The man named Fanzell 

After a few days of relaxation, Julian was back to his missions and training the duo of Asta and Noelle.

With continuous exercise in Mana control, Noelle had learned to fly on a broom.

She could not yet fight as the main damage dealer, but her support ability had improved a lot.

Noelle was capable of putting up a somewhat decent Water barrier and smaller strong water shields.

The accuracy and power of her water bullets had improved a lot along with her reaction speed.

Though she can't grasp the sharpness of the sword that Julian was trying to teach her but she could somewhat use water slashes with her wand.

It was a difficult thing to master so Julian taught her patiently.

He also taught her some more basic spells that she could use like water whips.

Asta had improved a lot in the last few days too.

His sword techniques, his footwork, his reaction speed, and most importantly anti-magic flow.

Secre was working on a spell that would store mana in the form of a tattoo which was based on the principle of the Magic stones.

Last night she completed the Magic Seal and almost every member of the Black Bulls excluding Asta and Henry got the seal.

Asta had not yet learned to use the Demon Dweller sword slashes so the seal was useless for him.

Secre's spatial seal that Julian could also cast was liked by everyone so everyone got one of these too in addition to the mana-storing seal.

Yami had strictly instructed everyone from revealing about Secre's powers outside the squad.


It was a pleasant Sunday morning when every member of the Black Bulls were in the base.

"Alright now, focus and take deep breaths…let the mana circulate freely….feel the power of lightning…."

Kirin said sitting in front of Julian as he sat with his eyes closed near the Black Bulls base.

Black sparks surrounded Julian as Kirin slowly became particles of mana and assimilated into Julian's body.

[Spirit Dive ]

Lightning surged in Julian's body as he gritted his teeth with pain.

A black ring of lightning formed behind his back as his hair started floating.

He could feel his and Kirin's thought process become equal as his perception increased several times covering the entire forest around the Black Bulls base.

Julian spread out his palm where a black ball of lightning slowly started to form.

'This lightning feels different than mine…' Kirin's voice sounded in Julian's head.

Suddenly Julian felt excruciating pain as his eyes and nose started to bleed.

He immediately undid the spirit dive and used Healing Magic on himself.

"That went better than expected Kiddo~

Since you can conjure a lightning ball the first time after the spirit dive, you will surely master lightning magic in the future. " Kirin said.

"It is going to take some time for my body to get used to lightning magic. It feels like my body was getting destroyed from the inside while in Spirit dive" Julian said.

"Until your body subconsciously recognizes lightning magic as your own, you will keep feeling pain.

Since you were immediately able to apply the law of flames to my blue lightning turning it into black lightning, you will not have too much of a hard time."

"Yes, I realized that too…

The black lightning felt more powerful than the normal lightning you use…but it was not just the law of flames that I used, I subconsciously got mixed with light and Dark magic. "

This information surprised Kirin since he could not sense it.

"Seems like unlocking Lightning Magic will be the key to your mastery over Light Magic and Dark Magic.

Since Fire, Lightning, and Light were similar in some aspects, you should focus on light magic first " Kirin said.

As Julian and Kirin were going for another round of Spirit Dive, Asta and Noelle approached them to train them.

"Sorry guys, I don't think we are going to train today as we will be getting a guest who Asta might know," Julian said pointing at the forest.

"Guest?" Asta was confused but his confusion didn't last long as a naked Red haired man came running out of the forest being chased by a wild boar.

Julian immediately covered Noelle's eyes to save his ears from her scream as a look from his Sharingan made the Boar stop.

"You know him right?"

"I don't know about anyone who runs naked in the wild " Asta said.

"Oi!! How can you forget about me?

I taught you how to swing your sword!! " the man screamed not bothering to cover his private part making Julian a cloak for him.

" Oh its Fanzell – san . I haven't seen you since that last incident….Did you find your wife? " Asta asked with a sigh.

Julian removed the blindfold off Noelle and looked at Fanzell from top to bottom and said, "So you are the one who taught him to use the sword.

But I had heard that you were 28 years old you seem like a 40-year-old dude"

"It's not my fault that I look like this and get chased by wild boars," Fanzell said embarrassed.

'Doesn't explain why you were naked !!' both Asta and Julian screamed in their mind.


"I think I have seen you before somewhere," Yami said looking closely at Fanzell.

Fanzell started sweating after hearing what Yami said.

"I-I don't think I have met you before "

Asta explained to all the Black Bulls about Fanzell and how he met him months ago.

