
Less than an hour late, the pirate ship fell silent.

"Is everyone dead?" Xuan Ke questioned.

"Mmmmh." Yu Nianzhen nodded and added more wine to Jiang Yue's cup.

"Let's collect the loot and leave this place." Jiang Yue said.

Soon after, the three people collected storage rings, bags, and everything in the ship rooms.

After that, they burned the bodies, collected the pirate ship, and continued their way towards Cangxing Mountain.

When they were a distance from the crime scene, Jiang Yue removed the loot and placed everything on the table.

"Let's see if there is anything we want. Everything else will be contributed to the Cangxing mountain." He said.

"Brothers, you are too generous." Xuan Ke said and Jiang Yue rolled his eyes before he spoke.

"It's not like we can use most of the resources." He said.