A Day in the Richest Kingdom

It was a beautiful day in the Kingdom of Edenos. Filled with the pleasant chirping of birds, the warmth of the sun, the sizzling of the wind and the fragrance of the flowers from the Imperial Garden. 

Similar to the kingdom's name, the people never wasted a moment of their life and fully submerged themselves in their work— no matter how small. And that quality of the people helped in Edenos' development.  

The Kingdom of Edenos, founded at the heart of the Vasanta Continent was the richest of the forty-five Vasantan countries that were under the Ernestine Empire. While it was not the oldest, it was without a doubt the most developed. 

Founded by Anastasia Ernestine fifteen hundred years ago —daughter of the third Emperor— the kingdom of Edenos has seen the rise and fall of fifty-one rulers. With the current Empress Victoria Ernestine sitting on the throne for the past four years. 

"So, you still don't think that Olivier can succeed?" 


The questioner sighed as the boy in front of him didn't seem to budge from his statement.

"Why not? The Empress has no children and the saintess already confirmed that she cannot bear one either." The questioner, who was a teenager with brown hair, sighed as his friend still didn't seem to agree. "Olivier is one of the few that has blood relations to the Empress, given it is diluted but he still has the imperial blood. So, why not?"

The one sitting to the opposite of him shook his heas. He tucked his long hair behind his ear as he poured himself some alcohol.

"Olivier is a good warrior, but he lacks the qualities of a king." 

The boy answered as he gulped down the alcohol. 

"He is hotheaded, rude and lacks the qualities of a king." He showed his friend a smile and raised the alcohol jug. "Now, I will be changing the subject as I don't want my head to be on the floor in the charges of treason." 

He pushed the jug towards his friend. 

"Long live Her Majesty."

His friend sighed. "You are unbelievable at times." Saying that he picked up his jug and clicked it with his friend's.

"Long live Her Majesty."

The two chugged their drinks and proceeded to talk about their daily lives. It was common for the two to spend their evenings at the bar as their professions kept them busy during the day and night.

"By the way… Congratulations, Tim."

The black-haired boy's statement confused his friend.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well… I heard you are now the most popular porter within the capital." 

The capital of Edenos, Bluewhirl— state of the whirling seas. And the state where the Imperial family stayed. 

And that was exactly where the two boys resided. 

The brunet showed a toothy grin at his friend's compliment. 

"Thanks, Harry… but that's all because of the skill that I obtained during my birthday last year. I wasn't able to use it properly back then, but now with practice it is without a doubt my best skill."

This caused the black-haired boy to widen his eyes. 

"Oh, damn. I forgot that you received a skill! What was the skill?"

Tim laughed. "It's called which is basically a storage ability. And it's perfect for my job... and I am still sad that you were out of town during my birthday."

"Ah, I am sorry about that." The black-haired one sighed. 'But a new skill, huh?'


There are special abilities in this world that every human possesses. These skills can vary from something small like or to something unfathomably ludicrous like which can demolish an entire city with ease. 

Skills are dependent on Jobs— which a person is born with. But that Job stays inactive until the person turns sixteen. And it's only when the person is sixteen that the job becomes active and a skill associated with the Job is provided to the person.

Similar to skills, jobs also vary from something small like a [Mason] to something like a [Hero].

A person with the job [Mason] will obtain skills related to his job like , whereas a [Hero] will have skills like , and related skills. 

The conditions for unlocking a skill vary from person to person and hence it is impossible to know for certain when a person might unlock their skills.

The only two exceptions are during the person's sixteenth birthday— when they receive a skill alongside the job and the other during their twenty-first birthday when they receive another skill.

The twenty-first birthday of every person is special as unlike every other time, there is a  high chance for a person to receive a skill that is not related to their Job. However, most of the skill people receive during this time are more bothersome than helpful.

"No need to be jealous." Tim chuckled. "Your birthday is right around the corner. And who knows? Maybe you will receive a rare skill."

