A secret message 

Kirin was back from vacation so I had access to lightning magic again.

In the last two days, I was trying to combine fire and lightning magic. Adding them at 50-50 gave no fruitful result except for a chance to create a bit of explosion so I started to find out the perfect ratio.

Fire Magic magic is pure destruction and very less penetration power while lightning magic is less destruction with high penetration power. So if I combine those two, I might get something that has high destruction and penetration power.

Aside from that, Yami had given me permission so I started to teach Asta about KI.

I already knew how to sense the surrounding with mana so incorporating KI which didn't require mana was a bit difficult to learn.

As for Asta, it should be easy to learn as I have been honing his instincts against deadly attacks.

Anti Magic has always been one of my topics of fascination so I was always invested in Asta to see how strong I can make him.

As for Noelle, I was currently teaching her compression.

She has too much mana to control all at once so during training Secre puts up mana suppressing seal on her to limit her mana.

It helps her to develop basic skills first with less mana and then move to the entire volume.

This method has shown significant growth in her mana control which made her train with more determination.

Her problem was that she was never taught about mana control from the start so a lot of her knowledge about the basics was nearly zero.

Although Noelle's talent level was not near Yuno, she was talented enough to catch up with things quickly, most probably due to her Silva blood.

That being said, Yuno has stopped contacting me completely ever since he joined the magic knights.

He doesn't even reply to my letters. The only way I get information about him is through Leteoile or David whom I sometimes meet.

Unlike Asta who knows his weakness and doesn't hesitate to ask for help, Yuno always liked to pretend that he had to weakness.

He already had too much trust in his magic skills and now with Silph on his side, I fear that it might turn to arrogance.

Seems like I need to meet him soon.

Yami was busy with work so Finral was free to drop me and Secre to the noble realm.

There was always tension between the borders of the three kingdoms of Clover, Spade, and Diamond so captains were deployed at the borders to reduce unnecessary casualties.

There are spies in each country informing the higher-ups of their kingdom of the opposite development.

In the entire continent, Clover Kingdom, Heart Kingdom, and Diamond kingdom have a grand Magic zone which is the deadliest place if someone is not careful.

It's no doubt that all the countries are huge and only a few portions of them are habitable right now but all of them are mapped except for what lies beyond the water.

I wondered why people didn't try to wander into the oceans to find what is beyond but I now know the answer myself a few days ago.

First is that traveling by ship is impossible due to the large storms that keep happening all the time. Next is the presence of sea monsters that go up to 800 meters in size.

I would have not believed it if not for me seeing them personally.

Another reason is that the farther we go away from the mainland, the amount of mana in the air decreases.

The last reason is spatial rifts...

That is the most important reason.

There are multiple invisible spatial rifts acting as barriers in the ocean that makes it impossible to leave. The rifts are so well hidden that even I could not detect them with Sharingan.

If not for me leaving some things to float in the ocean, even I could not know that I was traveling in circles.

I checked all four directions of the ocean and found multiple islands where people live but not a single one that was called Land of the Rising Sun….

Yami refuses to tell me anything so the only conclusion is that he came from beyond the barrier.

I wonder how that happened….was it really accidental or he was brought here by somebody?

Dark Magic…Light Magic…..World Tree Magic…these three are the key magic types to recreate the Tree of Origin.

I find it too coincidental that all three of them are present at the same time as if waiting for doom to happen.

There is the underworld waiting to be opened full of Devils like the word magic devil while there is the heaven which according to Alric was destroyed but I have no idea what is waiting there.

Sigh! Sometimes I wonder how many more dangers are going to come for peace to finally come.


After flying for a while, I reached the noble real where the museum was located.

Secre didn't come with me today as she had gone somewhere with Annie.

I only learned recently that Annie and Secre had become friends and hanging out lately.I know she is trying to find something but she didn't tell me.

It was she who told me that there will be no secrets between us and now she is hiding something from me.

Sigh ! whatever, I will just ask her when she is done.

I greeted Leopold who was waiting for me.

We walked our way to the museum while having a talk.

No matter how many times I come to this place, it never fails to amaze me. This place is a sharp contrast to the common realm.

Here all the houses are mostly big mansions or similar buildings arranged in a neat manner.

Big gardens with a lot of trees, unlike the cities in a common realm where houses are too close and streets are always filled with people.

The roads here are quiet.

Commoners are allowed to do business here but they can't buy houses here as the cost of way beyond what they earn.

