The situation at the Heart Kingdom

The Heart Kingdom employs a distinct power scaling system in contrast to other nations, which is used to assess military prowess.

The stages are allocated based on destructive potential, ranging from stage nine as the lowest to stage zero as the highest.

To combat devils, a mage must be at least at stage one.

The majority of Heart Kingdom mages typically fall within stages two and one.

Among those who achieve stage zero are Loropechika and the five spirit guardians.

However, mere destructive capability isn't sufficient to vanquish a Devil.

Only individuals whose magic aligns with the Yin nature can truly defeat a Devil, a trait lacking in the Heart Kingdom but abundant in the Clover Kingdom.

Abilities such as Asta's Anti-Magic, Secre's Sealing Magic, and Julian's abyssal magic are classified within a distinct tier known as the Arcane stage.

Now, let's delve into the situation within the Heart Kingdom.

It can be stated that the Heart Kingdom has traditionally enjoyed tranquility due to the Spirit Guardians and the Queen's capacity to cast an infinite array of spells by manipulating natural mana.

The mages of the Heart Kingdom practice a technique termed the "Mana Method," allowing them to manipulate natural mana by creating Runes and commanding the forces of nature itself.

This grants them more efficient access to the mana zone.

Furthermore, with the assistance of the water Spirit Undine, the Queen can oversee the entire Kingdom and launch attacks using water as a medium.

However, everything took a drastic turn when the Spade Kingdom's army assaulted the Heart Kingdom a few months ago.

All members of the invading army possessed devil powers, elevating them to stage zero mages, overpowering the Heart Kingdom's forces.

Leading this army was Vanica Zogratis, who wielded the might of the Supreme rank devil, Megicula, rendering her virtually invisible.

Even devils such as Zagred and Asta's Anti-Magic Devil would pale in comparison to adversaries of such caliber.

In that battle, numerous Heart Mages lost their lives, and the Queen herself was cursed.

This curse progressively saps her vitality day by day, ensuring her demise within a few months.

Yet, the horrors do not end there. The devil's curse has extended to the civilian population, with no means to counter it using Yang Magic.

Day by day, the ranks of the Heart army's mages dwindle, and if Spade launches another attack, their defeat is inevitable.

"After the Heart Kingdom, the Clover Kingdom will be the next target

This is precisely why I seek an alliance with the Clover Kingdom and beseech you to lend us the strength of your army," Loropechika implored.

"We cannot merely offer up our soldiers to perish.

What are you prepared to offer in exchange?" Julian inquired.

"We will instruct your mages in the art of the Mana Method, enabling them to manipulate natural mana freely," the Queen proposed.

"Do you mean this?" Julian asked as runes crafted from mana began revolving around him, akin to Gadjah's techniques.

Gradually, these words diminished until they were imperceptible.

Even the Queen couldn't replicate this feat.

"I acquired this knowledge when your mages employed it.

Since I have mastered it, I can also impart it to my mages.

Now, tell me, what are you willing to trade for it?" Julian inquired, adopting a relaxed posture.

Loropechika fell silent.

"Listen attentively," Julian's demeanor turned serious, and the atmosphere around him shifted.

"Throughout these years, the Spade Nation remained relatively quiet, making only sporadic moves against other kingdoms.

In case you're unaware, I received reports this morning confirming the demise of the King, Grandmarshal, and most Generals of the Diamond Kingdom at the hands of the Spade Nation."

Julian's revelation left everyone in shock.

"Imagine that within a month or two, the entire Diamond Kingdom will be under Spade's rule.

Given their momentum, they are poised to conquer all three nations, with the Heart Kingdom next on their list after Diamond's fall.

By sending our army to aid you, we would weaken our own nation at a time when we should be preparing for war.

We possess elves on our side, each a stage zero by our standards, along with a wealth of Arcane mages boasting magic such as Space Magic and Dark Magic.

Secre and I wield Sealing magic, capable of dispelling curses.