Harry shook his head. "That's highly unlikely considering my shitty luck. I am most likely to get something like rather than something useful."

Yes, such skills were indeed received by people. Many believed that the person must have committed some heinous crime in their past lives for God to punish them with such skills. 

"I mean your luck isn't that bad." Tim sighed. "It's better than mine at least… who has to be at beck and call of others to carry their stuff."

Harry raised an eyebrow at Tim's declaration. 

"And I don't have to be at the beck and call of people? I might have to be ready to do as others wish more than you, Tim."

Tim realised his mistake as he saw Harry's face morph into a scowl. 

Harry was not too proud of his job but there was little he could do about it. Tim's little harmless statement made his friend a bit angry and Tim felt bad about it.

"I am sorry." Tim apologised. "I can be stupid at times."

Harry sighed and replied. "You don't have anything to apologise for. It's not your fault that I was born with this job."

He looked at the setting sun and shook his head. "Anyways, I have another appointment tonight and I cannot be late. So, I will see you later, Timothy."

Tim looked at his friend in worry before giving him a helpless smile.

"Yeah, I have to carry a few things for Mr. Sleigh as well," Tim said to his friend. "We will talk tomorrow."

Harry gave Tim a nod as he left a few coins on the table before leaving the bar. 

Tim looked at the coins and shook his head. 

He had a hard time earning money but Harry didn't. However Harry's life was more restraining than his and compared to Harry, he was far happier. 

He felt bad for his friend, but there was only a little he could do about someone's god-given job.

"I can only hope that you get a good skill, my friend." Tim inhaled deeply. "May the gods be with you."

He placed his share of the bill on the table and walked out, signalling the waitress towards the coins. 

[Nighttime, Bluewhirl]

Bluewhirl's true beauty shone in the night when the enchanting light from the stars and the moon reflected on the seas. Being surrounded by seas on almost all sides, gave Bluewhirl a magnificent look during the night. 

But Harry was uncaring of such beauty. He was a little late for his work and he had hoped that his customer will not be too angry with him. 

In his profession, it was rare for a customer to complain if the purveyor was a little late. But he didn't like taking chances so he increased his pace towards the location. 

His customer was special. It was someone who he couldn't afford to offend— a country sorceress. 

Walked down the alleyway, he saw a womanly figure standing in front of a massive gate. 

"Lady Winters is waiting for you." 

Harry has been to the mansion multiple times and every time the majestic build manages to enchant him. 

He wasn't sure where to look, the beautiful mansion or the curvaceous woman walking before him with her sway of hips. 

Her perfectly made bun suited her blonde hair while her strict demeanour enhanced her alluring maid look. 

"So, is she angry?" 

"She is a little agitated, nothing out of the ordinary." She answered without turning or halting her steps. 

"And I believe you have been well, Tina?"

"That I have, Harry." 

While Harry wasn't able to see her face, she did have a small smile on her face when she answered. 

Harry took a deep breath as he arrived at the doorway, behind which was his 'customer.'

"Still as magnificent as ever." 

"The caretakers work hard to maintain its glory," Tina said and opened the door, revealing an all-white interior. 

It was too much white for Harry's taste but he did approve of the furnishing. 

"Let me guide you to My Lady's room."

Giving her a nod, Harry followed behind Tina. 

He passed by several maids and after five minutes of walking through the hallway, he finally arrived at his destination.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Miss, he is here." 

"Let him in."  A melodious voice answered. 

Harry readied himself as Tina pushed open the door— revealing a silvery white-haired woman in a translucent gown. 

No matter how many times Harry has seen her, he has always been captivated by her mesmerising hazel eyes.

"Lady Winters." 

He gave the woman a slight bow as the woman nodded at him. 

"You are late, but I will look over it this time."

"Most appreciated."

She walked towards him with an impassive. As she reached near him, she looked at her maid. 

"You may leave us, Tina."