Although there are some nobles who rent their houses at a lower rate for their commoner business partners. Renting the place doesn't make them noble so the commoners are not treated any better.

We went near the museum and showed our entry pass to the guard and entered the building.

The gate looked like a remodeled version of ancient buildings.

The museum was a huge building with different floors build underground.

We first submitted the artifact Fuegoelon gave Leopold and then started to do what I came for…investigation.

The museum had a total of 5 floors with floor 5 as the deepest floor.

Leopold had already visited the place once till the 3rd floor so he acted as my guide.

The viewing space was a long hallway with artifacts kept in glass containers and information about their finding location at the bottom.

The walls had famous paintings or inscriptions found.

Touching any of them will ring an alarm so I watched from a distance.

On the second floor, the remains of extinct animals were displayed.

There were also models of Salamancer, Sylph, and Undine from the history books.

There was also a model of a dark phoenix, but it felt like a knockoff version of the real one.

'Look Kirin, you statue...' I barely controlled my laughter seeing Kirin's statue.


The third floor had information about the history of the Clover kingdom and some records which described the legendary battle between the first wizard king and the giant demon.

The fourth level had artifacts that were considered to be waste and of no use or dead artifacts whose effect was over.

Among those whose artifacts there were some that could make limit a plant's growth, that made your nails longer, the belt that could make block your excretion holes for days so that you can't pee or poop….really why did someone even make it.

In another section were more weird body-altering artifacts like one that could make a man grow three dicks for a limited time or one that to make one's breasts so large that they touch the floor. There were some moving tentacles too that resembled those used in erotic manga.

There were some more similar artifacts that a certain author and Reina would have liked.

Kirin was rolling on the floor laughing reading about the artifacts in my mind space.

Leopold had never seen this part so he dragged me to every artifact with fascination and excitement.

There were some buttons to show a visual representation of what each artifact did and Leopold wanted to see all of them.

This guy lost his mind after being stressed with paperwork.

Fortunately, I didn't take any job related to much paperwork and never will in the future. Even my current paperwork is done by Noelle.

Altest she needs to do that for me as tuition fee or repay for the times she is rude and mean…..it's not that I am enjoying seeing her reaction or anything… it's just that she is the most educated among all of us...yes that's the main reason.

The last and 5th floors had artifacts that's use was not been discovered yet or were very precious as historical standpoint of view.

There were some battle armor or fancy weapons on display too which were used in great battles in history.

Sometimes researchers are given the opportunity to study them to see if they can replicate those weapons.

[Aye Julian, see that stone in the corner]

Hearing Kirin say that I stood in front of a stone tablet with a small dot in one corner. As soon as I activated Sharingan, the dot replicated the pattern of my eye and text started to appear on the tablet.

Seeing that I was so focused on the tablet, Leopold readout the description.

" Stone tablet of unknown language found underground of an ancient civilization. Dated more than 1000 years "

Although the words were in ancient texts, I somehow understood everything.

I suspect that it was created in a way that only people with Sharingan can read it.

The writing was a conversation between a student and his dying teacher.

The words of the teacher were …..

"Don't forget how a true Ragnvindr fights…

There will be a day when our race will disappear from everyone's memories.

You, youngsters, must make sure to carve a path for the future generation and make sure our race survives as long as possible.

If someday any warrior feels like they need to learn how a Ragnvindr fights, go to the Underwater Kingdom.

The race of fishermen lives there.

Under the blessing of the water spirit, I sealed away a segment of my prime and my weapon in a temple in that Kingdom.

He will train them….

Long live the Ragnvindr Clan"

[Seems like a big revelation partner. That weapon it talked about, we might need it for the future. ]


So underwater temple huh ...... I always wondered why the temple existed, it seems that I would get my answers when I go there.

"Were you able to read it? " Leopold asked.

" No. Not a single clue " I said.

Currently, I was not ready to share my secret with anyone else except some of my closest friends.

But the thing about reincarnation cant is shared with anyone.

We looked around for an hour more before exiting the museum.

I didn't find any magic stone so I don't think this place is going to be robbed anytime soon.

Robbing this place is very difficult as a barrier is set up all around it and as soon as someone comes near the museum without a pass, alarm rings.

The Coral Peacock base is within walking distance, the mages will come running to apprehend the intruder.

Every person here has a pass from the wizard king even the guards.

With nothing else to do, I returned back to the base.