The Wizard King. 

Clover Kingdom's calendar marked the year 1016, almost 1000 years after the first Clover king was crowned.

Julian had been home from the mission for two days.

Kirin had established himself as a member of the Black Bulls, making his first friends among Luck, Magna, and Asta.

Because he was good at fighting, three of them had learned a lot from him.

Luck had begun learning about manipulating natural mana, Magna, who already knew about it thanks to the seal Julian had given him, had begun learning new methods of using natural mana, and Asta, who possessed antimagic, was training to improve his reaction speed.

Secre, unlike Kirin, struggled with socialization. She was someone who didn't like to talk from the start, and her inability to speak like a normal human for years made it difficult for her.

Noelle initially felt threatened by the presence of a cute girl in the squad because she could seduce Asta, but after realizing how she looked at Julian, Noelle became friends with Secre, making her feel at ease.

Nonetheless, Vanessa was the one who was most helpful to her.

Kirin didn't need a room and mostly slept in Julian's room, taking a small form or wandering around all night, enjoying his freedom.

Secre took the room next to Julain's, but she still slept in Julian's room, claiming she was afraid to sleep alone.

Julian's life had taken a turn as the person who preferred to do things alone now always had two people around him, which, to be honest, was not a bad thing.


Wizard King's Castle.

Julian entered the chamber, carrying Secre in her bird form on his shoulder and Kirin in his mind space.

There were quite a few people in the room, including Captain Charlotte and two members of her squad, Nozel and the other two Siva siblings, Golden Dawn members, etc.

Captains such as Yami, Jack, Rill, Dorothy, and others were not present. Yami, being Yami, did not attend the event while Gueldre and William were busy plotting to destroy the castle town and capital.

'Sigh! I'm not going to be able to take a break.''

Julian walked towards a crowd, ignoring the stares he received.

" Yo Leopold, I haven't seen you since last month," Julian said, waving to Leopold, who was waiting with Fuegoleon.

Leopold ran towards Julian, excited because they hadn't seen each other in a long time.

"You appear to have grown stronger, Julian," Fuegolen remarked.

"Some difficult incidents occurred, so I had to become stronger to deal with them."

"That's excellent. Only by confronting challenges can a man truly grows." Fuegoleon said as he stepped away from his brother and Julian to talk.

As they began to discuss their daily lives, the Silva siblings Solid and Nebra scoffed and commented on how a royal was conversing with a commoner, which they both ignored.

At the other end of the room, Sol of the Blue Rose was constantly blabbering something to Captain Charlotte, who only said, "Don't call me sister, call me Captain," which Sol ignored.

Annie stood in a room full of three captains and high-ranking Magic Knights, trying hard to keep her cool.

She knew the job of the magic knight was difficult, but her own experience had left her exhausted, increasing her respect for the people in the room.

But she had no idea that Charlotte was deliberately making Annie work hard in order to bring out her potential and groom her in the right direction.

Annie froze as her gaze fell on Julian. His presence had become even more frightening to her.


Two magic knights from the Back Bulls were walking the streets of the common realm's capital city, where the wizard king's palace was located.

Asta and Noelle were exploring the area for the first time, so they took their time.

The roads were calm, with people going about their daily lives.

They encountered the Golden Dawn squad on their way to meet the Wizard King.

"It's been a week since we last saw each other, Asta; I hope everything is going well." Klaus said to Asta.

Klaus's words astounded both Asta and Noelle.

Klaus' personality had shifted entirely.

From an entitled and arrogant noble to a caring and respectful individual.

Asta and Yuno made some small comments to annoy each other, as they always do, while Klaus, Mimosa, and Noelle laughed.

The rift between Noelle and Mimosa had begun to heal after the dungeon incident, but it would take some time for things to return to normal.

Mimosa appears to have a lot of admiration for Asta, which did not help to repair their relationship.

Julian was mentioned because they were all alive because of him, but he was nowhere to be found. Julian, according to Asta, was already present in the castle because he needed to attend an award ceremony.

They walk towards the castle while talking, but are stopped by a blonde-haired man who is standing near the garden and weaving at them.

The man had a mana pool as large as a calm ocean and a smile as bright as the morning sun.

They all immediately bowed to the blond-haired man.

""Good morning, Wizard King!!""




"Hmm, nice work getting this. "This was most likely the most important relic in the dungeon," Julius told Yuno.

"Are you able to read the text?" Yuno inquired.

"Although I can't understand everything, I can tell you that the Great Wind Spirit Silph has chosen you as a host," Julius said as he handed Yuno the Grimoire back.

Julius then looked at Asta's Grimoire for a few minutes before telling him that he couldn't understand anything. The letters were totally unknown to him.

Asta took out his Demon Dweller sword and showed it to Julius to demonstrate what the spell on the page did.

Julius's magic nerd self emerged and took Asta's new sword, only to regret it.

Julius couldn't even lift the sword that was absorbing his mana at a rapid rate, let alone swing it.

Asta received his sword back from Julius right away, along with some information about the sword that Julius had discovered. Asta was familiar with the information because Julian had previously given it to him, albeit in more detail.

Can I ask a question, if that is possible? Asta asked.

"Sure, go ahead."

"How did you get the title of wizard king? "

Everyone was stunned by Asta's question.

" Please tell us," Yuno added, completely ignoring the others.

"You two may have aspirations of becoming the Wizard King, and that would be a nice dream to have. "Julius gave them a warm smile.

"Let's talk on the way....join me."

Julius began walking as all of them followed him with anticipation.

"Pay special attention...

The most important criterion is merit."

These words spoken by Julius were forever imprinted in the minds of the two rivals.

"With your personality and power, you cannot shield everyone.

The foundation for trust is a track record of accomplishment.

People anticipate that someone holding the title of "Wizard King" will produce outcomes that demonstrate their superiority.

The Wizard King spoke further as he made his way to his chamber.

He asked, opening the door, "So do you think you would be able to produce more results than there people gathered here?"

Inside, the members who would be promoted stood alongside their captains.