" Ah, I remember! I fought you on the battlefield years ago….I heard that you became an instructor or something.

What the hell are you doing in Clover Kingdom? " Yami asked.

With no options left, Fanzell explained his situation.

During his work as an instructor, someone named Moris took over completely changing the training process.

The training focused on honing the skills now focused on the survival of the fittest. People in training are made to fight each other to death and the final survivor is experimented on to become a killing machine.

Fanzell opposed this method and tried to revert back the situation but he was declared a traitor and ran away with his wife Code Dominante as he had assassins after him.

One of his students Mariella became a double agent and helped him get away from many assassination attempts and slowly get rid of them one by one.

He could not even contact his wife because Mariella informed him that the last squad that was sent after him was keeping an eye on his wife to lure him.

So he was here to ask for help since he got a message from his wife that Asta had helped her to locate him.

Fanzell's current objective was to get rid of the last squad, reconnect with his wife and student and finally go into hiding.

As Fanzell was explaining more things, the loud sound of lightning hitting the ground could be heard as Kirin entered the base a few minutes later and threw five people on the floor.

"These people were snooping around so I brought them in, " Kirin said as if he didn't just zap some people to near death.

"Just give me a minute " Julian picked each of them one by one and dragged their consciousness into his mind space and read their memories with his Sharingan.

These people were apparently bounty hunters who followed Fanzell to the base.

Julian wondered if these people were idiots as who in their right mind snoop around a Magic Knights base.

"So tell me, Diamond guy, why should we help you? It would be more advantageous for us to just sent you to prison " Yami asked.

"I will give you my collection of the most expensive wine from the Diamond Kingdom"

Yami and Fanzell stared at each other for a few seconds.

"I will give you my collection of cigars and will owe you a favor."

"Deal !"


Asta, Luck, and Fanzell were dropped in the Black market by Finral while Julian was dropped a bit far from them.

Yami as expected wasn't going to do anything so he sent Asta and Luck on the mission. Julian had nothing else to do so he went along to make sure nothing else went wrong.

Julian could see multiple people following Fanzell and two of the Black Bulls member.

Three of them walked towards a store but before they could enter the store, they disappeared from their place.

According to the information Julian received, the leader of the assassination group sent after Fanzel had magic that allowed him to create a room in which he could create unlimited soldiers of mana.

The only way to exit the room was that either the caster or the people he dragged into the room to lose consciousness or die.

Fanzell was strong in pure swordsmanship and wind magic application but not strong enough to take an entire army of soldiers coming from all directions so he needed Asta's anti-magic power which could just touch the soldiers to make them disappear.

Julian was not worried about them as Luck was strong enough to deal with the threat along with Asta's anti-magic sword which could cut apart the room anytime.

Julian unleashed his mana pressure as everyone present in that area started falling down losing consciousness except a girl wearing a black cloak and a mask.

Julian used restraining magic on all the people that fell down and asked Finral to take them away for now as they were mages of Diamond Kingdom.

"You must be Mariella, your teacher hired us to get rid of the assassination squad, " Julian said to the girl who was frozen in her spot.

"Are there any more people or this is it?" he asked.

"N-No this was all of them. Thank you"

Julian went inside the store with Finral and Mariella to meet Code Dominante who was familiar with her due to previous encounters.

They didn't have to wait for long as Asta and the others entered the store with some injuries and with the good news that their enemy was dead.

The reunion of the husband and wife was not as romantic as expected as Dominante broke Fanzel's nose with a punch and cursed him out for not trying to reach out to her as she was trying so hard to find him.

Their fight instantly switched into a romantic one as they began passionately kissing making Finral burn with jealousy.

Julian informed the trio of Mariella, Dominante, and Fanzell about the towns in the common realm and that they would live freely without getting their identities exposed.

As the people he caught were going to prison, their memories were going to be checked for sure.

All the people that Julian caught were just following orders and had no idea what Fanzell, Dominante, or Mariella looked like so even if their memories were checked, the trio would be safe.

Fanzell thanked the Black Bulls for their effort and told them that he would deliver Yami the goods he promised. Dominante was very glad to reunite with her husband so she gave the Black Bulls some free Magic items as gifts.

With this, the mission came to a happy end giving Julian some alone time to train.

Or so he thought as a few days later a letter dropped in front of Julian and Yami directly from the Wizard King shattering his peaceful time.