Julian and Mereoleona rematch -2

The page on Mereoleona's Grimoiore turned as black knuckles appeared around Mereoleona's fists.

The woman who only depended on her strength alone was using a weapon.

Leopold and everyone in Crimson Lion smiled after seeing the Black Knuckles.

'Father's knuckles….she is finally using them'

Those knuckles were a strength-boosting artifact that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Vermillion Family.

After Leopold's father passed away, it was passed down to Mereoleona since she was the older twin.

The battle took the next step as the summoned beats whose danger level surpassed high-tier mana beats attacked Mereoleona altogether.

Dark Phoenix waved her wings shooting countless bullets like feathers eating away Mereleona's blue flame coating.

Mereoleona punched all the incoming feathers but they stabbed through her mana coat.

Using the Flash step Mereleona instantly reached the sky and was about to punch through the phoenix when Salamander opened his mouth and released a tsunami of flames while Kirin manipulated those flames and added his black lightning creating a wave of high-temperature explosive flames.

A sphere of blue flames formed around Mereleona and countered the combination attack of Kirin and Salamander.

Leviathan released a cry as large tentacles of water charged with lightning attacked Mereleona from all directions vaporizing her blue flames but Mereleona kept regenerating them.

If that was not enough black vines constantly erupted from the ground creating a forest of flames where Leshy jumped around and attacked Mereleona with his sharp claws.

The battlefield was a mess as every single opening of Mereoleona's attacks was exploited by the Spirits who shared a vision with Julian.

The viewers had their mouths open wide seeing the power in Julian's summons.

Some even wondered how much mana Julian had since all of the beasts had mana equal to that of royals.

Nothing on the battlefield was visible anymore as large spells were being constantly thrown around.

'Haven't fought this woman in a while and as expected she has become even more terrifying…..' Yami thought creating a barrier of dark magic to absorb the shockwave from the battle.

Charlotte was slowly losing her confidence as a captain seeing Julian and Mereoleona fight.

"Don't compare yourself with monsters Charlotte" Yami said turning towards her.


"Don't think of yourself as weak, just think that some are beyond our reach.

We have to keep doing things that are under our reach " Yami said and handed her his popcorn box since hers was finished.

Charlotte lightly blushed and turned towards the battle.

While Mereleona was constantly fighting against all of the beats, Julian floated in the sky as orbs of various magic types revolved around him.

'It would have been easier and quicker if Kirin was with me but I can't always depend on him'

Julian thought as the orbs slowly started to form a rainbow-colored crown on his head as black flames started to envelop his Axe.

For a moment everyone stared at Julian as they felt a strange feeling of crisis in their heart as they moved back even more.


Just as Julian's preparation ended, blue flames covered the entire battlefield as all of his spirit summons were decimated adding those mana to his flames.

There were injuries on her body but the wounds were burned to stop the bleeding.

Julian instantly reached near Mereoleona and swung his axe while Mereoleona punched back with her knuckles using her full power.


Before even the weapons touch each other Mereoleona was thrown backward hundreds of meters while the ground started to get divided into two.

As if the land was in Julian's control, the ground exploded sending Mereleona into the air as Julian swung his axe sending a large slash.

The last attack already made Mereoleona feel as if her bones were going to crack so she used even more power in the punch since it was too late to dodge.


A large explosion followed after the two attacks collided as the slash broke through Mereoleona's defense and started to cut through her right arm making it useless.

"You better prepare for this or you might die" Julian's voice repeated into the battlefield sending chills down the viewer's spine.

Mereleona canceled her blue flame coating and focused every drop of her mana into her working left arm.

The axe changed its form to a sword as black flames wrapped around it vibrating the space around it.

[Mana zone: Ignition Slash]

[Mana zone: Lion's pride ]

The world turned white for a second as the only thing visible was Julian's black slash rushing towards Mereoleona.

An image of a lion formed behind Mereleona as she punched forward using everything she had.

The two attacks clouded creating a bright flash and shockwave making everyone get blown backward several meters.

The recording device that broadcasted the battle to the Wizard King shattered cutting off the connection.

Everything went silent as the view cleared.

The ground was divided into two as lava began erupting from the gap.

Julian with no injuries on his body slowly walked towards Mereolona who was lying on a platform of light above a pool of lava with all of her clothes gone.

Mereoleona was barely alive with her left arm and leg completely vaporised.

Still, there was a smirk on her face.

"This time, I win, " Julian said with a smile.

"Don't worry, only I will get to see you in this state"

[Dark Flame Magic: Phoenix regeneration ]

A coat of red flames appeared around Mereoleona as her body rapidly started to regenerate.

Julian snapped his fingers as clothes made of hardened light and flame magic wrapped around her body.

The knuckles that Mereoleona was using were broken but Julian fixed them with Sealing Magic.

By the time Leopold and everyone else rushed towards the scene, Mereoleona's injuries were completely healed.

Since the mana around them was still chaotic, Julian forcefully calmed it down with his mana zone.

'This monster…..he defeated even the undefeated Lioness' This thought appeared in the minds of Lucis, Yami, and Charlotte at the same time.

The outcome was a shock to all the Crimson Lions especially Leopold since they were seeing Mereoleona lose for the first time in their life.

"Someone finally tamed the Lioness " Yami muttered lighting a cigarette.

Yuno's body was still shaking after the battle.

Once again he was reminded of the difference between him and Julian.

The thing that fascinated him the most was the Mana zone with which he would conjure spells from anywhere around him.

'I will not stop pestering Julian ni-san till he teaches me Mana zone'

Leopold helped Mereolona stand up since she barely had any stamina left after the battle.

"I lost...…

As we agreed upon, let's get married " Mereoleona said with a playful smirk.

""Eh ?!!!"" Everyone seemed to have been struck with lightning hearing Mereoleona.

"Congratulations…you have my blessings, " Yami said holding his empty popcorn box as a glass.

"Oi !"

Julian felt a terrifying glare on him.

[When did you make such a deal behind my back ?!] Secre voice rang in Julian's mind.

'I never made such a deal with her! This woman has gone insane '

"If you are in a condition to joke around, you can walk to the hot springs too.

Now get yourself into the hot springs, you need some rest" Julian replied looking away from embarrassment.

"Tsk! Too bad " Mereoleona made a disappointed face for a few seconds before going back to normal.