
For one month, the five explored the space.

In that time, they suffered many injuries but they also gained a lot of space treasures.

Most important, they had already found a space embryo which was stored with the rest of the treasures.

"Is it me or is there something different about this space?" Xuan Ke suddenly asked.

After being in the space for more than one month, they had all become very sensitive to the environment.

It was because of this that they all noticed when something changed.

"It isn't just you." Jiang Yue answered and frowned.

At first, the change was not noteworthy.

However, after a day, they couldn't continue to ignore it.

"The aura is more suffocating and I always have a bad feeling." Bing Lan said and also frowned.

A cultivator's intuition was very keen.

Although they didn't know what was wrong, they all felt that something terrible was about to happen.