Caught in the trap

The more Julian walked, the more surprised he became. Numerous tunnels opened to various places. John who was still under Julian's control said that they were part of a large gang that did robbery based on information provided by their partners in the magic knights. Zora can deal with the James guy, Julian will just hand over the names to the Crimson Lions or Aqua deer. He was that sure Rill would help him.

All the tunnels wither lead to a town or various vaults where they hide treasures. Some tunnels even lead to houses in towns.

After walking for a while they came across a large metal door. Julian made John knock on the door which he did but with a particular pattern.

The moment the door was opened a heavy pressure enveloped the minds of all the people present in the room, one by one everyone dropped on the floor. Julian summoned a ball of flames which enveloped everyone on the floor but in place of burning them they formed ropes that incapitated them.

Julian was lucky that the entire gang was present altogether or else it would be difficult to find them individually. According to John, the complete group gathers in one place before every robbery for standby reinforcement or distributing the loot.

Their base was large, with a lot of rooms. Julian entered a room and found that a large map was stuck on a wall, based on the details it described their entire network. It was surprising that they were able to dig such a large network underground without getting detected.

He checked other rooms and found a room that had different weapons and some traps. Some rooms had makeshift beds while some had loads of money.

Julian confirmed that there were no captivated humans and connected his communicator to the nearest magic knight camp. He went to the map and described where to meet him.

He cast a second layer of restraining magic on the thieves and went to meet the reinforcements. When Julian came out of the base he found the members of Aqua deer picking up the thieves that Julian decapitated.

Julian guided them to their base and let them do the rest of the work, investigating the rest of the paths ways and recovering the stolen wealth was not his problem anymore. The people he interrogated stole while maintaining the secrecy and haven't killed anyone yet, so their punishment should not be too harsh. Julian gave some more information and flew towards the town with some people from the Aqua deer.


'Now where did that bastard disappear to! Well, whatever I don't care what he does, I only helped him because he was from Black Bulls anyways . 'thought Zora as he watched the house from the roof. Zora has severe trust issues, even if Julian was from Black Bulls he didn't let his guard down for a single moment.


'what the hell happened! 'Zora looked behind him and found that the forest behind that started burning vigorously. This made people move out of their homes and exclaim in shock. The forest was the source of income for many people in the town moreover the forest was just beside the town so there is a chance for it to spread to the town. People started running in the opposite direction while the magic knight who was present in the scene tried to control the situation but his voice was suppressed by the panicking people. While this was going on the trap Zora set detected someone, he looked towards the house and saw that a person was caught in his paralysis trap.

' So it was James after all '

Zora left the roof and jumped towards him but small explosions occurred all over James 's body freeing him from Zora's trap. But two more traps activated which tied his body from up to down.

" A magic knight acting as a thief …well why am I not surprised "

James looked towards Zora and said, "I didn't expect for a trap to be set for me ".

" Aren't you too calm for someone whose identity has been revealed? "

"Even if you catch who do you think will people believe, me who has people's recognition or some unknown magic knight? Moreover, you don't have any proof do you "

Another small explosion occurred all over his body destroying the traps, he touched the ground as explosions occurred over his feet. He started running towards the forest outside the town, opposite the one with fire.

"Do you think you can run away from me! "said Zora as a magic circle formed in his hand which started shooting knives of ash towards James. James created another explosion destroying the knives while increasing his speed. When he confirmed that he was far enough he clapped his hands and a large explosion covered Zora which could tear apart anyone.

'This should do it, people get too confident after catching someone without knowing their powers. If I get rid of him everything will be solved as I don't think any other magic knight came for the investigation '. James assumed that because Julian never showed himself as a magic knight in this investigation mission.

As the smoke from the explosion cleared the unharmed figure of Zora became clear while making James's eyes bulge out.

" is that possible, this should have fatally injured you ''

Zora gave a laugh seeing his reaction …" Why should I explain to a shitty magic knight like you " , He condensed mana on his feet dashed towards James. James clapped his hands and numerous small butterflies flew towards Zora and started exploding but a magic circle formed near Zora reflecting back all the attacks with twice power on James…

As having a magic type doesn't give you immunity against that power so the damage James got from the explosion was huge. But he was not done yet, he clapped his hands, and this time numerous exploding birds formed around him which attacked Zora.

" Keke it's useless, " said Zora as the birds started reflecting towards James and around him destroying the ground and trees.

James had hope that his companions will come and save him, with John having permeability magic which made him invincible against a lot of magic types he should be able to beat Zora. He used his remaining magic and created an explosion as large as possible towards Zora.

He started running he was assaulted by a pain in his legs, he looked down and saw that he had two red swords sticking out of his calves.

Tap Tap Tap

From the darkness in front of him came a figure with red glowing eyes.

"~Oya~ oya what do we have here, a magic knight who was supposed to serve people aiding in robbery, " said Julian who stood in front of James

" Damn you " James gritted his teeth and tried creating an explosion on Julian but he found that his entire body was paralyzed, this time even his magic was blocked.

" Well you have no hope, your companions have been caught. Well, your plans of robbery would have continued if you didn't become so greedy and planned a robbery without calculating everything ."

A pressure enveloped James making him lose consciousness. A while later members of the Aqua deer arrived and Julian handed James to them. He would be taken to custody and made to blur out everything in front of lie detection magic. That is not Julian's problem anymore.

Julian while flying here had already seen the fire that had started to spread in the city so he instructed people with water magic to help there first. He too flew towards the fire and started reducing the fire while mixing it with his fire. He then healed the people who were injured trying to put off the fire or in any other way.

Zora who witnessed the scene thought ' So his magic type was fire but he was strange abilities. With his mana, he should be noble or royal. Well as long as he his doing his job …'


Next morning

" Good job Mr. Dennis for holding off James," said Julian to Zora while they sat in a restaurant

"Keke …of course it's my job as a magic knight but where the hell was you when everything was happening "

"I found the hideout of the thieves to I went to solve them before they can cause trouble. MoreI saw your fight, you have developed your magic very well " said Julian while smiling.

' So you purposely made me fight you shit head ' cursed Zora within his mind.

Julian stood up from his seat and forwarded his hand for a handshake, Zora thought of pranking him with a smelly bug but the bug was vaporized as it came into contact with the hand, Julian.

" It was fun working with you, " said Julian as he stood near the door.

He gave the last smile and said "See you later Zora, I will say captain Yami that you are doing a good job. "

Hearing this Zora's eyes widened.

" How do – " before Zora could say anything, Julian was gone.

'So this bastard knew me from the start. Keke! I who pranks people got pranked '