Chapter 117: Young Master…(H)

"... …"

No one made any moves in fear of the head butler returning at the most unexpected juncture.

Time passed as everyone held their breaths and expanded their senses in focus towards that closed doorway.

One minute, two minutes… five minutes ticked away until the group was sure that those footsteps would not return at the moment.


Releasing breaths of relief, one by one, the members of the group began to free themselves from the tension in the air. Cracking the stiffness of bones and muscles in preparation for their next undecided plans.

Just as Xiao Fanyu was about to jump down with Xin Yue in embrace, the young woman pulled at the fabric of his shirt. Cold sweat which had soaked a portion of the youth's clothing stuck to his firm muscles.

Outlining a slight portion of his figure.