A long battle -The Lava Dragon. 

[Aye kiddo! We found a way to the next zone but…]


Julian slashed his daggers decapitating a dragon and created a shield to block an attack.

'But what ?'

[Before I say what to do, how many dragons have you slayed so far ?]

'More than eight hundred for sure. These things have low defense and I have got used to their attack patterns so they are easy to kill. '

[Do you see anything on your fingers]

Julian looked down and saw that a small black tattoo of a dragon's mouth has formed on his thumb.

'Yes I see a tattoo'

[That's good...

There is a control center here that changes the environment of the dungeon to five different biomes.

In every biome, you must kill the dragons coming on your way till a tattoo forms on your fingers.

You have already completed four stages so four more stages to go. ]

'I have been fighting for hours and need a break. Can you do something about it? These bastards wouldn't leave me alone'.

[Dark Flame magic: Dawn ]

Julian slashed his daggers creating a large phoenix that burned the dragons in front of him.

[There is a way for you to take a break. Go to the hill with the lowest height and search for the tree which is not made of mana and touch it with the finger you have the tattoo in.

You should reach the place we are in. Dragons can't enter this place]

Julian abandoned the battle and flew towards the location at his fastest speed.

'This should be the tree'

As soon as Julian touched the tree with his thumb, he felt that he could enter the tree.

'Here goes nothing'

Julian stepped into the tree and found himself in a large chamber with a large hand at the center.

He could see his Golem sitting in one corner with Secre flying around reading something from the walls.

[Welcome kiddo…to the dungeon of the Dragonoid race!!]

Sensing Julian's confusion, Kirin started explaining what he knew.

The cataclysms or the great wars their incidents that happened in the past which has changed the current world every time they happened.

Secre who had decoded many languages from the past due to the first Wizard's king's habit also added some facts that she knew.

The era before the first cataclysm is called the era of the Gods as it's said that multiple Gods ruled the lands at that time. One such God was the ancestors of the Ragnvindr Clan.

There were many races present at that time like the Dragononics, Goblins, Dwarfs, Elves, Angels, Phoenix, etc.

The world was supposed to be the most advanced at that time.

Then the first war or the first cataclysm happened that erased most of the races and gods from history.

The second cataclysm happened after a thousand years after that when the Ragnvirndr Clan ended the war and remained one of the strongest forces.

It was during this period, that the first Heart Queen came into power.

"And thousand years later, Ragnvirdr clan was erased from the history too" Julian added finally.

"I have mostly decoded the texts and inscriptions that are written in this chamber and found something unexpected.

First of all, the spell that I used to seal the Devil was forbidden magic that I learned from a book that my master found in a dungeon. The book had a lot of pages missing so the spell was incomplete.

The creator of the book was the same person who designed the dungeon " Secre said pointing towards the statue at the center of the hand.

'Since the statue emits mana similar to Secre, him being the creator seems plausible ' Julian thought.

"This dungeon is his research lab, and all the dragons you fought till now were once his research subjects. Most probably this dungeon was created either before or after the first cataclysm," she added.

"So there is a chance that we can break your seal without causing any backlash. " Julian said.

[I had researched the seal as Julian had asked but opening the seal would have freed the devil too as I would be doing it forcefully. Moreover, I am not sure if she will be able to use her Grimoire after that. ] Kirin added.

"Seems like we found a goldmine of information," Julian said.

"The space ring I was given has become full from the floating rocks so we can take our time to explore. I have plenty of food in that ring so we will not go hungry.

So let's start the next phase of battle"

"Please take some more rest, you have been fighting high-tier beasts for a long time, nothing is more important than your health," Secre said with worry.

[She is right kiddo, take your time...there is no hurry]

"Fine, wake me up after an hour then"


Julian POV

'You can start now ' I gave Kirin a mental message telling him to start the process.

[Here we go !]

In front of my eyes, the terrain started to change at a rapid rate.

All the dragons that were ready to attack me froze altogether and started to become participle of light before disappearing.

First, the place I was resting got covered by a barrier and thick vines started to grow out making a tree the height of a skyscraper.

