The power of Anti Magic 

Next morning:

Julian and Asta stood in the middle of the forest with the Witch Queen, Vanessa, and Secre watching them.

Vanessa seemed to be in a better mood since she got to vent everything she had inside her for years to the Witch Queen.

The cat on her shoulder that she named Rogue, was supposed to embody her true magic…which was fate manipulation.

But in the current stage, she didn't know how to control it.

Vanessa was surprised to see her mother having one of the Magic stones.

Witch Queen handed it to Vaness and explained exactly what it did.

The stones were created by the elf leader Licht, Prince Lumiere, and Secre five hundred years ago.

These stones contained memories and were keys to letting the elves regain their original power.

Back to the current time:

Julian was preparing Asta for an experiment.

"The pace you are going, it would take a long time for you to control the power of Anti Magic so you will be taking a shortcut…..

We are going to remove the limiter on your body and add a bit of modification to fully utilize the power of anti-magic.

As you know, the source of your power is a devil trapped inside your Grimoire.

The swords you use are a medium between you and the devil letting you utilize anti-magic, so as soon as the limiter is removed, anti-magic energy from the sword will invade your body like a tsunami.

You have to make that power yours Asta.

You might see your devil as well but remember to hold your ground.

Ready ?" Julian asked Asta.

"I am ready! " Asta said, taking out his Demon Slayer Sword.

"Is this safe ?" Noelle asked since the method seemed dangerous.

"I can bring the situation under control if things go downhill, so don't worry Noelle" Julian replied.

The Witch Queen pointed her fingers at Asta as all the blood vessels in Asta's body started glowing.

[Sealing magic: Mana barrier ] Secre waved her hands to create a barrier that would not let any mana fluctuation leave the place.

As soon as Witch Queen's spell took effect, Anti Magic burst out of the Demon Slayer Sword forming a Black cocoon of anti-magic around Asta.

Asta could hear the worried screams of Noelle and Vanessa as his consciousness blanked out.


Asta found himself floating in a red space

'What is this place...did I die?

Did the experiment fail?

Damn…..forget about being the Wizard King, I haven't even defeated Yuno and Julian-ni yet

Noelle would be devastated if I die….'

"WELCOME!!" a voice reverberated through the space freaking out Asta as he slowly looked back to see to find an enormous shadow-like figure with wings and horns.

"What the hell are you!!!"

"Keh! Keh! Keh! That's pretty cold.

I have been closer to you than anyone else~" the devil said as his voice reverberated all around.

"No seriously! I don't know anyone like you !!" Asta screamed.

"Ke! Ke! Doesn't matter…..

Since you are here, that means you want my power right?

I will give you my exchange I will be taking your Physical body" the devil said trying to capture Asta with his giant hands.

"The hell are you talking about ?! Like hell, I am giving you my body!!!" Asta moved away from the devil dodging the Devil's attempt to get Asta.

"You want to win against Julian right ?! You want to become the Wizard King exactly?!

As of now, you can't even touch a single strand of his hair.

I shall fulfill every dream of yours…..just hand me your body"

"I don't need your deal, you bastard!

You are living in my Grimoire rent-free so give me your power as rent you bastard!! " Asta said, holding one of the claws as his arms slowly turned black.

"Keh ! Keh! Let's see if you can handle my power~"


The anti-magic cocoon burst out even shaking Secre's barrier.

Anti-Magic coating appeared on the entire right side of Asta's right side turning it pitch black.

A black wing grew out of his back and finally, his right eye turned red with a slit similar to reptiles.

There was an ominous aura around Asta sending a chill down Noelle's spine.

"Is that Asta ?" Noelle muttered softly.

[Now would you look at that…..he looks amazing with that half-demon looks] Kirin commended seeing Asta.

Emitting a black afterimage, Asta disappeared from his place and swung his sword at Julian.

Julian swung Aquila Favonia and sent Asta back several meters.

[Dark Flame magic: Lava Dragon's Roar ]

A large Dragon made of flames rushed towards Asta trying to eat Asta alive but Asta swung his sword dividing the dragon in half.

Multiple flame missiles shot toward Asta as he flapped his Anti magic wing to block the attacks.

The Witch Queen was amazed at Asta's power.

