Chapter 227 Distinguished Family's Consecutive Accidental Death Case part 12


Two beeps sounded at the same time, and the countdown on the watches of Ran Mouri and Sonoko Suzuki stopped.


The Jigsaw said at this time: "Okay, you can take off your watches."


Ran Mouri and Sonoko Suzuki did not move. Aizen saw this and first took off Sonoko Suzuki's watch, and then took off the watch on Ran Mouri's hand.


Seeing that things had developed like this, Ran Mouri had no choice but to walk to Kazuha Toyama. Sonoko Suzuki also walked to Kazuha Toyama. The two held Kazuha Toyama's hands together and gave her encouragement and comfort.


Aizen looked at the watches, put one on his wrist, and said: "Jigsaw, don't you only need one hostage? Restart the bomb on my watch, and then unlock the bomb on Kazuha."


"Aizen!" "Aizen!"


Ran Mouri and Suzuki Sonoko were shocked when they heard this. Suzuki Sonoko even ran to Aizen and said loudly, "I don't agree with you doing this, I absolutely won't agree!" She would rather be threatened by a bomb than let her boyfriend be threatened by a bomb, not to mention that the person replaced was only Toyama Kazuha.


"So... he wanted to do this! "


Toyama Kazuha looked at Aizen with a look full of tenderness and emotion. Regardless of whether Aizen could eventually exchange with her, just what Aizen said just now was enough. The other party was willing to exchange his life with her, so what else could she say?


Aizen's goal was to catch rabbits by reaping the straw, not only to move Mouri Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, but also to move Toyama Kazuha. He didn't ask Toyama Kazuha to like him just like that, but to make Toyama Kazuha have a good impression of him. Maybe after getting along with each other slowly in the future, Toyama Kazuha would like him too. Even if it doesn't succeed, there is no loss, right?



"Sonoko, I can't watch Kazuha's life being threatened. You don't want your boyfriend to be indifferent to the lives of others, right?"


Aizen comforted Suzuki Sonoko, saying high-sounding words.


"I don't want it! "


Suzuki Sonoko said in a crying voice: "I don't want you to take risks, Aizen. If you want to wear it, you have to wear it on my hand. I don't care anyway. If you wear it, I will wear it too."


"Me too!"


Ran said very solemnly: "Aizen, don't think about taking the responsibility on yourself. If you wear it, I will wear it too. If we die, we will die together." Although she finally chose Kudo Aizen, her love for Aizen has not changed at all. In this case, if she really dies, she is willing to die with Aizen and leave this world together.


"Don't say anything!"


Kazuha Toyama suddenly spoke up and looked at Aizen: "Aizen, I am very grateful that you are willing to replace me. I am really very touched and grateful, but you don't have to do this. Your words are enough. If you wear the watch, Ran and Sonoko will also wear it, then there is no point in you finding the Jigsaw, but you will lose yourself."

 Kazuha Toyama turned to look at the Jigsaw and said: "Jigsaw, what exactly do you want to do to unlock the bomb on me?"


The Jigsaw smiled and said: "Actually, don't worry, I just want a hostage to ensure my safety. As long as I leave safely, I will deactivate the bomb before I leave. You don't need to know what I want to do. The four of you stay in this room and wait. After I stop the countdown of the bomb, you can leave here. At that time, even if you tell the police about my existence, I don't care. "


"Don't say anything, the three of you, I have made up my mind!"


Aizen said to the three women, and said to the Jigsaw: "Okay, since it's my choice, don't worry about them, restart the bomb in my hand and unlock the bomb on Kazuha. " "


Aizen!" "Aizen!" "Aizen!"


The Jigsaw shrugged and said: "I don't care, anyway, I just want a hostage, it doesn't matter to me who it is. "As he said this, he used the remote control to restart the countdown on the watch on Aizen's hand, and then pressed the number 0.




The countdown on the watch on Toyama Kazuha's hand stopped.


"Remember, don't leave this room before the countdown stops. "


The Jigsaw said to the four people, and then walked out the door. In fact, it didn't matter much whether the four people left or not, but if they could stay together, it would be best, so he said it several times.


The sound of the door closing rang out, and Ran and Toyama Kazuha came to Aizen.


Toyama Kazuha's eyes were full of tears, but she was moved. Aizen was willing to put the bomb on himself for her. How could she not be moved? She had never felt that Aizen was so handsome and so kind.


Seeing that the Jigsaw had left, Suzuki Sonoko didn't say anything anymore, but she held Aizen's arms tightly with both hands and refused to let go no matter what. In her heart, if the bomb exploded, she would die with Aizen. She was willing to die with her beloved man. She couldn't imagine the days without her beloved man in the future.

 Ran said with mixed feelings: "Aizen, you don't have to do this. "On the one hand, she hoped that Toyama Kazuha was okay, and on the other hand, she didn't want Aizen to get hurt. 


"Aizen, thank you, thank you very much!"


Toyama Kazuha thanked her with a grateful look on her face.

  "Why are you saying all this?"


Aizen smiled, took Toyama Kazuha's hand, and untied the watch on Toyama Kazuha's hand. Toyama


Kazuha felt a little embarrassed with her hand held by Aizen, but after seeing that Aizen was taking off the watch, she didn't say anything, nor did she mean to take her hand away. After taking off the watch , Aizen let Suzuki Sonoko loosen her arm, walked towards the bathroom and said, "Although the watch is off, it's better to put it aside to avoid any accidents. "


After Aizen walked out of the room, the three women surrounded him. Suzuki Sonoko was the most direct and hugged his arm. The meaning couldn't be more obvious.


Aizen sighed in his heart and was also moved. He looked at the three people and said, "I say, you three, don't get so close, okay? 

