Magic Rock

After packing some clothes and a water container, Julian and Sister Theresa set off on their journey.

The Clover Kingdom was divided into four parts, 3/5 of which were uncivilized wilderness. The main cities were located at the center of the kingdom. The topmost part was called the Royal Realm, situated on an elevated plain. The royal castles, the royal court, and the headquarters of the Golden Dawn and Silver Eagles were located there. The next part was the Noble Realm, below the Royal Realm and surrounding it. Together, the Royal Realm and Noble Realm were called the Upper Realm. The Crimson Lions had their base in the Noble Realm, with their house in the Royal Realm.

Next was the Common Realm, where most commoners or nobles who had lost their nobility lived. The capital city was located here. This area housed most of the markets, the Magic Knight arena, and many headquarters. The Wizard King's castle was also situated here. The church was located in the Common Realm, in a city called Near, just at the border of the capital. This region was known as the Middle Ring, where most of the citizens lived.

Finally, there was the Forsaken Realm or Outer Ring, where small villages like Hage were located. Beyond the Forsaken Realm was the Grand Magic Zone. Most of the areas in the Common Realm and Forsaken Realm were filled with hills, mountains, small grasslands, and forests. The place they were headed to was a rocky area in the Common Realm.

It took some time to reach their destination as Julian requested, wanting to enjoy the scenery. The journey through the lush forests and rolling hills was serene, a stark contrast to the rigorous training awaiting him.

As they walked, Sister Theresa shared more about the world. "Julian…..the magic knight I wish you to be doesn't only have physical strength but also mental strength. 

After you complete training your body, I will train your mind." 

"Yes sister" 

"Always give importance to life, that's the biggest gift you have. 

You must learn to decide when to run and when to fight, not all battles must be fought. " 

"I will remember that" 

When they arrived at the rocky area, Julian saw the place filled with silver rocks and a cottage in the middle. The air was thick with mana, and the rocks shimmered slightly, absorbing the ambient energy.

"This area is filled with mana-absorbing rocks. These rocks absorb mana from the surroundings, increasing their weight and hardness. You will come here every month and stay for a week. 

You will hit the surrounding rocks with mana reinforcement. These rocks will help you perfect your mana reinforcement," Sister Theresa explained.

Julian nodded and approached a large rock, punching it with mana reinforcement. Surprisingly, it didn't even leave a scratch. Moreover, the rock absorbed the mana from his hands and continued absorbing as long as he maintained contact. "You will do 20,000 punches and kicks each day for the next 7 days. 

You can hunt and gather food from the nearby forest. I will come to pick you up on the 7th day. 

Work hard," she said before flying away.

Julian knew his body points would increase with more exercise, but 20000 per day was a huge amount. 

He hoped the outcome would compensate for the hard work. 

In this world, every freedom requires strength to back it up. Fueled by determination, he quickly got to work. He activated mana rotation at full force and started punching the rocks. By the time he completed the punches, it was evening. He did a quick hunt to meet his requirements and started the kicking practice, removing his shoes. 

His hands and legs throbbed by the end of the day, and the Phoenix Robe didn't help much in reducing the pain.

On the third day, while Julian was practicing his kicks, he heard a rustling noise from the forest. He turned to see a group of deer watching him curiously. 

Smiling, he took a break and sat down, enjoying the peaceful moment. "I wonder if they'll ever understand why I'm here, punching rocks," he mused.

He continued the next few days happily, realizing his improvements. 

With practice, he understood the effort required for intermediate mana reinforcement. On the seventh day, Sister Theresa returned, landing gracefully in front of him. "Let's see your progress, Julian."

Julian nodded, taking a deep breath before launching a series of reinforced punches and kicks at the rocks. The impact was much stronger than when he started, leaving noticeable dents in the once impervious surface.

"Impressive. You've made significant progress," Sister Theresa said, nodding in approval. "Let's return to the church.

I have devised a new training plan for you"

Back at the church, Julian continued his rigorous routine. He dodged attacks while blindfolded, practiced mana control, and worked on creating new spells. For weapon training, he chose the dagger as his main focus and the sword as secondary. Sister Theresa helped him develop different spells and trained him in creation magic.

"Not every mage has healing magic, so it's an invaluable skill that will be useful everywhere" Sister Theresa explained one day. 

She took him to hospitals or to injured animals to practice healing them. 

She possessed healing magic too, so she could guide him in both theoretical and practical knowledge.

One day, as they were returning from a healing session at the hospital, Julian asked, "Sister, why do you help everyone so selflessly?"

Julian had seen how hard she worked for people while keeping little to nothing for herself. 

She smiled warmly. "Because every life is precious, Julian. 

We have the power to make a difference, and we must use it wisely. 

Remember, true strength lies not in power, but in kindness and compassion. 

In the path you are walking, you will have to take lives but never take lives of the innocent or else it would be an insult to everything you have done till now "

Bit by bit, two years passed in this manner. 

Julian's skills improved significantly, and he grew stronger with each passing day. 

His mornings were filled with blindfolded combat training, where he gradually began to anticipate Sister Theresa's attacks. 

Evenings were dedicated to honing his mana control, experimenting with new spells, and perfecting his dagger and sword techniques.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Julian's bond with Sister Theresa and the children at the church deepened. 

And so, with each passing day, Julian prepared himself for the future, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in his journey to become a Magic Knight.