'I thought he would lose consciousness but he seems to have somewhat controlled it…..

The Demon Dweller sword constantly emits anti-magic eating away the mana of the wielder, only a magicless person Asta can wield that sword.

Since you can wield that sword, I assumed that you were kin of the elves but I was wrong…

You are simply a defective human.

In your presence magic is meaningless…

You aren't special or anything like that but that is what makes you special' The Witch Queen thought watching Asta slash apart another of Julian's spells.

[Dark Flame magic: Sword of conviction]

Multiple swords of flames formed around Julian and attacked Asta from all directions.

[Anti Magic: Black Hurricane ]

Asta rotated his body creating a tornado of anti-magic destroying every single sword sent at him.

'What is this feeling…..I feel like floating on a cold water surface… .. my body is moving on its own' Asta thought

[World tree magic: Vine prison ] Vines grew from Asta's body creating a spherical prison of vines but the vines were destroyed as Anti magic burst out of Asta's sword.

Flapping his wings, Asta moved to the sky and summoned the Demon Dweller sword from his Grimoire.

Absorbing mana from Secre's barrier, Asta sent multiple slashes toward Julian.

[Dark Magic: Lightless Slash]

Julian canceled every single slash of Asta with slashes of his own.

[ Wind Magic: Vishnu's chakra]

A rotating spear of blades made of wind formed in Julian's hands as he threw it toward Asta.

[Anti magic: Magic Reflection]

Asta struck the spell with his Demon Slayer sword and sent it back towards Julian.

[Lightning Magic: Strike of Indra]

Asta's body moved automatically as he swung his Demon Slayer sword upwards to destroy the Lightning bolt that fell on him.

The fight continued as Asta destroyed every single spell Julian sent at him.

Satisfied with Asta's response to ranged spells, Julian indulged Asta in close combat.

According to Julian's estimation, Asta's reaction speed increased about five folds in this state.

"This ominous power…. It's too amazing.

He is pushing back Julian!" Noelle commented.

"You are wrong Noelle…. Julian is holding back.

Julian hasn't used his Mana zone or Kirin's power even once.

Moreover, he is just using basic spells.

Julian is just testing how far Asta can bring out the power of Anti-Magic" Vanessa said.

Julian felt this much practice was enough since the anti-magic coating in Aata's arm was wearing off.

[Mana zone: Wind magic: Gravity imitation]

Julian's feet touched Asta's shoulder as he was sent crashing down the ground as enormous wind pressure pressed his body to the ground, completely preventing him from moving.

Even Asta's swords couldn't cancel out the spell.

Noelle was shocked again to see how much Julian was ahead of them.

It just took one serious spell from Julian to make Asta lose battle capability.

"I know you are seeing this through Asta's eyes Devil… listen well.

The Mana zone is your biggest weakness.

You and Asta must collaborate to develop an Anti-Mana zone to even have a chance to stand against me."

Suddenly Vanessa's cat appeared on Julian's shoulder as the spell Julian used disappointed freeing Asta.

"Rogue?!" Vanessa was taken aback to see her cat on Julian's shoulder.

Although Vanessa couldn't control Rogue's power, she could understand that the cat did since it was her magic.

'This cat got past my mana zone…..

Fate manipulation is a dangerous power' Julian thought.

Ignoring the cat Julian looked at Asta panting on the ground as his anti-magic coating completely wore off.

"How do you feel? " Julian asked about landing near Asta.

"I feel tired….

I couldn't control the power completely….

The devil did most of the moves that I performed…." Asta said, punching the ground with frustration.

"Isn't that a good thing? You now have an image of what you need to do."

"You are right, now I know what to do to improve even more.

Moreover, I can't wait to try it again since the feeling of flying in the sky without anyone's help felt like a dream come true" Asta replied cheerfully.

Noelle was relieved seeing Asta back to his usual self.

"That aside, how did you feel when you were in this state? " Julian asked.

"I felt like I was floating in a body of water…..

The more I tried to swim, the stronger my power got but it made me more tired " Asta replied.

"Rest for a while, we will continue your training after this" Julian said giving back Vanessa her cat.

"You need to control this power, Vanessa, it's a double-edged sword.

I suggest you train under your mother for the duration we are here"