You should stay away from me now." "I don't want to. Anyway, I want to be by your side all the time."


Suzuki Sonoko refused out loud and hugged Aizen's arm more tightly. 

Ran said, "Aizen, you are willing to take risks for us, how can we abandon you? You don't need to say it, we will stay by your side until the threat of the bomb is lifted."


Kazuha Toyama nodded and said, "Ran is right, we will not leave."



Seeing that the three women said so, Aizen didn't know what to say. Anyway, nothing would happen. He walked to the edge of the bed and sat down. Suzuki Sonoko took his arm and sat on the left, Ran sat on his right, and Toyama Kazuha sat next to Ran.


Dong Dong Dong! ! !


At this time, there was a knock on the door.


The four looked at each other, not knowing who would knock on the door at this time. Aizen said, "Who is it?"


"Aizen, it's me." Sato Miwako's voice sounded outside the door.


Aizen heard it and said, "It's Sato, come in."


Sato Miwako opened the door and walked in. After she saw Aizen and the other four sitting on the bed, she closed the door and walked over.


Sato Miwako asked, "Aizen, what's the situation now?"


Aizen said, "The three of them are fine now, but the bomb is now on me." He stretched out his arm so that Sato Miwako could see the watch.


"Mr. Mouri said he solved the case, and was about to deduce it, but I found that you and Ran were missing, and I thought maybe you found something, so I came to find you."


Sato Miwako explained, and then asked: "What happened? Can you tell me?"


"Of course there is no problem!"


Aizen nodded, and then told everything to Sato Miwako. .



"Jigsaw?! How is this possible?!"


Sato Miwako said in disbelief. She originally thought it was just an ordinary criminal, but she didn't expect it to be the dead Jigsaw. She couldn't imagine what kind of big cases would happen in the future if the Jigsaw was still alive.


Aizen nodded and said, "I know it's hard for you to believe, but it's definitely the Jigsaw. I've seen him before, and not everyone can make a watch-shaped bomb like this. The Jigsaw is good at this."


"You're right, he should be the Jigsaw. I didn't expect him to be alive. So, the one who went to the football stadium that day was just a stand-in."


Sato Miwako thought about it and soon felt that the Jigsaw killed by the police that day was just a stand-in, not the Jigsaw himself. As for the unscientific ability of a person to come back to life after death or to have a clone, she didn't even think about it.


Ran said: "Officer Sato, the Jigsaw won't let us leave here. Aizen is now his hostage. I hope you won't catch the Jigsaw, otherwise Aizen will be in danger."


Sato Miwako was silent after hearing this. After a long while, she looked at Aizen and said: "Aizen, the Jigsaw killed more than 300 people last time. If he is still alive, I don't know how many people he will kill in the future. I will tell the police chief about the Jigsaw here. I'm sorry!" She regarded Aizen as a friend and admired his kindness, but she still made a choice on such a big issue.


"No, you can't do this!"


Hearing this, Suzuki Sonoko jumped up immediately and said loudly: "If Aizen gets into trouble because of this, I will never let you go, and I will never let the Metropolitan Police Department go!" She would never allow the other party to take risks with the life of her beloved man. If Aizen really got into trouble because of this, she would even think about killing him.


Miwako Sato was stunned when she heard this, then she said seriously: "Ms. Suzuki, I know that the Suzuki Group is very powerful, and I also know that the Suzuki Group has that kind of power, but the Jigsaw is so cruel that he killed more than 300 people last time, and maybe he will kill more people next time, so even if the Suzuki Group wants my life afterwards, I will not complain, but I must catch the Jigsaw and never let him threaten other people's lives again."




Suzuki Sonoko's face was full of anger. Seeing Sato Miwako turning around to leave, she hurriedly said, "Aizen, stop her quickly."


Aizen stood up, hesitated, and sighed, "Forget it, the Jigsaw is really too dangerous. This time we have such a good opportunity to catch him, it is more important to catch him."


Sato Miwako was shocked when she heard it. She resisted the urge to turn around and said solemnly, "Aizen, I'm really sorry this time! Don't worry, as soon as I find the Jigsaw, I will shoot him to death and not give him the chance to detonate the bomb." She didn't know if it would work, but she was willing to try it for Aizen, just because Aizen was reasonable and willing to sacrifice himself.


"No! I don't want it! I don't agree!"


Suzuki Sonoko shouted, looking at her friend and said, "Lan, please, stop that woman, I beg you!"


"Sonoko, don't worry, I won't let her leave here."


Ran took a deep breath, ran to the door, took a fighting posture, and stopped Sato Miwako. She knew the harm of the Jigsaw, but she was unwilling to take the risk of Aizen's life. Even if there was no request from her friend, she would not allow Sato Miwako to do so in her heart, because she liked Aizen and she didn't want Aizen to get into trouble.


"Ran, don't do that!"



Aizen shook his head at Ran.


Ran ignored Aizen. At this time, she couldn't let Aizen do what he wanted. If something went wrong and the Jigsaw finally detonated the bomb, it would be useless for her to regret it in the future. She didn't want to regret it and never see Aizen again.


"Ran, I'll help you!"


Kazuha Toyama ran to Ran's side. She didn't know if it was right for her to do this, but Aizen had a bomb on him for her and his life was threatened. If it wasn't for Aizen, she would be abandoned now. So she couldn't let Aizen's life end like this, and she had to fight for it.


"Ran, Kazuha, you two get out of my way, otherwise I won't be polite."


Sato Miwako said heavily. She knew that she shouldn't do this and hurt the hearts of the four of them, but in order to stop people from being threatened by the Jigsaw in the future, she could only do this. No matter how big the price was, she was willing to bear it.


Ran said solemnly: "I'm sorry, Officer Sato, we will not move aside unless you knock us down."