
"Talk to me. Talk to me, Taiki. Please." She cried when her brothers left her alone with him. All she wanted to know is the whole truth. She was already tired. She was tired of going back and forth, losing people, losing trust in them. She shook her head. She finally gave up. Talking to him will just make her heart more hurt.

It was midnight when she decided to go to Kenta's apartment. Only God knows why she went there. She pressed the doorbell, expecting that he was already asleep but the door opened. He was the one who was surprised though. He let her in his apartment first before asking her what happened. Is she ready to let go of Taiki? She gave him the piece of paper that her brother gave earlier.

"That's your number. Aniki said that you had a lead on what happened to Taiki. You said that you didn't know him. I trusted you." She cried but then, she quickly wiped her tears and she was already tired of crying in front of him. She knew that she didn't deserve to be played like this. She was about to leave when he grabbed her arm.

"I didn't know Taiki. I swear, I'm telling the truth. Maybe.. Maybe it was Senpai." He finally admitted and she pursed her lips before slapping him hard. They just lied to her. They lied to her about him.

"You lied to me. It also means that your affection towards me is also a lie. What else? What else do I need to know?!" She shouted at him and then, he got a piece of paper from his wallet and gave it to her.


"Senpai, what is this?" He asked when he saw a glimpse of small paper from his wallet. The older man couldn't help but to tell him the truth. He took out the paper and gave it to him. There was an address written on it.

"I had a kouhai before. We were sent for a stakeout but things happened. I took care of his body and brought him to a nursing home." The older man said before drinking beer. He searched the address using his phone and then, he found out that it was located out of the city.

"Senpai, I think you should tell this to your kouhai's family." He said but then, the older man shook his head. Telling them the truth that he brought the body to the nursing home will just lead him to losing his badge as a police officer and detective. He will also lose his source of money for his child's medical expenses.

"I already informed the higher-ups about it. Don't worry. Keep that address for a while for me." The older man said. He hid it inside his wallet instead but he felt weird that he is hiding something that he doesn't even know what is all about.

Later on, Ren came into his life. He didn't know that it was Taiki until he visited the address written on the paper and saw his unconscious body lying down in a private room. He knew that Ren was looking for him but he didn't tell her because he was scared that he would lose her once she finds out that Taiki is still alive. He was selfish for doing that. He asked the nurse-in-charge when did his senpai bring Taiki's body there and the nurse answered that it was eight years ago. It was the exact year when Ren fell into comatose. He feels like fate is playing him for falling in love with the woman Taiki loves.

"His name is Sato Taiki, right?" He asked once again and the nurse nodded. After that, he left the nursing home. He went to the headquarters and found her unconscious in the storage room. That was the first time he got worried about her.


She hailed a cab and gave the address to the driver. A few moments later, they arrived at a nursing home. It was already one in the morning and she doesn't know if it is still open. She saw the doors open and then, she asked the security guard if they were still accepting visitors at that hour. He said that she should talk to the nurse instead. She walked in and found the nurse at the reception desk.

"I'm here for Sato Taiki." She said and the nurse was surprised that someone visited him at that hour. More like happy because only two people were visiting him after all those years. The nurse brought her to his room and then, she left them alone.

She froze on her spot. She felt like her whole system was malfunctioning. They said that they already buried his body. They said that he was already dead. They made those lies the truth. Her feet moved on their own and she fell on the floor with her hands trembling while reaching for his face. She started crying hard and she felt like the whole world was against them.

"Love.. Taiki, wake up. Please. Wake up for me, please. Please, wake up." She said between her cries, holding his cold hand tightly. She shook her head while apologizing to him until she felt someone behind her. She turned around and it was Taiki's spirit.

"Ren.." He called her name while smiling sadly. His tears finally fell and he let out a soft laugh. She reached for his hand and he gladly accepted it. She cried more when she could hold him. He nuzzled her palm against his cheek, feeling how warm her love for him was.

"Ren, take care of yourself. Don't sleep too late. Don't drive if you can't. It is better to have someone who can drive for you. Also, be happy. Be happy with the person you love. Make babies with him. Build a happy family with him. I'm happy that I met you, Ren. I'm happy that you gave me a chance to love you. You're my greatest love and will forever be. I love you so much, Ren." She shook her head and then, she heard the heart rate monitor beeping loudly.

"No.. No! Taiki, no.. Please don't leave me. No. Please. Wake up. Open your eyes, love. Please don't leave me alone. Please.. Please. I love you, Taiki. Please don't do this to me. Please.." She cried while cupping his cheeks. The line went flat and she buried her face in his cold hand. The door opened and Kenta stood there while staring at her.

A year had passed and she walked out of the headquarters while wearing her police uniform. She carried the bouquet of flowers she received during the awarding and now, she is already a corporal. She stopped from her tracks when she saw him standing outside. She took a deep breath before approaching him to congratulate him as well. She offered a handshake and he pulled her into a hug instead.

"Congratulations." He murmured while hugging her tightly. She smiled softly and returned the hug. It's been a year and she already forgave him for what he did. His senpai went to prison and Taiki's name was cleared. She gently patted his back before breaking the hug.

"Are you fine now? I heard you were in comatose for a month." She said and he nodded while smiling. He held both of her hands and placed kisses on the back of it. Of course, he will court her this time. No more lies as he doesn't have anything to hide from her already.

"Ren." He called her and she gave him a questioning look. He stripped off all his shyness and kissed her in front of their colleagues. She pinched his cheeks when he finished kissing her. Their colleagues started to tease them and he just wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I need to go now. I promised to have lunch with my nephew." She whispered and he nodded. They saw a car arriving and then, Sho got out of the car. Fuyu followed but this time, she is carrying their son in her arms. She smiled widely and ran towards them.

"Shu looked for you the moment he woke up a while ago." Fuyu said while sitting in the passenger's seat. She gave the little one a kiss on his forehead and then, she waved her hand at Kenta before going inside the car.

"I love you." He mouthed and she just laughed softly before closing the door. He watched them leave and then, he pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket, opening it to show the ring he bought for her.