Entering the Treasure House

Soon after, the patrolmen went out of range, and the two could no longer hear what they were saying.

However, they had heard enough to stir their minds.

"Let's focus on the treasure house first. We will figure out the rest later." Yu Nianzhen said.

"You are right." Jiang Yue looked at the horizon and estimated the time.

There was still half a night left, and he wanted to be done before sunrise

"Let's go." He said.

After that, the two continued walking toward the treasure house.

The closer they got to the treasure house, the more cautious they became.

Although they were invisible and could only be seen by each other, they kept to the shadows.

They also restrained their breath and neither talked nor used voice transmission.

Half an hour later, they arrived in front of the Lu family's treasure house.

The treasure house was surrounded by five formation layers, and the outermost was a level four array.