Water creation magic: sea dragon’s cradle

Magic Knights resort.

" As you all know, the underwater temple is at the bottom of the ocean surrounded by water currents.

The citizens of the underwater temple have a special way of moving between the land and their home that we are unaware of.

Unfortunately, even with the mana zone, we cannot go there without getting shredded to pieces. " Yami said.

[He knows about the ability of light magic right? ] Kirin said into Julian's mind.

'Yami knows we can go with my Light magic but he wants to push Noelle to improve'.

"That's where Noelle comes in. " Yami continued.

"You will take us to the temple...

The only time the currents weaken is during the full moon and that's our only chance. "

" Using sea dragon's lair to move… it's impossible for me without good mana control…I can't -d-do it. If we fail .. every one of us .." Noelle said in a disappointed voice.

" That's right, if you fail every one of us will die. This is a top-secret mission so there is no substitute.

The next full moon is the day after tomorrow. Make out something till then.

Surpass your limits and do it! "


"Why are you making her do this? I am pretty sure Julian's Light Magic can take us there" Charlotte asked Yami.

Both of them were having a drink on the balcony of the resort.

She knows about Noelle's backstory and her messy mana control from Yami.

It is understandable that Yami wants Noelle to learn but the task Yami gave her is too difficult for her to do.

"I believe in my squad mates...

She will find a way.

Even if she doesn't, we are there to support her" Yami said.

"I see…..

You sure love your teammates" Charlotte said with a gentle smile.

"They are my family....

My squad is my reason for keep going….."Yami said looking at the moon.

Yami had been drinking for a while so his true feelings were coming out without him restraining them.

"What do you think about the events happening right now?

The attack of the supposedly extinct race, elves, and devils lurking in the background" Charlotte asked.

Charlotte knows Yami for years and his current state was the time she would find him the most vulnerable.

"It's stressful…..

The enemies are getting stronger.

I always worry that I might lose one of my family members to the enemy.

Julian joining my squad was the best thing that happened.

After Julian joined the squad, he forced others to work hard and become strong to truly become a magic knight.

Knowing that he is there, I can be a little stress-free

Meeting him all those years back outside the Hunter Guild was a blessing. " Yami drank another bottle as his eyelids almost closed.

"This may be the wrong time….but what do you think about me Yami?" Charlotte asked, seeing Yami's condition.

"I am grateful to you…..for sticking with me for years….

When I was in Aqua Deer or when I became a captain, you never saw me with repulsive eyes....

You were the most likable captains, unlike those morons…..

You had my back in every mission we did together...….

You are a wonderful woman Charlotte....

If I ever decide to settle down....your face is the first person that comes to my mind..."Yami said.

"Eh!!!!!! A-Are you confessing to me ???" Charlotte started to stutter but Yami was already deep asleep.

Charlotte's eyes softened seeing Yami asleep but she was not disappointed.

"This is enough for today.

To know about your feelings for me...it's wonderful.

Glad I came to this mission.."Charlotte muttered before she fell asleep too.

"That was a nice show, it felt like I watched a rom-com play, " Kirin said out loud as he walked towards the table.

Kirin picked up the unopened bottle of alcohol and created two human-like figures with mana that carried Yami and Charlotte to their rooms.

"Honestly, how careless can you two be?

You two are captains for god sake "

After drinking the entire bottle, Kirin sat down where Yami was sitting earlier.

"I wonder if I will find love someday….."Kirin muttered looking at the moon.


On an empty shore, Noelle was floating in the air envelope in a big orb of water.


Only a few seconds after the formation of the orb, it broke apart making Noelle fall to the ground. She didn't get hurt as she was only a small height above the ground.

"I can't do it !...

The moment I try to move, I completely lose control and everything falls apart!" Noelle punched the ground with frustration.

"I think you are doing something wrong Noelle, " Asta said, concluding after watching Noelle.

"The bubble you are trying to create is mainly used as a shield so it's meant to be staying in one place.

I think you need to change its mechanism, like adding rotation to it to move in the desired direction instead of moving the entire thing. "

Asta's logical solution surprised Noelle but it made sense.

In a way, Noelle was glad that Asta was there to help her master a new spell.

She was a bit sad that others were not helping her but she knew that she could not always depend on others to spoon-feed her.

Noelle did what Asta suggested and it showed some success; her water bubble moved a few meters but still broke apart.

This continued multiple times making Asta hurt as he had to catch Noelle from falling to the ground.

Just as Noelle was about to say something, Asta cut her off and asked her to listen to her environment.

Noelle was confused but then she heard it too….

A beautiful melodious song reached her ears and she looked at the direction the sound was coming from.

A little far from there is a girl standing on a rock and singing with moonlight behind her back and bubbles of water around her reflecting the moonlight.

