
"I heard eldest brother and brother Jiang came back, but I haven't seen either." Yu Chang sighed, causing several people to look at him in embarrassment.

"Did you try to find them?" Jiang Xing asked, and Yu Chang immediately nodded.

"How long have we been in this world? Why haven't you learned some common sense?" Jiang Xing mocked.

"Common sense? I have learned it all." Yu Chang proudly declared.

"You clearly haven't. If you had, you wouldn't try to find my brother and brother Yu so soon after they returned."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know? Cultivators like to double cultivate before or after their retreat."

"…but…" Yu Chang started, but someone directly interrupted him.

"It's the same for trips."

"Your eldest brother and brother Jiang have just returned from a long trip. It's natural to go into seclusion together."

"Is that so?" Yu Chang frowned and subconsciously peeked at the girl beside him.