Fifty Years Later

Soon after, the group of four recovered their strength and returned to the stone forest.

Yu Nianzhen and Jiang Yue went to the smaller space beast while Yang Xu and Bing Lan dealt with the bigger one.

"Let's deal with it like before. I will trap it under an illusion and you will attack." Jiang Yue suggested.

"Good." Yu Nianzhen agreed.

A moment later, the sound of a pipa filled the surroundings.

The ethereal music was intoxicating and the space beast soon fell under its spell.

Seeing his opportunity, Yu Nianzhen swung his sword and attacked.

This time, there was no need for testing.

He directly attacked its eyes and the beast roared in pain.

The pain dispelled the illusion but Jiang Yue didn't give it a chance to recover.

He quickly struck a few notes and the beast's aggression reduced.

Three moments later, its will was completely overcome and the two heaved a sigh of relief.