chapter 46 Tenkaichi Festival part 1

Days passed by without knowing it. On this day, at the invitation of Suzuki Sonoko, Ran was going to participate in the first night festival in Tenkaichi Festival, and let Aizen, Kogoro Mori, and Conan go together.

Aizen naturally agreed to go. Mouri Kogoro and Conan were not going to go, but under the threat of Maurilan, the two had to agree to go together.

During this time, the office also encountered two cases, one was an attempt murder case because Conan stop it, and the other was a murder case at an art museum, all in which Aizen was not involved.

These days, Aizen has obtained a total of 106,000 guilt points from the activity he does at night or morning with those girls, passing 100,000 points again.

With more than 100,000 guilt points, Aizen could draw a lottery again, he keeps it waiting for the day he needs it again.


On the evening of the day of the First Night Festival, a group of five came to Tenkaichi Festival and settled in an ordinary hotel.

In the evening, after eating, the group took a bath, left the residence, and came outside.

"It's so lively here, don't you think, Aizen?"

Suzuki Sonoko sighed while looking at the crowd, then looked at Aizen who was standing beside him.

After Aizen glanced at her, he nodded and said, "It's really lively."

Ran looked around and said, "It's the first time I've come to participate in the Night Festival ."

"What's so good about this, if I have this time, I might as well have a few drinks."

Kogoro pouted and said, If it wasn't for being forced by Ran, he wouldn't come here, it's better to stay at home and drink.

Ran ignored him, but lowered his head and said to Conan who was beside him: "Conan, do you know that this memorial ceremony is to ignite the three characters of Ten-ka-Ichi in order on three mountains, to pray for a good harvest."

"It's not the same as the burning characters of the big characters in Kyoto."

Conan listened with interest on the surface, but he secretly curled his lips in his heart, feeling extremely boring.

A group of five people walked on the street, watching the flames lit on the opposite mountain, first the word for Ten, then the word for Ka, and finally Ichi,

Because Aizen and Suzuki Sonoko both have a heart-to-heart relationship at the same time, although the five of them walked together, when they got to the back, the three of them were walking in the front, Takada Shinichi and Suzuki Sonoko were walking in the back.

"Aizen, why do you want to learn how to be a good detective?"

Suzuki Sonoko asked aloud. She liked Aizen, so she naturally wants to know more about him.

Aizen said nonsense: "That's because I like the profession of detectives and want to be an excellent detective, but my ability is not enough right now."

"I believe you will succeed!" Suzuki Sonoko encouraged.

"Thank you, Sonoko!"

Aizen said thanks, thinking that she didn't have a low degree of goodwill towards him, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand to hold Suzuki Sonoko's hand.

Sonoko was shocked and looked at Aizen, only to see him looking forward as if he didn't take the initiative to shake her hand.

"Could it be that Aizen likes me?"

Suzuki Sonoko's thoughts flashed in her heart, and she was secretly happy, and naturally, she would not remind Aizen aloud to let him let go.

Time passed slowly in the chat between the two, and when the two wanted to find the others, they found out that they separated too far from them. Fortunately, there are mobile phones in this world, and they are not afraid of being unable to contact the three of them.

After making a phone call, Aizen and Suzuki Sonoko knew that the three of Ran had encountered a case. The three were now in a hotel so Aizen and Suzuki Sonoko took a taxi after they got the address.