XiaoLan’s New Ability

Right after the first round ended, numbers eleven through twenty went on stage.

At the same time, Jiang Yue slipped out of his seat when his master wasn't looking.

He rushed away from the Sea Cloud area and didn't stop until he was a distance away.

'What should I do?' He thought and leaned on a wall to think.

He wanted to get to the Ice Palace sect sitting area to speak to Bing Lan.

However, the Ice Palace sect was the focal point.

Not only were many eyes on Bing Lan, but the palace master was also sitting close to her.

Other than her, there was another elder at the nascent soul realm and many at the core formation realm.

No matter what, Jiang Yue couldn't think of a way to get close to Bing Lan without being noticed.

At a loss, he released Hongzhu from the ancient palace and the girl glared at him angrily.

"Young master Jiang, why did it take so long?"