New Weapons

Mars formed another sword and attacked Asta. Asta ran towards the sword and divided it in half, the bottom part fell into the ground on which Asta jumped and tried to strike Mars. Mars shot shards of crystals toward Asta which made him in a defensive position and lose his momentum. Mars kicked to the ground and send a wave of sharp crystals. Asta destroyed the wave and finally got a hit on him. He made Mars lose his armor and shot but he created another wave of Crystals at point range with Asta very few chances of defending.

Mars jumped backward and created a giant armor around him increasing his height up to 5 m. Yuno started to help Asta in battle but his wind was still ineffective against Mars's Diamond Magic.


Yuno crashed into the ground again but Julian saved him from getting injured too much.

"Until you figure out how to crack his armor, you will not interfere, " Julian said.

As the fight went on Asta's body started to accumulate injuries while Mars was doing very well. At one point Mars made a mistake and got hit by Asta's sword directly destroying his armor again. But Mars used more mana and covered around 20 m around him with large diamond spikes reaching a height of 50m which included Asta in the range.

"Asta !! " Noelle cried out.

Noelle was worried for Asta and wanted to go help him but Julian stopped him.

"Just you wait"

Noelle clenched her fist tighter thinking why was Julian not doing anything. She gets that it was to make Asta gain more experience but wasn't it too much.

The last attack of Asta broke one of the magic stones so this affected Mars.

But Mars suddenly stopped his movements and lost memories started flooding in.

Thoughts of people like Mars are controlled with the magic stones fixed on their bodies. All the unwanted memories are sealed away and make the person only live for missions.


The crystals broke with a blast and from which Asta was revealed with his upper cloths torn and bleeding at various places. The most noticeable thing about him was his muscles where various crystal shards were stabbed.

Klaus and Mimosa were shocked to see the body of Asta not for his injuries but his muscles.

"He is different from you Nobles. Unlike you, he trained his body to its utmost human limits.

Open your eyes, Klaus, see the world with your own eyes before judging people by their birth.

This applies to you to Mimosa " said Julian while healing Yuno.

" Asta may not be born with magic but God gave him something equally important, the power of Antimagic, " said Noelle.

Mars regained his focus and saw Asta still standing. Disbelief filled his mind. This time he was fixated to kill Asta and stoke him with the giant arm of Crystal.

This time speed of both of them fastened as Asta was using the rest of his energy to deal with Mars. Every second Asta could be seen improving as he was getting used to Mars' attack pattern.

" You are in the way of the mission. Begone pebble! " Mars shouted

Asta jumped on his arm and ran towards the main body " I may be just a pebble…"

"But I am a pebble that shatters diamond !!!!"

He stuck his sword on the main body destroying Mars's control over the giant armor. Using the armor as support and jumped and hit Mars on the chest with full force. He smashed on the wall creating a crater creating a large wound on his chest.

The Golden Dawn were shocked and had their mouth open wide by Asta's performance. Especially Klaus as he felt all the things he believed slowly crumble away.

Asta staggered a few steps but shill remained standing using his sword.

A red cloak enveloped him as his injuries started healing at a rapid rate.

"Good Job Asta" Julian commented as he removed all the diamond shards from Asta's body.

"Yaaa it was difficult, but it somehow worked out, " Asta said.

Julian went towards Mars and used restraining magic on him.

As Asta's clothes were destroyed so Julian handed Asta his robe and told him to join the other. Turning towards Mars, Julian removed all the magic stones and put them into his Grimoire.

[These stones would be helpful ] Kirin's voice rang out in his head. Secre was not familiar with Diamond Kingdom's system but she felt the signs of forbidden magic from them.


Julain clapped his hands and said " Attention, please. Although Golden Dawn found the treasury first without our help, you won't have gotten inside anyways so we will be sharing the credit "

"But-" Klaus wanted to say something but he felt a devastating pressure about to crush his mind.

"This is an order, not a suggestion," Julian said retracting his mana pressure and giving Klaus chance to breathe. Klaus quieted down and didn't dare make a sound.

This was a Dungeon, Julian was sure if he was greedy he would have gotten rid of Golden Dawn and taken all the credit but this was not the case.

Julian went and touched the door and found that the door was made of us pretty strong barrier magic. " Asta cut the door. "

Asta nodded and broke the door with anti-magic. Golden light emerged from the room and what emerged was a room full of gold, jewelry, and other magic items.

"Nobody will touch anything, let me inspect the situation first " Julian released his mana pressure all over the treasure room which would activate any traps that were to be set. With Sharingan, he looked at each corner of the room searching for additional traps.

'This should be enough.

"Take what you want and prepare to depart, " said Julian before entering the room. Everyone followed and looking what they wanted as they had the right to claim one artifact for themselves.

Julian didn't waste time and smashed one of the walls with a weird symbol. Inside was revealed another chamber in the middle of which was embedded the ' the demon dweller sword '.

Secre on Julian's shoulder gave a reaction to seeing the sword.

"You know this sword? " Julian asked.

Secre nodded.