This scene gave a peaceful feeling to both Noelle and Asta who waited for her to finish before they approached her.

On closure, the girl looked around their age with her hair reaching her knees and wearing a sleeveless gown.

Her dress was designed to look like the fins of different fishes.

The girl looked towards them and shouted as if embarrassed " Kyaa!! You heard me !? I am so embarrassed !! "

'And here goes the noble atmosphere ' was the only thing both of them thought

" There's nothing about what had already happened. My name is Kahono. What's yours ? " the girl asked.

Noelle and Asta introduced themselves and asked what she was doing here alone.

Kahono explained that she was a local and that she was practicing her singing as she aspired to be an idol.

Noelle had some idea about it but Asta had no clue who the idol was.

Noelle explained what she knew while Kahono filled in the rest.

Idol concerts were only famous among royals and nobles so Asta had no idea about those as he grew up in boonies.

There were music performances in common realms but not at a scale that could be called a concert.

Idol concerts were grand performances where a group of people sang while giving a dance performance.

The idol concerts are mostly done by beautiful women who have a huge fan following.

Kahono said that her mother is an idol and she wanted to be like her but her main goal was to earn a lot of money.

Kahono was an extrovert who quickly made Noelle her friend who was still socially awkward.

Seeing that Asta and Noelle had gotten hurt, Kahono displayed her song magic which was a branch of water magic.

Healing magic was one of her abilities with which she healed both of their injuries making them thank her profusely.

With Kahono with them, Noelle began her magic practice again.

Seeing Noelle fail so many times, Kahono said some ideas.

" You are holding back your magic too much, " Kahono said.

"You have a huge mana pool but you are only using a fraction of it. The thing you are trying to achieve is impossible with the amount of mana you are using since your level of mana reinforcement is low." she continued.

"I can't control so much mana….so I am told to use the amount of mana that I can control," Noelle said.

"Believe in yourself Noelle, we grow every day.

I don't know who told you that but don't you want to prove him wrong?

Moreover, I am proud of my mana control, I can guide you."


" I feel like there is a lot going on in your mind. You need to calm down.

Imagine a clear goal of what you want to do.

The best method of calming down is thinking about happy memories…..like with your family . "this advice backfired as Noelle became more distressed thinking about her family.

A sphere of water enveloped Noelle which was larger than the one she made when she first joined the Black Bulls.

The sphere elevated into the air but inside Noelle's mind was in distress.

Painful memories of her family resurfaced and she completely lost control. ' I can't do it after all ' she thought as she closed her eyes.

" Don't Give up Noelle! we are here for you " Asta's voice rang in her ears.

"You are doing good….continue " Julian's stern voice rang in her ears similar to the time when he trained her.

" Only you can do it, Noelle "Vanessa shouted.

"I have tasty cakes prepared for your la~" Charmy shouted.

Noelle opened her eyes to see Asta, Charmy, Julian, and Vanessa cheering for her while Kahono had a smile on her face.

Memories started to flood into Noelle's mind.

A special memory that dated back to a few months ago when his brother made her choose a squad that was other than his but every squad rejected her.

That is when Yami said to her " This is the first time I have seen a royalty labeled as a failure.

If you feel like fighting against it, join my squad ".

Today seeing everyone support her made her remember all the happy moments she spent with the Black Bulls.

' Who said I need my blood family….. ..this is my real family.….. I will do it for them...I will protect everyone ' With newfound determination, she exerted all her concentration and focus in controlling and shaping the sphere to what she wanted. Fueled by her determination her grimoire shined as a new spell got engraved.

[ Water creation magic: sea dragon's cradle ]

The entire water sphere shined and its surface became smooth and its walls hardened creating a giant shell-like structure.

The water sphere moved in all direction without any problem making her spell successful.

" I d-did it " Noelle shouted before falling as she completely exerted herself.

Her bubble broke as she started to fall but Asta caught her successfully with a bright smile.

Seeing that everyone's focus was on Noelle, Kahono took her to leave by diving into the water but her vision blurred as she felt her surroundings changing.

As she blinked, she found herself in front of a tall beautiful tree that covered a blood-red moon.

In front of her stood a man with red menacing eyes making Kahono shocked beyond anything.

She immediately got on her knees and bowed to Julian.

"I Kahono, from the city of Watatsumi greet our protector the Ragnvaldr "

Kahono's mind raced as she couldn't believe her eyes that a Ragnvindr was standing in front of her.

The same Ragnvindrs who built their civilization and whose magic till this day protects their city from the attack of every aquatic life.

The same Ragnvindr who gave every single citizen the blessing of the water spirit Leviathan.

"Don't be so formal Kahono, think of me as Asta and Noelle's big brother….

I don't know if they have told you or not but I am informing you that we Black Bulls will be visiting your city for a mission.

We mean no harm.

Please inform your elders about our arrival"