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He just arrived at the office when he noticed a bag on the main desk. He looked around to see if someone lost it and he found a wallet inside. When he was about to open it, a hand snatched it away and then, he felt an arm locked around his neck. He started struggling but he stopped when a gun was pointed on his temple. He took his identification card from his pocket and showed it to her.

"Let go." His voice was cold and she slowly released him. He grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back and she started whimpering. He took the gun from her and then, he checked the wallet to see if there was any identification card inside.

"Let go!" She shouted and then, he abruptly pushed her away. He moved the card closer to her face and she kicked his leg before getting her things from him. He slammed his hand on the desk while wincing in pain. She just finished changing into her uniform and she didn't expect that she would be attacked like that.

"Good morning!" Two young men walked in and bowed their heads. She cleared her throat and fixed her composure. She hid her things inside her bag and then, she smiled at them. She heard from the Director that she will have two new police officers and a police detective who just had a sanction.

"Good morning. Introduce yourselves." She said to the two and they stood in front of him. The older one finally recovered from pain and then, he took his seat with his arms crossed on his chest. She raised a brow while looking at him. He should also introduce himself to her, especially when he suddenly twisted her arm.

"I'm Sunada Masahiro. I'm twenty-four years old and it is my first year as a police officer." The first new police officer introduced himself and then, she shifted her gaze on the other one. She started wondering if the new police officers now have these kinds of beautiful faces.

"I'm Matsui Riki. I'm also twenty-four years old and in my first year as a police officer. Masa and I graduated together." The other one smiled and she smiled back as she felt that they are nice unlike the other one who didn't even dare to introduce himself.

"I'm Yamamoto Ren. From now on, I will be the head of the Lost and Found Department. As long as everything is organized, there will be no problem." She reminded them and they eventually agreed to her rules. She pushed him off his seat and then, she told Riki that he could take that desk since Masahiro will take the other one.

"So, where's my desk?" He asked and then, she pointed to the one near the windows which is a little hot because of the sunlight. She took her seat and turned the computer on to check the new delivered items.

"Wait. I want that one." He protested as he pointed at Riki's desk. She raised a brow and then, she ignored him after. She took the file lists stacked on her desk and gestured to the two to follow her to the storage room but before she could open the door, she gave him the lists and made him carry it for her.

"Let's organize the items first. It is already indicated in the list in which section you will put it in." She said when they arrived down at the storage room. He almost rolled his eyes as he was the one who organized the lists yesterday. He didn't speak at all and just did his work since he didn't want to be in the same place with her for that long.

It was almost lunch time when they finished organizing the items. He stretched his arms up, feeling a little back pain since he stayed up a bit late last night and fell asleep while finishing some paperworks. The two youngsters were deciding on where to have lunch when they decided to invite them outside. She thought about it for a while but she accepted their invitation at the end. Since it is their first day in the Lost and Found Department, it will serve as a welcoming party.

They went to a chicken restaurant and when they arrived there, he went in first since he knew who the owner was. It was her first time to see him smiling while talking to someone. The owner led them to the vacant seats and gave them the menu. She pursed her lips as it was her first time after many years to have lunch with other people aside from her family and friends. She gripped on the menu tightly, feeling a little suffocated as her anxiety was slowly arising. He looked at her and saw that her hands were trembling. She placed down the menu and hid her hands under the table.

"It will be my treat. Order the food for everyone." She forced a smile while saying those to the two young men. They almost jumped in glee when they heard her. They immediately called the server and ordered the food they wanted.

"One lemon tea for her. Tell Likiya-san that it is my usual order of lemon tea." He suddenly said and she looked at him. She shook her head to decline but she just received a glare from him. The two watched them after giving their orders.

"I insist. You don't have to thank me later." He muttered the last sentence as she kept herself silent. She excused herself for a while and quickly went to the restroom to take deep breaths. She washed her face with cold water and then, she re-applied her makeup.

"Ren, you need to cope up." She reminded herself while staring at her reflection on the mirror. She remembered what her brothers told her. They are just one call away if she needs help. She took her phone from her pockets and looked for Sekai's contact number. She was about to dial it when she realized that she should interact with new people.

"Hey. Are you okay there?" She heard his voice, so she checked herself if she could already go out and enjoy lunch with them. She opened the door and saw him waiting at the side. The food and drinks were already served on the table and they didn't want to eat first.

"I'm fine. I just received some messages and replied to it." She made an excuse, so he wouldn't be suspicious of her. They went back to their seats and started eating. The two young men started sharing their experience from the police academy and she was able to get along with them.

"I remembered that professor. He was so terror and I thought I would fail his subject." She said while chuckling softly. He unconsciously stared at her, watching how she laughed and smiled. Masahiro nudged Riki's arm gently and gestured to look at him.

"Kenta-san." Riki called him out and she looked at him since he was not responding. She caught him staring at her, so she felt a little awkward. Masahiro called him out this time and he finally looked at them.

"Don't you like the food? You barely touched your portion." Riki asked and he just shook his head and continued eating. The couldn't comprehend what he was thinking, so they continued talking about the terror professor instead.