The Gala (Part 2)

As soon as they entered the lounge area that led to the bathroom, Natalia saw that there was no one else there and decided to strike. She turned around, her blond waves flying at the sharpness of the turn, and shoved Selene in the shoulder as she bellowed, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

To say that Selene was surprised was an understatement. She had expected Natalia to say something mean, but she did not realize the woman would get physical. Feeling a little frightened (she had never felt so short as she did in that moment compared to the taller woman), she quietly responded, "Why are you hitting me? I'm sure we can discuss this like civil adults." Images of her foster "father" hitting her ran through her mind.

Natalia rolled her eyes and said, "It's only what you deserve. How dare you try to steal Ben away from me? Our families have had an understanding for years now."

Selene could almost hear the voice of Ben's mother coming out of the woman before her. That made her square her shoulders, "I don't know what the families decided, but the last time I checked, this was a free country and, as such, Ben is free to choose who he wants to be with. And he chose me."

She tried to move passed the woman who was becoming more irate by the second, but Natalia grabbed her arm. "Let go!," Selene fumed through gritted teeth.

"Not until I've had my say," Natalia shot back. Selene twisted her arm until Natalia was forced to let go.

"If you touch me one more time, I'm going to get the guards. And then let's see how your chances with my boyfriend fall. I'm thinking it will be somewhere between when pigs fly and when hell freezes over," Selene threatened.

"Damn your insolence!," Natalia exclaimed and she raised her arm to slap Selene.

Selene caught the taller woman's arm before it hit her, and fake-laughed, "Insolence? Really? What are you? An 80 year old Empress Dowager?" At the surprise on Natalia's face, she added, "Now. I'm going to use the bathroom and when I come back out, I don't want to see you here as I have nothing left to say to you." At that, Selene turned, opened the double doors that led to the bathroom, and left Natalia with her mouth wide open.

After she was done with her business, Selene hesitantly opened her bathroom stall's door and peeked out. She did not see Natalia and with a breath in relief, she went to wash her hands at the sink nearby. She slowly opened the double doors and seeing that the woman was also not in the lounge area, she crossed the room—making sure to build up confidence with each step.

She found the woman seated by her father at their table. Ben stood up from his chair to welcome her back. When she got close enough, he whispered in her ear, "Are you alright?" Selene nodded. She would later learn that Natalia had returned, looking furious. Her father had asked her what was wrong and when she whispered something in his ear, he had looked at Ben with a deep frown. Neither said anything, however.

As they continued eating, Selene suddenly realized that with everything that had happened so far she had forgotten about Victor Drakos being at the gala. At the thought, she turned to Ben and quietly asked, "Have you seen Victor or his father yet? I completely forgot all about it, which is surprising to me."

Ben shook his head, "While you were gone, I checked in with Maria, and there is no sign of that family." Maria, along with a few other security guards were stationed at various intervals around the room, all wearing the same kind of tuxedos that the servers and other staff were wearing. There were security guards from other families there as well, both in and outside the venue, not including the guards provided by the hotel itself. Guests were limited to one guard inside and one outside, but Ben had received special permission given the kidnapping that was so recent.

After dinner, the music and dancing started. Musicians playing big band music from the 1940s were stationed perpendicular to the stage and there was a dance floor in front of them. Ben was about to lead Selene onto the dance floor when the Duke cleared his throat and called for him, "I'd like a word young man." Ben looked at Selene, who just nodded to assure him she would be fine.

Selene was still standing as she saw Natalia approaching her with a glass of red wine. As she neared Selene, she pretended to trip and spilled the contents of the glass all over the front of Selene's dress.

"Oh my!," Natalia exclaimed in a mocking voice. "I am so sorry about your dress! Clumsy me."

Selene was shocked at the audacity of the woman in front of her but regained her composure quickly. She grabbed her napkin to wipe down the liquid, but it was clear the dress was likely ruined. "It's quite alright since it was obviously an accident," Selene said sarcastically as she cocked one eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Ben was back at her side in an instant after hearing Selene's initial gasp of surprise. "What the hell is this?," he asked angrily.

Natalia put on an innocent face and said, "It was truly an accident. I feel just terrible." Then she put one arm around Ben's and continued coyly, "Maybe she should just return home and change. I'm happy to keep you company in the meantime my sweet Ben."

Ben removed her hands from around his arm forcefully (though he made sure it was not violently even if that is how he felt) and replied with a calm demeanor, "I am not your sweet anything, Natalia. Please do not disrespect my girlfriend with these shows of a closeness that do not exist." Then he turned to Selene and asked, "Are you alright?"

She nodded, "Yes, I'm fine. Can you help me out to the car though? I need to get something."

Ben looked confused but did as she asked. Maria and another guard followed them out. Once they were outside, Ben asked, "Did you want to go home?"

Selene shook her head as she answered with resolve, "Definitely not. I'm not going to let that little twerp get the best of me." Once they got to the car, she asked the driver to open the trunk. From there, she took out a large department store bag.

"What's that?," Ben asked.

"This is my original dress," Selene responded with a satisfied smile. At the questioning look on Ben's face, she informed him that she had put the bag there earlier in the week, intending to return it to the store. "I guess it was a good thing I did that, huh?," she chuckled.

Ben held the bag for her as they walked back inside the venue. He had Maria escort her to the ladies' room, while he waited outside. Selene got cleaned up and changed. Maria said to throw the ruined dress out, but Selene wanted to see if it could be repaired since it cost a lot of money, so she had the woman take it back out to the car.

Natalia was surprised to see Ben and Selene's return and was especially frustrated once she noticed Selene was wearing a new dress. Selene approached the woman and said, "I trust there won't be any more accidents tonight." She emphasized the word accidents in a sarcastic tone. Then Ben led her to the dance floor where a slow song was playing.

The blonde was left to try and contain the anger she was feeling. Even though she could tell that the new dress was not from any known designer, Natalia had to admit it looked good on her. "Still, it doesn't beat my dress," she thought in a huff as she admired her own blue, one-of-a-kind ball gown. "Ugh, what does Ben see in her? Never mind. This isn't over."

As they were walking to the dance floor, Ben gave Selene a big smile full of pride. Then he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Nicely done."

They started dancing and Selene felt as if she was in heaven. Several people glanced their way, and it was clear they were trying to figure out who was on the arm of the "eligible bachelor."

"Don't mind them," Ben reassured her. But, Selene was too happy to be in Ben's arms after everything Natalia had pulled to care about others.

"I'm okay," she said warmly.

After they danced to a few songs, the couple decided to take a break. Just as they were walking back to their table, a trio began walking toward them. Selene recognized Victor right away and stopped mid-walk. This alerted Ben, who put an arm around her instinctively.

"I guess it was too much to hope that you would stay away," Ben said with a tone that he hoped indicated boredom, but which belied the hatred he felt.

"Come now, Mr. Liu," Victor mocked, "You wouldn't begrudge a family seeing a long-lost daughter, slash sister, would you?"

"It's alright," Selene said before Ben could respond. "I have no desire to see you Victor, nor meet any of my supposed family."

She started walking away with Ben when Demetrios called out, "Daughter, please." Several heads turned in their direction as Selene stopped in her tracks. Being called daughter tugged at her more than she wanted to admit. She had so many mixed emotions.

She turned to the man and said, "Sir, I understand that you are my biological father, but this is neither the time nor the place to get acquainted."

"Then at least let me introduce you to your sister, Lyra" the older man said.