The News

Jenny and Douglas went up to the doctor and introduced themselves as Peter's parents. Selene and Ben stood up but remained where they were, waiting for the doctor's news. Dr. Anand turned to Peter's parents and gently said, "The surgery was a success but there was a severe head wound. We won't know the extent of the damage until he wakes up. We've moved him to the ICU."

At the doctor's words, fresh tears formed in both Jenny's and Selene's eyes. Selene sat down to prevent herself from sobbing and Ben hugged her. Johnny's lips were pursed, and his fists clenched. He looked like he wanted to kill someone.

Jenny clung to her husband who asked, "When can we see him doctor?"

Dr. Anand replied, "You can visit during visiting hours, but only two people at a time. Please keep the length of the visit to about 15 minutes every few hours for now. This may change after he wakes up so we will keep you posted."

"Thank you, doctor," Douglas said with a nod.

The doctor gave them a kind smile before leaving.

Ben turned to Johnny and asked, "Did they tell you when you will be discharged?"

Johnny let out a deep breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and answered, "They want to keep me overnight for observation, then if everything checks out, they'll let me go tomorrow morning."

Ben nodded, "Okay, we will swing by tomorrow to pick you up then."

Johnny shook his head, "There's no way I'm leaving tomorrow. I'll wait until Peter wakes up. But do me a favor and bring my laptop."

Ben gave a questioning look but only nodded.

Selene asked Peter's parents if they were planning to stay the night and if they wanted her to stay with them.

Jenny replied, "No dear. You go home. We will wait here and let you know as soon as we hear anything. Visiting hours won't be open until the morning anyway."

Douglas followed with, "Speaking of which, how were we able to get in here since visiting hours are over?"

Ben answered, "We know people in hospital administration so don't worry."

"Thank you then," Douglas said. "We'll go to the ICU waiting room now." They said their goodbyes and left.

Once they were gone, Johnny said, "Selene, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to Ben for a moment."

Ben and Selene looked at each other and then Ben asked, "Is it about business? Because that's the last thing you need to be thinking about right now."

"No," Johnny replied. He sighed, "It's about the accident."

Selene shot Johnny a look and let him know that if it was about Peter, then she wanted to hear all the details. Ben backed her up and reminded him that the two of them did not have any secrets.

Johnny explained, "I meant no disrespect, Selene. I'm just not 100% sure about what I'm about to say so I didn't want to upset you."

Ben insisted, "I think it's best if you just tell us what you know or suspect so we can help."

"Alright," Johnny began. "I don't think what happened was an accident. Octavio and Bernie were the guards on duty tonight. After I called you, my next call was to Octavio, who said that he saw the guy that hit us get out of his car and run to another car. Then they took off. Of course, the police are investigating but they'll just see it as a hit and run. We may get some info from them as far as the car, but I bet it's stolen."

Selene was shocked at the revelation and couldn't believe that someone would do that to them on purpose, but then recalled Peter's case and whispered, "Victor."

Ben's jaw was clenched as Johnny nodded, "That's my guess."

"Who did you put as lead on this?," Ben asked as far as their own investigation.

"Frank and Sheila," Johnny answered.

"Good" was all Ben said. He was angry but was trying to control himself so he could be a support for Selene who was clearly having a difficult time. "I'm going to get Selene out of here but we'll be back tomorrow."

Johnny agreed, "Alright."

Ben took Selene by the arm and led her out of the room, all the way to their waiting car.

Once inside, Selene broke down again, "I can't believe this is happening."

Ben leaned over to hold her head in his hands, forcing her to look at him. In a gentle voice, he said, "Victor did this because he is afraid the DA is making a strong case against him. That's Peter's job. Unfortunately, sometimes criminals go after those in the DA's office. Peter knew the risks and chose to be brave. He has that kind of strong heart. And because he's so strong, you have to believe he will be just fine."

Selene wanted to believe in that. Peter was strong. He'd overcome a lot. "Surely, he could overcome this," she thought. She just wanted to her best friend to wake up. At that thought she turned to Ben and exclaimed, "Oh my God, Lucy. What do I tell Lucy?"

Ben replied, "I don't know. I have to text Max to let him know. Do you want me to have him tell her?"

"I don't want to ruin her trip," Selene lamented. Then she realized what she said and asked, "Oh my God, is that completely inappropriate? I don't know what to do."

"Maybe it's best if we just wait until the morning and let them know once we have more information from the doctor. Let's see how he pulls through the night?," Ben suggested. Selene didn't say anything and just nodded in agreement. Both remained quiet the rest of the trip home.

The next morning, Ben and Selene went back to the hospital. Ben called Johnny as they arrived at the ICU and was told that he was waiting for his discharge orders.

They saw Peter's parents in the ICU waiting room and Selene asked how Peter was doing.

Douglas answered with a hesitant smile, "You just missed the doctor. She said that Peter's vitals are improving." It was as if he was afraid to jinx it.

Selene let out a deep breath and said, "I'm so relieved." She squeezed Jenny's hand and asked, "Did they say when he might wake up?"

Jenny shook her head, "They're not sure. It could be any minute now or days or…." She didn't want to finish the sentence. No one wanted to hear the end of that sentence.

"Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea? Breakfast from the cafeteria?," Ben asked.

"That's sweet, dear, but now that you're hear and since we just spoke to the doctor, I think we'll head over to the cafeteria ourselves," Jenny answered. "But please call us if anything changes," she said quickly as she and Douglas stood up from their seats.

"Of course," Ben responded.

Once alone, Ben turned to Selene and asked her if she would be alright alone for a few minutes so that he could take Johnny's laptop to him.

Selene indicated she would be fine, so Ben gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and left to go upstairs to Johnny's room. Once there, the first thing Johnny said was, "Good, you're here. I spoke with Sheila a few moments ago and she said she sent over some files for me to look over. I was doing it on my phone, but the laptop will be easier."

After booting up the computer and checking the files, Johnny let out a string of expletives.