Vice-captain Nacht.

Julian POV :

My mental strength is still not enough….

In the vision or the dream I saw,I I froze the moment I saw the man wearing a black cloak.

But I still could not control my body.

I could feel all the changes happening in my body….the thought that I will never be able to gain control over my body washed over me but not to the level where I would fall into despair.

I could see all the things happening around me.

The scenes of me fighting against the cloaked figure, the scenes of me fighting like an animal.

But the thing that shocked me to the core was my Grimoire turning into a five-leaf Clover Grimoire.

To my knowledge, a five-leaf Grimoire couldn't appear unless the host of the four-leaf Clover Grimoire is in despair but I was never in despair.

I believed that I could come out of the I was confident that I would come out of the situation.

So the most logical conclusion was that someone who can manipulate souls tried to take over my body.

Although it unlocked some new spells for me, I can't seem to activate them.

Fortunately, my other powers seem to be working just fine.

Now for the other person who helped me gain control of my body using forbidden magic.

Vice Captain Nacht.

How do I know it's forbidden magic? Because the feeling the spell gave was similar to the time when I use flame devour which is one kind of forbidden magic.

For the longest time, I never knew that a squad like Black Bulls could have a vice-captain but I was proven wrong.

Flash Back: A month ago….

Sometimes people's eyes say a lot.

The prime example is Yami.

Looking into his eyes, I can say what type of mood he is in.

Today was one of those times when his eyes showed seriousness.

Yami puts a list of papers in front of me.

"There are some things I need you to know about Five leaf Grimoire, Forbidden magic, and Devils.

Remember only you are supposed to know it.

Burn the papers after you read through them." he said, lighting a cigarette.

The papers had some incomplete details about the Five leaf Clover Grimoire or The Grimoire of despair and how a four-leaf clover Grimoire turns into one.

The three Clovers of the Grimoire of Clover Kingdom represent faith, hope, and love.

The four leaves represent good luck.

And finally, the fifth represents the devil

Devils were creatures that were rumored to exist and live in the underworld which was a separate world from the world we live in.

They can share their powers with a human or curse someone with forbidden magic or if a human summons them using a sacrifice.

The people who can use the power of the devils by making a deal with them are called devil hosts.

"Our Asta is a devil host...

Going by his fifth leaf Grimoire, the devil is most probably inside this" Yami said looking out of the window where the scene of Asta practicing with Noelle can be seen.

"Going by your reaction, you must have already known this "

"Yes," I replied.

Antimagic is something that defies logic.

Whenever he uses that power, the energy anti-magic releases are similar to the ominous feeling of forbidden magic " I said.

"Since you know these, you must also know what will happen if this information gets out.

All his dreams will be crushed. He might even be executed for committing the crime of being in contact with a devil "

I listened to Yami and turned to the last page.

The information about forbidden magic was mostly what I already know but I found a new piece of information that was.

'Forbidden magic is the extreme and highest level of yin magic that humans who are creatures with perfect yin-yang balance should never touch

"What is Yin magic Captain Yami ?"

"No idea, go ask the person who wrote the papers " Yami threw a photo at me which was of a long black-haired man who appeared to be in his twenties, unlike Yami.

"Who is this ?"

"Since you handle a lot of my work, I will tell you some things as a reward from my side.

This is Nacht Faust, the vice-captain of Black Bulls"

This information was a shock for me as I never knew our squad had a vice-captain.

"I have known him since the time I was in Aqua deer under Julius.

No one else except you, me, and Julius knows about him."

"I have been coming to the base since I was 12 but haven't seen him a single time yet " I said.

"He has only been to the base once and never came back.

A messed up bastard…

He acts as a spy and collects information from all four nations for me.

The papers you have in front of you are information collected by him over the years.

He will find you when the time comes "

Back to the present :

All the shadow tendrils returned to their owners releasing my Golem and Secre who came running to me.

[You okay there kiddo?]

"Why can't you stay away from trouble for a single moment," Secre said and sat on top of my head.

"It wasn't my fault that it happened."

Looking at the man who stood in front of me watching the show with a thin smile, a lot of questions came to my head.

"You are vice-captain Nacht right?"

"So you know about me…..

Since Yami decided to tell you about me, he must be preparing to pass on the hat of captain to you in the future.

Just like the lazy Bastard, I remember "The man whose eyes looked full of regret said.

'Seems like two of them don't go well'

"How did you enter this place moreover at the exact moment I was going to lose control?

Aren't dungeons impossible to enter when the gate closes?

How did you merge with the devils? "

"You ask a lot of questions to someone who you met for the first time.

Normally I would have ignored you but since we belong to the same squad, I will make an exception."

Natch matched his eyes with mine which now showed indifference.

I know everything about all the Bulls members…even though It's been years since I last went to the base.

I know everything about you too…

Julian Ragnvindr…

A boy belonging to a clan that was erased thousands of years ago…

For you to be here the only conclusion is someone used time magic.

You grew up in the Church at Hage village till the age of 10 after which you went to live in the city.

At 15 you were chosen by the legendary four-leaf clover grimoire that appeared after 500 years and joined the Black Bulls despite being given more opportunities.

In the months you spent in the squad you gathered allies like the first prince Lucis and companions like lightning spirit Kirin and a bird who is surrounded by dense forbidden magic.

In the years in the squad, you awakened the strange red eyes of Ragnvindr , giving you various types of abilities.

Most people think of you as a noble guy with no interest in relationships and attraction to the opposite gender but you are like another horny teenager.

No one knows about erotic the books and videos you have hidden under….. "

As soon as he said that Kirin looked away as I felt Secre stare daggers at me..

'This guy is creepy and the biggest stalker I have ever seen.

How did he know about the stuff that I hid well?'

"Ahh.. that's enough. I get it you know everything about me. The presence I sometimes feel observing me is what your doing after all."

"Oh? You can sense my devils…. Impressive I must say."

"You still haven't answered my question though.."

"I have Shadow magic that has evolved to acquire abilities of spatial magic… spatial magic that allows me to go anywhere as long as I have marked that place.

As for the devils…. I am not interested in telling you now." Nacht said as he looked at the giant hand.

One by one all the dragons started to break apart and turn into power.

Finally the eye covering of the statue of the Dragonoid broke off revealing his glowing reptile-like eyes.

Those eyes stared at a specific part of the wall.

Nacht pointed his finger at that place and sent a black bullet of mana which passed through the wall making a ripple.

"Let's go…. I wish to see what the dungeon of the Dragonoid Alric looked like..