At the Bottom of the Pit

At this time, Jiang Yue felt a vibration on his chest area and his eyes widened.

'Treasure compass?' He thought, and his heart beat a little faster.

He was so focused on other things that he didn't realise the treasure compass had been vibrating since he entered the cavern.

Without delay, he turned around to face the corner and removed the compass.

He hid the compass with the edge of his sleeve and turned back to locate the treasure.

However, when he looked at the compass needle, his eyes widened in surprise. This is because the compass was swinging wildly and could not settle on a direction.

'What's the situation?' He wondered and looked around.

The cavern had more character than the previous stone rooms, but it was still empty.

There was only the pit and mat, so Jiang Yue didn't understand why the compass was reacting so strongly.