New Family

"Oi, he chose the Black Bulls!" "He refused the offer to join the Crimson Lions!" "Chose the savage squad? Is he insane?" All the captains were surprised by Julian's decision. He started hearing all sorts of murmurs after his declaration, but he didn't regret his decision.

The Black Bulls would provide him with the best growing environment. His growth wouldn't be hampered, he would have freedom of movement, and moreover, all the Black Bulls already knew him, so he wouldn't have any problem with accommodation or making himself familiar with new squad members.

Yami grinned, "Sure, kid, welcome to the squad."

Meanwhile, the entire series of events was being broadcasted to the Wizard King, who sat in his office with Marx.

"I never expected that you would receive the legendary grimoire, Julian. I am excited to see what you achieve in the future," the Wizard King thought.


After making all the selections, Julian collected his belongings and met up with Yami.

"Finally, a person joined who can do missions properly. Maybe now my pressure can decrease a bit," Finral thought as he cried with happiness.

"Why did you choose my squad, brat?" Yami asked.

"Mr. Yami, you know my character..." Julian began, but Yami grabbed him by the head.

"Who are you calling Mr. Yami, brat? It's Captain Yami."

"Yes, sir!" Julian shouted. Whenever Yami grabbed his head, he somehow lost all power to retaliate.

"Oi, Finral, make a portal to the base in under five minutes or I'll kill you," Yami commanded.

"Hai, Captain!" Finral stammered. Here goes standard Yami, Julian thought.

When they reached the base, Julian witnessed the nostalgic scene of pure chaos with everyone shouting and destroying everything around. Sighing, he thought, They never change, but this is the place I feel most comfortable.

"STOP BREAKING EVERYTHING!" Yami shouted, breaking the wall again. "We have our new squad member. Welcome him."

"JULIANNNN!!!" everyone screamed with delight.

Vanessa grinned, "It was about time you finally joined the squad. Fufu, your big sister is so happy."

Magna laughed, "Haha, another manly member!"

Luck's eyes sparkled, "Now we can fight every day and try to kill each other!"

Gauche glared, "Now I can keep an eye on you so that you stay away from Marie."

Charmy beamed, "Umu, someone who appreciates food."

Grey mumbled shyly, "Welcome..."

Gordon softly muttered, "Finally, my best friend joined my squad. I am so happy; I even made a doll for you."

Magna stepped forward, "Even if we are friends, we have to follow our standard procedure of welcoming a squad member. Let's have a battle."

"Sure, Luck-senpai, let's continue our last battle," Julian said.

"Let's go! I was getting impatient!" Luck exclaimed, sparks flying from his body.


All of the Black Bulls stood in the backyard of the base with Julian and Luck on opposite sides.

"Let's see how much you've improved since last time," Luck said with a devilish smile, covering his limbs with lightning reinforcement magic.

Julian mirrored him, and they indulged in close combat. Luck went for a kick which Julian countered with a punch. Luck then made lightning thorns all around Julian, which Julian destroyed with a red flame kick, forming a crater around him.

Yami narrowed his eyes, thinking, The property and color of his flames changed just like in the exam. How did this brat manage to evolve his magic so early?

After the initial exchange, they took out their grimoires and prepared their spells simultaneously.

"Lightning Creation Magic: Orbs of Destruction!"

"Flame Creation Magic: Phoenix Missile!"

Luck shot numerous orbs from his arms while Julian shot various small birds made of fire at high speed to counter them, creating an explosion. This spell was an evolved form of flame bullets, adding more power and speed. When the explosion cleared, Julian was unharmed while Luck had some injuries. Julian's spells turned out to be stronger.

Everyone noticed Julian's grimoire and exclaimed in surprise, "THE LEGENDARY FOUR-LEAF GRIMOIRE!"

They never expected to see the legendary four-leaf grimoire appear in front of them, but they were glad it was Julian who received it.

Julian formed two balls of flames in his hands and shot them towards the moving Luck. Instead of hitting directly, the fireballs exploded, and tendrils of flames emerged, forming a net trapping Luck. Luck struggled to break free, but then another blast of flames covered his body.

Luck began laughing as lightning covered his entire body, creating a sphere around him and releasing a wave of electricity, destroying the net. Simultaneously, Luck cast another spell, "Lightning Magic: Flickering," and dashed towards Julian, creating a blue afterimage on his path.

Julian created a flame shield to slow him down and cast his spell. Luck kicked the shield, making a hole, but contrary to his expectations, his leg got trapped in the shield with thin strings of mana wrapping around his legs. Julian spread his mana all around and cast one of his strongest AoE spells.

"Fire Magic: Eruption!" A burst of condensed flames emerged from the ground like a volcano, covering a five-meter radius around Julian with flames reaching the sky. It incinerated everything around and blasted Luck, who was stuck.

This spell directly took away Luck's combat ability, making Julian the winner.

"I finally defeated you," Julian said, casting his healing spell on Luck. Although they had some light spars earlier, they had never fought seriously.

"Cough! Cough! Yeah, you have become stronger than me, but I will defeat you next time," Luck said while standing.

"Next time, don't destroy everything around you," Yami shouted.

"That was so MANLY!" Magna exclaimed.

"With this, you are finally a member of the Black Bulls," Vanessa said, putting the Black Bulls robe on Julian with her string magic.

They enjoyed themselves till midnight with Charmy's food and various stories about their lives. Vanessa opened a bottle of alcohol on this occasion. Julian drank alcohol for the first time...a little too much, for which he would regret it the next morning.

This was one of the places that felt like home.