End of Fana

The temperature of the room kept rising at an alarming rate as Salamander assimilated into Fana.

"Are you sure you wish to do this?

Why can't the elves and humans reach an understanding and avoid unnecessary bloodshed? " Asta said taking out both of his swords.

"I trusted you, humans, once and lost everything…..

So I wouldn't stop until every single human of Clover Kingdom is wiped out." Fana said as a spear condensed in her hands.

"Then you leave me no choice !"

In an instant thick layer of Anti Magic covered the entire right side of the body alongside one wing growing on his back.

[Anti-magic: Black Meterorite]


A shockwave erupted as Fana's spear and Asta's sword collided.

The force behind Asta's swing sent Fana flying like a bullet away from the castle.

Flapping his wing, Asta became a black afterimage as he followed Fana.

"Fanzell you are staying here, Mars you will be coming with me," Julian said putting his hand on Mars' shoulder as both of them disappeared using Light Magic and appeared outside the forest.

Julian disappeared again and reappeared while holding Fana by the head and threw her to the ground while Asta was in the air standing on a platform of light.

Most of Fana's armor was instantly broken with Asta's attack but it slowly started to repair itself.

[Flame Spirit Magic: Breath of the Salamander ]

Fana growled in anger and pointed her spear at Julian sending a beam of flames.

"This level of attack wouldn't work on me"

[Mana zone: Cero ]

An even stronger dark red beam made of multiple different magic shots out of Julian's fingers completely destroyed Fana's spell.

The Mana fluctuation due to the clash of the two spells was enormous but a barrier formed around them blocking everything.

"Disappointing…..You are the weakest of all the elves I have fought so far "

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME, HUMAN!!" Fana screamed sending more such beams at Julian but every single one of them was destroyed by Julian before they could even touch him.

Julian's Magic charged the Demon Dweller's sword as Asta slashed it towards Fana sending multiple slashes.

Fana became an afterimage dodging every attack and stabbing her spear multiple times in the air sending blasts of mana.

Walls of Crystals formed in front of the attacks trying to block every single mana blast but the sheer power behind the attacks shattered every single wall.

Mars clicked his tongue and summoned an army made from Crystals to attack Fana from all directions but the ground erupted like a Volcano destroying every single soldier.


Fana swung her spear forward as Asta's Demon Slayer sword clashed.

Asta's anti-magic flow increased instantly breaking Fana's sword as he swung his Demon Slayer sword slashing Fana's face.

A giant sword made of Crystals swung at Fana but a mouth-like structure formed on Fana's back and stomach shooting destructive flames.

Asta immediately put the Demon Slayer sword in front but was sent flying due to the sheer power behind the spell while Mars' attack was turned to ash.

Armor of Crystals formed around Mars as he dashed toward trying to indulge Fana in close combat.

"I know you are there Fana!

I am sorry I couldn't protect you!

I am sorry you had to give up your dreams for me!

Please come back, I will do everything in my power to protect you this time!"

"SHUT UP !!!

DON'T TALK TO ME, YOU FILTHY HUMAN!" Fana stabbed her spear into Mars's abdomen trying to burn him from the inside she was hit with a terrible headache as memories that were not hers started to flood her mind.

Taking the chance Mars created distance and started using healing magic on himself.

Fana's headache increased as everything in the five hundred meters radius started to burn.

As soon as the headache was somewhat controlled, Fana became an afterimage and appeared behind Julian trying to stab a spear of mana into his heart but Julian caught the spear with his bare hands and shattered it.

"You are too weak to hurt me"

Julian grabbed Fana by the neck and threw her towards the ground.

Spikes of Crystal grew out of the ground stabbing through Fana's body but her body turned into flames making the attacks go through her.


Mana around her exploded destroying every spike of crystal.

Fana flapped her wings and roasted her body summoning an enormous hurricane of flames.

The sheer power and range of the attack could turn cities into ashes.


"Like hell, I am letting you do that !!!" Asta screamed as the Anti-Magic flow increased.

