Royal Knight Exam-2

The royal knight exam was broadcasted to different magic knights bases for the knights to learn from the competitors.

Many cheered excitedly seeing Julian's display of power white some sympathized with Julian's opponents.

As the matches continued, many teams started to gain attention.

Some of the examples were Asta's team.

Asta's ability to cancel out Magic, reflect the magic and shoot out slashes of Anti Magic made people realize the horrors of Anti Magic.

Xerx didn't do much but his Trap Magic's ability to create deadly traps and reflect back spells twice the power gained attention too.

Mimosa didn't really have many attack spells but her healing ability and ability to create an exact map of the battlefield and pinpoint the location of the enemy came in handy.

Although Asta and Mimosa didn't like Xerx's attitude, it was undeniable that his skill was commendable.

Next was Yuno's team whose match against one team was especially interesting.

Yuno's extremely versatile and terrifying wind magic tore through every spell in his way.

Being jealous of all the attention Yuno received from everyone including the captain of Golden Dawn, Alecdora challenged Yuno with his Sand Magic but was utterly humiliated.

In the same match, Noelle came face to face with her brother Solid who thought that he would get a chance to humiliate her but the current Noelle was too strong to handle.

Noelle's Sea Dragon's roar destroyed every single spell Solid threw at her and made him loose all combat capability.

Noelle's smile after finally getting back at her bully made Julian really proud.

Their third member, LinGuard didn't get much opportunity to show his capabilities but his mushroom summons were very useful.

The smaller mushrooms could spread out throughout the battlefield and give him information while at times releasing paralyzing and sleep powder.

The bigger mushrooms could even fight giving him an army.

The next interesting team was Finral's.

Jamon's Glass magic and Leopold's fire magic were strong but what really stood out was Finral's Spatial magic.

Abilities like instant response,Instant teleportation, and permeability made Final gain recognition.

Langris had a sour expression seeing Finral's current self.

Next was the team of Luck and Klaus.

The woman in their team named Pluly gave the two of them wings increasing their maneuvering ability while the combination of Luck's and Kalus's magic gave birth to a terrifying Lace that stabbed through everything.

Annie and Lucis coincidentally were put into the same team and synergized very well.

Their third member had acceleration magic which made the team even stronger.

Still Julian and Rill remained the most terrifying opponents to face.

Rill didn't hold back in his powers since the Eye of the Midnight Sun wouldn't show mercy either.

As more teams started to get eliminated, stronger teams started to get matched to fight against each other.

Asta's team got matched against Kirsch's team who was Mimosa's brother and vice-captain of the Coral Peacock.

Kirsch immediately started with one of his strongest moves [Cherry Blossom Blizzard ] covering the entire battlefield with pink flowers which were sharp as blades.

This is when Asta tapped into his black form for the first time in the tournament and used [Black Hurricane ] to completely negate Kirsch's magic.

The people of Coral Peacock were shocked to see someone deal with Kirsh's spell for the first time so effortlessly.

As a Vice Captain, Kirsch was well informed about Asta's powers so he didn't hold back and attacked Asta with his full strength.

Asta in his black form received a massive boost in pushed back even Kirsch shocking everyone.

Mimosa was the weakest in the team so she was having a hard time fighting the combination of Magna and Sol.

Xerx had impressive skills but even he was having a hard time keeping up with Magna.

Although Magna didn't have high-power spells the sheer number of his medium to small spells overwhelmed Xerx.

At first, the situation looked dire for Asta's team but Asta's strength grew even more as the battle progressed completely dominating Kirsch and destroying his crystal.

A fifth-grade Intermediate magic knight defeating a Senior magic knight who too a vice-captain was a sight to behold.

Asta looked at Julian and gave him a thumbs up making the two Queens look at Julian.

'No wonder that boy is so strong'

'Told you so, everyone who comes in around him are monsters' Lucis thought looking at his mother.

Lucis and Annie's next opponent was Yuno's team.

Although Yuno's powers were terrifying, the speed of Light magic was equally terrifying.

The combination of Licht Magic and Barrier Magic along with acceleration magic gave Yuno's team the hardest challenge making Yuno go into his Spirit Dive to win the match.

In Yuno's spirit dive, a half crown forms around his head and right arm while a wing emerged from his right back.

Wizard King was almost jumping with joy seeing Yuno's and Asta's new forms in the tournament.

Team Luck's next opponent was Rill which made their luck run out.

The last match before the semifinals were between Team Final and Team Langris.

The two brothers of house Vaude were coming face to face.

As soon as the match started, Finral's new spell [Fallen Angel's flapping ] teleported the two teammates of Langris outside the battlefield eliminating them by default.

The combination of Finral, Leopold, and Jamon together attacked Langris but were pushed back by Langir's spatial magic.

Thought the match Langris didn't speak a single word as the voice in this head to kill everyone getting louder.

In earlier matches, Finral was the link of the team but in this match, Langirs' Spatial Magic was canceling out his spatial magic making it difficult for him to use his magic which made Leopold and Jamon acuminate injuries and lose combat capabilities.

Finral teleported them to safety and got ready to confront Langris alone.

The main attack style of Langris was range attack since he was weak in close combat. To make up for this Langris always had a spatial barrier around him that stopped every attack except spatial magic to reach him.

Finral knew if he wished to defeat Langris, he needed to beat him in close combat.

Using every drop of mana and every single spell Finral knew, he moved forwards slowly towards Langris cancelling out every single spell of his.

At his point, Langris's mind was almost taken over by the voice making his vision go dark but suddenly his mind completely became free as he was punched to the ground by Finral's fist.

"Wake up Langris!"

As Langris slowly opened his eyes, memories of his childhood slowly started to emerge.

The memories where Finral taught him how to socialize, make friends, help with his magic, and save him from bullies.

Langris admired Finral and wanted to be like him since Finral was good at everything. So Langris started to work hard to improve to one day help Finral too like he helped him.

That is when he started to hear a voice in his head listening to which made him stronger but in turn slowly manipulate his emotions.

The admiration slowly turned into jealousy and into hatred.

And today suddenly the voice was gone….all his negative emotions were gone.

As Langris opened his eyes, the body of Finral covered in injuries came into his view.

For the first time in years, Langris showed genuine emotions of worry and stood up to support Finral as both of their crystals shattered at the same time eliminating both of the teams.

"I…..I have sorry for everything Finral"


Julian smiled as the cut on his finger started healing.

'The Spell to seal off the elf soul from manifesting was successful '

With the match ending the final matchup was announced

Team G: Asta vs Team E: Yuno

Team A: Julian vs Team B: Rill