Chapter 32: Approach

A moment later the constant low hum of the ship's power diminished until it disappeared altogether. To the seasoned crew the sound was familiar and more like background noise. One grew used to it, and only noticed it when it was gone. However, none of them were comforted by its lack while the ship was in the sky. Angel now had the opportunity to put truth to her claim that the ship could coast.

Her shoulders were tight. Her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail did nothing to hide her tension as her fingers wrapped around the little used manual override wheel. Her expression was confident if focused as her eyes trained on the display. They had altitude enough to lose some height as she coasted the ship through the air, just as she had said it would. They lost speed without the boosting mini thrusts from the engines, but that would work in their favor. Abrupt movement could attract the attention of any scouts and guards that might be further away from the camp.