about his next words. He had talked to Ben earlier about this very situation and asked whether he could trust Peter to bring him into their plans. From what Ben had said, it seemed that not only was Peter trustworthy, but he could also be helpful to them. Still, he didn't want Peter to think he was trying to use him, so he had to be careful with his words.

"What's wrong?," Peter asked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun of it. I know it's serious."

"That's not it at all," Johnny rushed to say. "Don't worry. I know you didn't mean anything by it."

Peter nodded with relief. "Then what is it?," he asked again.

Johnny let out a breath and began, "The thing is, you aren't exactly an outsider." Peter's eyes grew bigger and then smaller as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What I mean is…," he continued, but then paused and let out a sigh. "This isn't exactly a date conversation to have so are you sure you want to do this now? I mean, we could just keep this date casual and get into more heavy stuff later, you know?"

Petr thought about it for a moment and answered, "I hear what you're saying but now I'm sort-of dying to know what you mean so I have to know."

Johnny leaned forward at the table, and said, "That DUI murder case you have? We're the ones who fed you the information about the middle man connected to Drakos."

Peter had been leaning forward as well and at that news he slumped back in the chair in shock. Of all the things he had expected to hear, that was not at all it.

It took him a few moments and then he asked, "Are you serious? Why? I mean, I know why. How? Never mind. Don't tell me. I get it." His mind was processing as he was talking so he was answering his own questions. "I don't think I should know this. I mean, I know I said I would help, and I will, but I don't think I should 'know this' know this, you know what I mean?"

"I get it," Johnny answered. "So is it alright if we continue to help you without 'helping you' helping you?"

"Exactly," Peter said with a wink. "Wow. I still need to process some of this though." He let out a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck. "So, tell me more."

Johnny proceeded to fill Peter in on the details of everything in terms of bringing the Drakos group down, including the recent trap set with Selene's help. At some point during the tale, their food was served.

"Go Selene," Peter exclaimed with pride. "That's my girl!"

"She is pretty exceptional, I'll give her that," Johnny nodded.

Peter eyed him teasingly, "Hey, don't go getting any ideas."

"My ideas are elsewhere engaged," Johnny responded with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a sexy smile.

"Is that right?," Peter asked, raising his wine glass.

"Am I wrong?," Johnny taunted, clinking his wine glass with Peter's and then taking a slow drink. As they drank, they both gazed at each other over their wine glasses with eyes that reflected desire.

Peter was first to break the sexual tension after setting his glass down with, "Uhem, so, what's the next step then?"

"Oh, you still want to talk about work?," Johnny answered with a teasing smile.

Peter scratched his nose and said, "We don't have to I guess. I just thought we'd finish that conversation before moving on is all."

"Alright," Johnny replied, "Right now, we need your office to continue solidifying the evidence against Drakos in that case and we'll help however we can. That's pretty much your part. The rest is up to us to make our moves overseas mostly like I mentioned and go from there. Of course, Ben's top priority is keeping Selene safe from Victor so there is that part too."

Peter nodded, "Yes, that is definitely most important to me too. She's been through enough. Like her childhood wasn't enough and now all this."

"That's right. You two grew up together to some extent, right?," Johnny recalled.

"Sort-of," Peter corrected. "We met when we were a little older, around 9ish, but then I was adopted so we were separated. We reconnected again in high school."

Johnny's lips pursed into a line as he thought about Peter being in foster care. "That must have been tough being in foster care," he said.

"Well, it wasn't great," Peter tried to joke as he shrugged. "My mom got addicted to drugs when I was very young. My dad wasn't around but things were fine for awhile before the drugs. But after that, she just couldn't take care of me I guess so that's when the system got involved. I was six when I was taken away and then ten when I was finally adopted."

"I'm sorry you went through all that," Johnny lamented.

"Thanks," Peter said, "I was luckier than Selene though. She was in care since she was a baby pretty much and moved around a lot. But both of us at least ended up with great adoptive parents."

Johnny nodded, "That is really great. Do you mind if I ask if you ever saw your biological mom again?"

"I don't mind," Peter responded, "I saw her a few times early on when she would visit but not after I was adopted. The last time I saw her she said she was sorry she couldn't be a better mom. Eh. I've made my peace with it at this point and forgiven her. My adoptive parents are Christian so that's how they raised me. So I've forgiven her and that's helped me move on."

"I'm really impressed," Johnny stated with genuine awe. "Most people would still be carrying a lot of scars from something like that."

Peter nodded, "I'm not saying it didn't shape who I am because I'm sure it did, but you can't let the past hold you down, you know?"

"Hmm," was Johnny's response as he didn't know how to take that given his current situation.

Unfortunately, Peter was oblivious to what he had just said and how it could have been taken by Johnny so he said, "Okay, enough of all this serious stuff, let's talk about something else. Do you like action movies?"

Johnny shook his head at the sudden change in topic as if clearing data from his brain. "Um, uh, yah, who doesn't like action movies?," he replied.

"Good, because you are going to love the next part of our date," Peter smiled mischievously.

"What does that mean?," Johnny asked with curiosity.

Peter laughed, "Never you mind. So, what's your favorite action movie of all time?"

They continued to talk about movies and other similar light topics until dinner ended. Afterward, Peter served as navigator once again and instructed Johnny where to drive until they arrived at the Hollywood Bowl. He was happy to see the surprised look on Johnny's face when the marquee display showed the theme of the evening.

"Okay. It all makes sense now," Johnny said as he turned to Peter with an amused grin.

Because tickets were purchased so close to the show, they had to sit in the nosebleed section. "Sorry, I'm not super connected like you elites, alright?," Peter scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "We'll have to make do with the rest of the commoners."

"Whose complaining?," Johnny asked, confused by Peter's tone. "We can hear just fine up hear anyway."

"Oh. Okay," Peter said, assured that Johnny wasn't disappointed. "I was just worried you would think the seats sucked."

"The seats aren't what's important," Johnny replied with a cocked eyebrow.

As they sat listening to the music, Johnny reached over and held Peter's hand. Peter smiled and leaned in, and that is how they remained for most of the concert. The car ride back to Peter's apartment was spent discussing the concert. When they arrived to Peter's place, Johnny walked Peter up to the security gate of the building.

"Thank you for planning a great evening," Johnny said, with both hands in his pockets.

"You're welcome. Thank you for accompanying me," Peter replied looking down, suddenly feeling very shy.

"Oh hell," Johnny said and took his hands out of his pockets, putting them on either side of Peter's face so he could pull the man in closer for a kiss. In his mind, Peter being shy was too cute for words and he couldn't stand it anymore.

Peter was caught off guard for a second and then leaned into the kiss. He let out a sigh as the kiss deepened and then their foreheads touched as they broke the kiss.

"That was nice," Peter said as they embraced.

"I don't know what you're doing to me, but I don't want to let you go," Johnny responded.

Peter nodded onto Johnny's chest. "But I think it's best if we just say good night for now," he said.

"If that's what you want," Johnny said, confused. He had thought Peter would invite him upstairs.

"What I want and the right thing to do are two different things sometimes," Peter laughed as he pulled away. He reached up to kiss Johnny and then said, "Good night. Text me when you get home."

"Okay. Good night," Johnny responded and then watched as Peter entered the security code and went through the glass doors. "Cute, sexy, and unpredictable. I'm done for," Johnny thought as he walked back toward his car.