[Anti Magic: Black Hurricane ]

A black reverse hurricane of Anti magic formed inside the Hurricane of flames completely destroying it.

Fana's body started changing into that of a dragon that was even bigger than a Salamander.

The Dragon flapped his wings as hundreds of exploding scales shot toward Asta, Julian, and Mars.

[Light Magic: Light sword of conviciction]

Before a single scale could explode, swords of lights summoned by Julian slashed every single scale making them explode mid-air creating shockwaves.


Witch Queen along with Noelle, Vanessa, and Secre watched the battle against Fana.

Constant explosions could be heard all over the Forest but not a single scratch appeared on the forest due to Secre's and Julian's barriers formed with Sealing magic.

"As expected of the great flame spirit Salamander, its destructive power is outstanding….

But the host is weak…" the Witch Queen said.

"How is she weak? It's almost impossible to fight against that level of destructive power unless the opponent is someone like Julian" Noelle said watching Julian create a barrier that completely blocked the rain of flames.

"Fana can't bring out Salamander's power properly.

If you see carefully, a lot of Fana's attacks are weaker than expected while some attacks are insanely powerful.

She has no control over the power and just throws attacks randomly showing her lack of combat experience.

The only reason Asta and Mars are getting suppressed is due to the destructive power of Julian" the Witch Queen replied

"The battle should be ending soon," Secre said.


Asta and Mars took deep breaths as they were getting tired of fighting Fana. Asta returned to his normal form since he is not able to maintain his black form for long.

They were running out of ideas and power to deal with Fana.

"You two did good, now leave it to me," Julian said disappearing from his place and appearing about the Flame Dragon.

Aquila Favonina appeared on Julian's hands as his arms become blurred sending countless slashes of dark and Light magic destroying the dragon and revealing Fana.


Julian punched Fana in the abdomen instantly breaking her armor to pieces and making her cough blood.

Julian held Fana's face and teleported to the ground.

[Forbidden Magic: Physical strength seal ]

[Forbidden Magic: Mana suppressing seal ]

Fana's body completely shut down as she could use neither move her body nor use her mana.

"Ready Kirin ?"

[Thanks for the meal !!!]

Fana's spirit dive was undone as every bit of mana from Salamander started entering Julian's body.

All of Fana's memories and feelings started to enter Julian's mind.

Julian closed his eyes as he appeared in a White space with a giant Flame Dragon standing in front of him chained with black chains

This dragon was larger and looked more menacing than the one Fana was riding and transformed into.

It was the true form of Salamander.

[Dark Flame Magic: Flame Devour ]

Julian moved forward and touched Salamander's head as his power started to get absorbed into him and into Kirin.

Salamander's powers, mana, and his essence as a great spirit assimilated with Kirin as his body started to undergo certain changes.

The large dragon slowly shrunk in size till it was the size of a lizard.

Julian stepped on the lizard as it too converted into particles of mana and entered his body.

The absorption of the great flame spirit Salamander was complete.

Although Julian and Kirin completely absorbed Salamander, it wouldn't die since it was a great flame spirit.

It would be reborn and make a contract with someone worthy but his powers would be less than before since Julian absorbed the essence of a great spirit.

[Great Flame Spirit Salamander absorbed]

[Mana points: 1500 ->1800]

[Body points: 700 -> 750 ]

[Power of dark flames increased ]

[Aquired spell: Breath of Salamander ]

[Aquired Dragon Transfomnation]

"Aye Kiddo, it would take me some time to completely assimilate with Salamander's powers so I will be sleeping for a while... " Kirin said to Julian.

"You can sleep peacefully Kirin.

I will provide Sylph's mana too so be sure to absorb it properly" Julian said to Kirin as he opened his eyes to come back to the real world.

Salamander's presence was completely gone.


"Stop screaming, I just took away Salamander's powers from you, " Julian said transforming his hands to that of a dragon.

"Impressive right ?! now it's time for you to leave too "

Julian said as a black drop of unknown substance formed on his index finger.

It was the power of Abyss, a power to erase everything out of existence, even mana.

That one drop of Abyssal power made Fana realize all resistance was futile.

