Jiang Yue's Plan

At that, everyone turned to Jiang Yue.

The illusion master was focused on the formation but his brows were creased in a frown.

With a sigh, the brilliance in his eyes dissipated and he turned to the group.

[How is it?] Xuan Ke was the first to ask.

[Our options are limited.] Jiang Yue said.

In the past six years, the orthodox cultivators won and lost many battles against the Death Flower Ascension Front.

At first, they mostly lost because they didn't know enough about the enemy's foundation light balls.

However, after many encounters, they figured it out.

Since then, everyone knew to stay more than one hundred kilometres from any enemy camp and never enter the explosion zone within sixty breaths of an explosion.

In this way, they could avoid being poisoned which began to even out the odds against the enemy.

[There is no easy way to break the formation.] Jiang Yue said and everyone turned solemn.