Licht and Lumiere, my advisors, possess destructive power you're familiar with.

Lastly, a Ragnvindr endowed with the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Undine knows well what a Ragnvindr with Mangekyou Sharingan can achieve.

I, alone, can contend with Grand Duke rank devils and confront Supreme rank devils head-on.

Thus, Queen Loropechika, why should we extend our assistance?"

Loropechika maintained her silence, finally speaking, "What do you desire?"

"Open your borders, establish a permanent non-aggression and peace treaty with the Clover Kingdom.

Initiate formal trade routes between our nations.

Train our soldiers.

In return, we will help suppress the Devil's curse and aid you in your conflict against the Spade Nation," Julian proposed.

"You're requesting much from us!" the Queen exclaimed.

"Excessive? I'm considering the well-being of both our people.

The destruction of your kingdom would have no direct impact on ours; in fact, it could even weaken the enemy's forces somewhat.

If that's too great a demand for you, do you truly prioritize your nation's welfare?" Julian taunted.

"Mind your tone, Ragnvindr!" Undine's aura surged forth in response to Julian, but his mana surged even stronger, causing Undine to collapse in pain.

"Undine!" Loropechika left her throne to attend to Undine, while Gadjah remained motionless frozen in time by Julian's magic.

"Know your place...

Forget the Spade Nation; I'll obliterate your nation if you overstep your bounds," Julian's voice reverberated with authority.

"Please, cease this! I shall sign the treaty; I don't wish further suffering for my people!" Loropechika pleaded as Julian relinquished his mana pressure.

"Loropechika, you possess a compassionate heart, and I understand your desire to preserve your country's culture and techniques. Nevertheless, consider the bigger picture.

If you lose this war, all these cherished aspects will be for naught.

Losses are inevitable, but we must strive to minimize them and envision the future," Julian concluded in a calm tone.


That night:

Loropechika lay on her back, dressed in loose clothes, as Secre examined the curse on her stomach. The Female Spirit Guardian, Sarado, and Undine stood beside her as guards.

Meanwhile, Gadjah took Licht, Lumiere, and Noelle on a tour.

"The curse is directly inflicted on your soul.

So if I try to remove it, it will instantly kill you.

So I applied a seal to slow down its effect to a level that instead of a few months, it will take at least a decade to kill you," Secre said.

"But I didn't know what would happen when you come into contact with Megicula in the future," she added.

"I can't thank you enough for this, Secre…..

You are a huge help," Loropechika said, adjusting her clothes.

Water Spirit Undine thanked Secre profusely for her help.

"About the alliance contract…

You can be sure that he will treat the people of the Heart Kingdom as his own and do his best to help them.

The thing he hates the most is to see innocent people die," Secre said.

"I understand, Secre.

I have read reports about his policies and their positive impact.

Sometimes being kind is not enough; you need to assert your power too.

I don't hold anything against Julian," Loropechika said.

"That's good to know," Secre replied.

Both of them walked out of the room and found Julian waiting for them with a wide smile.

Asta was standing beside him with fascination in his eyes.

"Secre, I completed that spell I was working on.

Using the Mana method, I can keep Limitless active at all times," Julian informed.

"You must be confused about what I am talking about. I don't mind showing you since we are now allies.

Miss Sarado, could you please launch an attack on me? Don't worry; I will not do anything," Julian said.

Sarado looked at Loropechika, who nodded in agreement. Runes of magic circled around Sarado's arm as she directed a punch towards Julian's chest. However, the attack halted just inches away from him, as if hitting an invisible barrier.

Sarado attempted attacks from various directions, but the outcome remained the same – she couldn't breach Julian's magical defense.

Loropechika marveled at Julian's techniques, being a witness to something entirely new.

"With your curse having a temporary solution, we can start the same treatment for the people as well.

Since they were not affected by a strong cause like yours, there is a possibility that we can dispel them," Julian said.

