
"Follow me." He said, and without waiting for their reply, he walked away.

Seeing this, the five honorary elders looked at each other and followed.

"Let's also go." Yu Nianzhen said.

Soon after, the group arrived in the main hall of the city lord's residence.

As usual, the city lord sat in the main seat, and the honorary elders sat beside him.

However, the Fang Tiancheng didn't offer a seat to the two guests.

[He is trying to show us who is in charge,] Jiang Yue smiled.

[Do you want to sit?]

[Why sit? Aren't we on our way out?] Jiang Yue dismissed, and both looked at the city lord.

"Nephew Yu, Nephew Jiang, what do you think of what happened?" Fang Tiancheng suddenly asked.

"What do we think?" Jiang Yue looked at the city lord and helplessly shrugged.

"The outcome is expected." Yu Nianzhen stated.

"I mentioned concubine Qiao is a poison master, but no one took us seriously." Jiang Yue said.