Julain asked Asta to come there and pick up the sword. As soon as Asta touched the sword its color became a little darker. This confirmed Julian's hypothesis that Asta could only convert special weapons into anti-magic weapons as Julian tried making Asta hold and enter weapons into his grimoire but it didn't work.

Asta who knew about the result of the experiment was happy that he found another weapon that was compatible with anti-magic. This weapon was lightweight and easy to swing than his other sword. He tried to put the sword into his grimoire and it did and unlocked a new page in the grimoire but he still can't read what was written on it.

Julian looked around more and found something interesting. Near the place where Yuno was inspecting some scrolls were kept a two daggers black daggers kept in the case. There were a lot of words and symbols engraved on the walls of the container.

[Aye Kiddo, take that dagger, it's the strongest weapon in this room] Kirin's voice rang inside Julian's head.

'Sure '

As soon as he touched the case, everything within it shinned and turned red like his magic and the case opened automatically. The daggers got broken into fragments of light and turned into words similar to those on the case. All the words and letters flew around Julian and finally entered Julian's Grimoire.

Julian felt a connection with the daggers and instinctively called out

[ Aquila Favonia ] and two bloodred daggers formed in his hands. He swung the daggers a few times and its feeling could not be described. The weight, the sharpness, the magic conductivity, the hardness everything was perfect. This weapon was greater than the weapon he was seen before.

He felt that the daggers were not simple and there was more to it.

Meanwhile, Yuno who was looking at the scrolls touches and opened the largest scroll. As he was about to read what was written, the scroll and his grimoire shinned at the same time. The pages of the grimoire turned and on an empty page, all the texts in the scroll got copied. At that moment time seemed to stop for everyone except for Yuno and Julian.

Out of the page emerged a small Fairy-type thing and looked at Yuno. One thing the fairy didn't realize was Julian could move and capture every moment with his Sharingan. According to their understanding Julian, the wind spirit should have sensed the aura of the phoenix on him but it didn't show any reaction.

[Wind Sprit has just reborn, her memories are gone so she cannot recognize me and the aura of phoenix till she matures] Kirin said.

" So you are my new host. " Wind spirit Sylph looked at Yuno folding her small hands.

" Hmm, I approve, " said the wind spirit as she planted a kiss on Yuno's cheek and entered his Grimoire. Time seemed to continue for everyone.

[Ah I remember one thing about the wind spirit…..she was a huge pervert ]

'Well that explains it'

Unfortunately for them, all the precious artifacts were taken away so the dungeon started collapsing.

Julian formed a phoenix of fire and was instructed to load the treasure on it. Yuno made the same loaded treasure on the bird he made.

" Mimosa make a map and Yuno take the lead Asta, Noelle, Luck jump on my summon we will follow them . " shouted Julian

They didn't have much time as their safety was worth more than the rest of the treasure.

" What about the Diamond mages? " Asked Asta

" Don't worry I have removed the last one's restrictions and I sensed Lotus approaching the chamber from another door so they should be able to get away in time," said Julian.

He could have brought both the mages with him but he needed them for the future. Julian had no idea about the story after the Elf Saga so they both might be useful to him later on.

On the way, there was a large number of blocks falling on them but they were able to exit the dungeon harmlessly as Julian destroyed everything in front of them.

They sighed with relief and started to put the treasure into the space rings. Golden dawn had the same idea of burring space rings outside the dungeon.

The dungeon's entrance collapsed but with an explosion came out Lotus who was carrying Mars and other diamond mages along with the rest of the treasure. Julian instructed them to let them go and focus on their task first.

With the Diamond mages:

Mars had gained full control over his thought process after the magic stones were taken away giving him access to all of his memories. He looked at the front and saw Lotus observing him. "Thank you for saving me, " said, Mars.

Hearing this Lotus widened his eyes ." Yeh doesn't worry about it " he said but inside he realized that Mars had regained control over his thinking.

'Well good for him '


Julian pov :

Well, the dungeon dive was successful. Everyone received or learned something and I gained new weapons. But why do I feel like something is going to happen?

I felt something in my detection range and shouted for everyone to get down. [ Aquila Favonia ] appeared in my hand and I parried an iron sword. The force of the attack was enough to tear a hole in anyone's body.

"The enemy is out what you can handle. No matter what happens don't interfere in the fight. Only focus on defending! " I shouted as I made two slashes in a specific direction towards the forest.

From the forest came out a tall man around the height of 8 feet with a cigar in his mouth. He wore a jacket with insignia of the Spade kingdom with some people behind him.

" The dungeon has been cleared, it is advised that the people of Spade don't interfere, " I said turning on my Sharingan.

" Hand over everything you got in the dungeon and I might spare your pitiful life, " said the man.

" Unfortunately that can't happen " Mana pressure erupted from me.

" Then die ! " he shouted and hundreds of iron swords formed in front of me and attacked me from all around. Mana enveloped my two new daggers with [Kagune] emerging from my back. I shot towards the spell releasing my mana pressure at full pressure on the Spade mages.