"I hope so," Loropechika responded, a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"Setting that aside, there are private matters I need to discuss with both of you," Julian stated, addressing Undine and Loropechika.

Sarado left the room at Loropechika's gesture, and Kirin materialized next to Julian, indicating the gravity of their upcoming conversation.

"Since me master...Atlante Ragnvindr created you two thousand years ago, I should have information about the happenings of the world right ?" Kirin asked Undine.

"I don't have such a strong memory to remember everything…..

So that I can pass down information to the future Queens of Heart Kingdom, the first Queen Guizhong created a library in my mind-space that every Queen in contract with me can access." Undine replied.

"Can you please tell me how the Ragnvindrs were annihilated?" Julian asked.

Loropechika nodded and closed her eyes to enter her mind space which was a library of millions of books.

She started floating and reached towards a specific shelf and took out a book as its information transferred into her mind.

Loropechika opened her eyes after receiving the information.

"Throughout the history of the world…..the gate to the underworld has been opened twice.

The first was two thousand years ago during the era of Atlante Ragnvindr and Queen Guizhong.

Various species allied themselves with the Devil and went to war for domination but lost.

But this war ended ninety percent of all species.

The second time the gate was opened was a thousand years ago.

The Dwarves who were allies of Ragnvindrs and Elves changed sides and joined the Devils.

This war ended with the closing of the gate but the end of the Ragvindrs. " Loropechika said in one go as if reading from a book.

"To open the gate of the underworld, just Dark Magic and World Tree magic is not enough, it requires several rituals to be completed…..

A four-leaf Clover Grimore signifies good luck but when more than three four-leaf Clover Grimoires appear in the same era, it is a sign of calamity." Loropechika continued.

"Currently World Tree magic user, a Dark Magic user, and a person with the information about the ritual all exist at the same time. " Julian cut Loropechika off and said.

"I, Yuno, Asta, Lumiere, and Patry….all of us have four-leaf Clover Grimoire although mine and Asta's have turned to five-leaf ones.

The elves were sent to the future in the time when everything aligned.

The Spade nation nation has the power of Devils.

Everything connects to a single conclusion.....reopening the gate of the underworld and starting the war for domination " Julian said making everyone silent.

"This is not just a war between nations but a war that will decide if humanity survives or not," Julian said.

That is when a terrifying gravitational field hit Everyone hit everyone planting them on the ground except Julian whose limitless made him able to clash against the gravitation field but it was slowly getting destroyed too.

A gravity power so strong that was bending space and time itself.

The walls of the castle bust open as a tall man with green eyes and black combed hair starts walking in a leisurely manner.

The man wore a black shirt with a high collar, a brown jacket, and a dark blue fur cape with a short white fur mantle on top.

His black pants were tucked into a pair of black, knee-high boots.

Two black belts wrapped around his waist, and a third crossed from his left shoulder to his right hip.

The belt around his waist had the Spade Kingdom insignia on the buckle. He also wore a gold crown with tall spikes and red inset jewels.

"Humans are evil incarnate.

Rage, fear, hate, revenge, destruction... Evil is humanity's true nature.

As such, this world is too dull for us.

To change this world...I Dante Zogratis, the King of Spade as a messenger of war on the entire of humanity. " Dante said as his voice reverberated.

Two black horns grew on his head followed by emergence of four wings on his back.

Julian's uncontrolled Mana pressure burst out and enveloped Dante but equally terrifying mana pressure that couldn't belong to a human burst out of Dante clashed against Julian's mana pressure.

In an instant, everything about a hundred meters of them turned to rubbles as the power of gravity and the abyss clashed.

Using the power of spatial magic, Julian instantly transported Secre, Asta, Undine, and Loropechika out of the battlefield leaving Licht and Kirin to fight alongside him.

"Take your time, Julian Ragnvindr...the greeting has only just begun," Dante taunted, setting the stage for an impending clash of unimaginable proportions.