Chapter 1: Welcome Aboard

Laurence Kane stood alone on the dock in his best suit, a three-piece affair of a faded mocha color complete with matching bowler. Rather, it would have matched if it had seen as much of the sun as the suit itself had. That not being the case, it was more the original color than the coat, vest and pants. His bland brown hair had been recently trimmed to above his collar, curling at the ends where they poked out from beneath his hat.

Two worn, leather cases sat side by side on his left. The smaller valise contained his personal effects and all of his clothing. The larger case was in better condition than the one beside it. It received more attention and care than its fellow, since it contained his precious instruments and tools, some of which were of his own design. Binders, winders, widgets, gears, and cogs. Vials of chemicals in liquid or solid form and vacuum-sealed tubes of gases. Books on the subject of Horology, some on the movement of time and the perception thereof, and some on clock making techniques and repair. Books on the history of the chrono-engines. And the collection of his own, unpublished, handwritten notebooks on Horotechnology that contained, according to his professors, some of the most ridiculous yet genius approaches to the science of time travel and the machinery that made it possible. In short, it was the basic kit every good horotech required when reporting for duty.

Glancing about, he removed his worn and scuffed pocket watch from the breast pocket of his vest to check the time. It was absolutely correct, of course. He was on time. Actually, it was a few minutes past the time he was to have met a representative from his new assignment. Laurence let out a quiet sigh as he tucked the watch back into the pocket and looked at his surroundings then muttered under his breath. "...dock seventeen, warehouse five..." He was where he was supposed to be but remained alone. No liaison. Perhaps, he thought, they had found another horotech and my services are no longer required. That would be catastrophic since prior attempts had proven that his ability to obtain a respectable position in his field of study was even worse than his ability to maintain employment of even the humblest kind. The only thing he did seem to be proficient at in his short time as a working member of society was his innate ability to get himself sacked.

"Get yourself together, man," Laurence advised himself as he tugged on the hem of his suit coat in a futile attempt to straighten out the creases. "She assured you that they weren't interested in anyone but you for their engines." He didn't sound as certain as he strived to be. He always appeared to be nervous and worried, but his expression became more so as his mind replayed his interview with Captain de Sade.


The Interview

"...assure you, madam, that-..."


"I beg your pardon?"

"Captain, Mr. Kane."

Laurence couldn't recall seeing eyes so pale or coldly blue, let alone having them regard him with such intensity. Even her voice seemed to hold a chilly edge to it as she corrected his form of address. "I hold a rank for a reason, even if it isn't officially recognized. I expect members of my crew to respect that."

Laurence had gone a bit gape-mouthed not for the minor chastisement, but for the surprise of being numbered amongst her crew. Or was he being presumptuous? No, she had made it perfectly clear that she expected him to hold to a certain mode of behavior as befitted her subordinate. He blinked. "Does...does this mean that I am hired?" He shifted in his chair as he stammered. "Captain...I mean."

The way her lips curved and made her expression sly and knowing didn't comfort him. Laurence knew he wasn't an aggressive man by any stretch of the imagination, but that didn't mean he enjoyed being mocked by the fairer sex any better than a wharf soldier might. "Mr. Kane you were hired from the moment I read your dossier at Naviwerks. Your talents speak for themselves." Her lips twitched again with amusement. "Regardless of your employment history. I believe you will be a most welcome addition to The William."

Then she had given him a packet of information that contained a time and location for him to report to duty as well as a very brief job description, a fact he would only find out later that night when he sat down to examine the contents more thoroughly. "Follow the instructions in the packet closely, Mr. Kane. Deviate from them in any way or follow through on the temptation to interpret them creatively and you will find yourself left six days behind me."

It was a devilish threat, and one that Laurence took to heart. He felt somewhat dumbfounded as she stood up and left the dodgy public house in which they had met without another word.


The Present

Laurence pressed his lips together as he looked around again for any sign of someone. Well, someone who didn't belong in this dismal location. He was fairly certain he wouldn't enjoy an encounter with an employee of the docks or worse, a member of Harbor Security. Since he did not possess the ability to lie believably, he did not want to be asked about his business around the dockside warehouses. Somehow he doubted reporting for duty aboard a chrono-ship gone pirate would be received genially by those in authority.

"Ah, Mr. Kane." Laurence nearly leaped out of his scuffed shoes in surprise at the voice that chimed out lyrically behind him. He whirled around to see a handsome man leaning against the warehouse door, the entrance door. The Horotech blinked in astonishment. It was a perpetual state of mind for Laurence.

The tall man sauntered towards him with a jaunty set to his lips. "Right on time." The man seemed to find that amusing if the chuckle that came from him were any indication.