Julian's finger touched the Gem on Fana's head as it slowly started to disappear into nothingness.

Slowly Fana's elf-like ears started tuning back to normal as her presence completely changed.

Fana slowly opened her eyes and immediately blushed seeing Julian standing so close to him.

"Fana !" Mars immediately rushed towards Fana and enveloped her in a hug.

Fana didn't understand what was happening but hugged Mars back.

"We promised to meet in the outside world...we can finally fulfill our promise, " Mars said softly.

"Yes….Just like we promised….Mars" Fana's memory was a mess but she remembered everything till she was disposed of by the Diamond Kingdom.

"I know you must have a lot of questions, I will answer them for you slowly. Just enjoy the moment for now " Julian said as he walked towards Asta.

"What did you do at the last moment? I didn't understand" Asta asked.

"Unlike Vetto whose body felt as if it was artificially created, Fana'a body belongs to a human.

There was a spell that made the Elf Fana's soul in habit Fana's body.

I just destroyed that spell bringing back the original Fana. " Julian replied.

"Good to know that the real Fana is back and we defeated another general of Eye of the Midnight Sun," Asta said with a smile.

Julian snapped his finger a red jacket made of mana appeared on Asta and Mars since their clothes were burned down during the battle.

"Let's go back to the castle now, we have a lot to discuss "


After the final selection, Mars was supposed to be the only survivor but it was later found out that Fana survived too despite her fatal injuries.

Instead of getting rid of Fana, the research team decided to experiment on her too.

As the experiment progressed, Fana's body started to reject all the modifications while Mars showed positive results.

It reached a point where Fana could not show any more results so she was disposed.

That is when Licht found Fana.

Fana's pure mana and hatred against the people who tormented her, she became the perfect host for the Elf Fana.

Five hundred years ago during the Elf Macassare, the leader used reincarnation magic to send all the elf souls into the future instead of the natural reincarnation.

And Fana was the reincarnation of the Elf Fana so she became the perfect host.

"This is the story so far " Julian explained after going through the memories of both the Fana.

Julian described some details of the excitement which Mars and Fana went through making Mars's blood boil with anger since his memory of that time was wiped out.

It made sense for a person like Fanzell to defect from a Kingdom where such acts are performed.

Mars and Fana talked a lot as Mars wanted to tell her everything that happened all these years.

Their reunion almost had Noelle and Vanessa in tears.

Fanzell couldn't express the relief he felt after seeing Mars and Fana again.

Since all the objectives Julian had were complete, it was finally time for the Black Bulls to leave the Witch Forest.

Some things were still to be decided like Fana's living arrangements and Mars's deal with the Witch Queen.

It was decided that Mars, Fana, Fanzell, and Dominante would be staying in the Witch forest till the deal with Mars is finalized.

After that Mars will return to the Diamond Kingdom and Fana would stay with Fanzell and Dominante.

The current Diamond Kingdom was not safe for Fana so Mars had to let her go with the promise that he would come see her.

It would be troublesome if someone read Mars's memories so Julian applied a forbidden magic spell on Mars' mind stopping anyone from seeing certain memories.

This is the same spell that Licht used on Fana and other members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

Mars was grateful to Asta and Julian for the help and promised to help them in the way he could like even if it meant betraying his kingdom…the Kingdom that only made him suffer.

Vanessa promised the Witch Queen that she would come to see her again making the Witch Queen happy.

Black Bulls thanked the Witch Queen for everything she did for them and finally left the Witch Forest.


Eye of the Midnight Sun base :

Patry and Rhya stood in front of the Stone tablet with a gloomy expression.

"We lost Fana….and another Magic stone to the Black Bulls "Patry muttered.

"What about her soul ?" Rhya asked.

"It's safe, Sally is creating a new body for her and Vetto " Patry replied.

"How will you take back the Magic stones ?" Rhya asked.

"All three of the Magic stones are with the Wizard King, I just need to kill him to obtain them.

As long as we open the tree of Sephiroth and Licht awakens, all threats like Julian would be solved " Patry replied clenching his fist.