I tried touching the tree and I went right through it as if it was an illusion.

Spatial magic….

Seems like I can't enter this place again until I get a new tattoo.

I can't get amazed enough by the ancient mages to create such mechanisms.

Crack !!

The ground below me cracked as the trees started to die after being dried out by heat waves being released from the ground.

Within the next few seconds, the forest completely disappeared and got replaced by a sea of lava with to platform to stand.

Fortunately, I gained the ability of Lava resistance from the Dungeon at Enkanomiya or else falling into it would have surely killed me.

The large tree where the base lay remained untouched as the lava passed through it.

The sky that was filled with clouds earlier now had become dark with a full moon. For the first time in my life, I was seeing so many stars in the night sky.


My attention was grabbed away from the sky by the sound coming from the sea of Lava.

Hundreds of ripples started spreading throughout the sea of lava and one by one long heads started to emerge from the lava.

These Dragons had a body similar to snakes with complete black bodies which shined by reflecting the light from the lava.


Hundreds of lava Dragons opened their mouth and made a sound that made black spikes start to appear all over their bodies.


To my surprise, all of them jumped out of the sea of lava as red wings started to appear behind them.

[Mana Zone: Arrow of destiny ]

With mana zone and Sharingan I targeted each of their heads and released arrows made of explosive red flames while I flew higher to dodge splashes of lava that they released from their mouths.

Ting ! Ting! Ting ! Boom! Boom! Boom!

All the arrows exploded but caused very minimal damage to them but engulfed their heads in red flames that would burn away their mana over time.

This confirmed my theory that these Dragons are immune to the heat of my flames but not immune to my law. To kill them, I must use physical attacks.

But that is not something I worry about.

[Aquila Favonia ] summoning my daggers, I dashed towards the first dragon stabbing one of my daggers into its head.

The Dragon screamed in pain as lava started to gush out instead of blood making me move back.

I fought for another half an hour to figure out the situation. Since there was no time limit, I could take my time to analyze and find the most effective method to get rid of these dragons.

These are some things that I found.

These Dragons can only fight up to a certain height before falling back into the lava.

They are more agile and carry greater defense and destructive power in comparison to the wind dragons, but their range is extremely small.

Unlike the wind dragons who had multiple attacks, these only have two attacks which are releasing lava from their body if I go near or releasing splashes of lava from their mouth.

These Dragons can only be killed when they are in the air as they can recover completely if they fall back into the lava.

The only way of killing them is by physical attacks as I don't have magic that counters fire and my law of flames.

Each Dragon can stay up in the air for about 40 seconds which is a bit difficult considering their defense.

I applied the strongest reinforcement magic I could muster on my daggers and Kagune and flew towards the same dragon dodging the lava attacks of the Dragons nearby.

Fortunately, they too were following a pattern that I had memories of using my Sharingan.

The combination of my eyes, Mana zone, and KI had given me complete awareness of my surroundings so I had an easier time dodging even if they were more agile than the Wind dragons.

Slash !


With two consecutive slashes, I decapitated a Dragon as its body exploded splashing lava everywhere.

I had to continuously use my shield while fighting.

As time went on these bastards became more agile giving me a harder time. I started taking damage as dodging attacks from hundreds of high-tier beasts was not an easy task.

I even fell into the lava multiple times which caused more damage.

Having resistance against lava doesn't make me immune to it so I had some severe burns from the lava which without the resistance would have burned me to nothingness.


I put my hand into the mouth of one Dragon as multiple spears burst out of it creating multiple holes in the Dragon's mouth.


My Wings blocked the mouth of one Dragon while my Kagune tuned to blades cutting apart the Dragon while I killed the Dragon who had my hand in its mouth.

I lowered my head as a tail passed over my head, I immediately stabbed my Kagune into the body of the Dragon and moved away from the place as the two dragons I killed exploded.

It took me about three more hours to kill enough dragons for the appearance of the tattoo on my index finger.

As soon as that happened I left the battle and flew towards the top of the tree and entered the barrier into the chamber which was now accessible.