Situation at Diamond

Under the dark sky, a huge walking fortress scaled the outskirts of the Diamond Kingdom.

There were humans inside the fortress from whom mana and life energy were forcefully absorbed.

This fortress was called Candero, created by the Spade nation to absorb natural mana and mana from the humans in it.

This wasn't the first of its kind as similar fortresses were all over Diamond and Spade nation.

A bit far from the fortress, a group of Diamond mages led by Fanzell were waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

'The last raid was a success because the fortress was small but this's twice the size of the last one.

Moreover, the people who were supposed to participate are not here....

This feels like a suicide mission' Fanzel thought as he observed the fortress moving towards them.

That is when a crow flew towards him and sat on his shoulder getting past his defenses and senses.

"Stand back Fazell, let me handle it" a familiar voice erupted from the crow shocking the mages but making a smile form on Fazell's face.

"So they finally called you….Julian"


On top of the fortress, multiple crows could be seen observing the surroundings.

Each of them passed though the walls and scattered themselves throughout the fortress.

Multiple magic circles started forming all over the fortress disabling all the mechanisms through sealing magic.

The Spade mages who were supposed to operate the things found themselves under Julian's control even after obtaining the power of the Devil.

"Twenty mages and about a hundred civilians…"

A portal opened at the main control unit as Julian stepped out of it and stood in front of the Spade mage who was completely under his command.

"Let's see what the Spade is up to…"Julian placed his hand on the head of the mage as all of his memories started flooding into Julian's mind.

Reading the memories made it clear that Spade nation was collecting mana from all over the two kingdoms to fuel the ritual similar to the Eye of the Midnight Sun which collected mana from people for months and the life force of its people for the reincarnation ritual.

Not much but Julian got a vague idea about the places the Spade mages were most concentrated at.

One by one Julian touched all the Spade mages to extract as much information as he could and decided to get rid of them but he wanted to try something since he sensed something in some of them.

Julian swiped his fingers as the head of one of the Spade mages rolled on the ground but instantly nerves burst out of the neck joining back to the neck and rejoining his head back to normal.

"No wonder the Diamond Kingdom is losing, aside from strength some are basically immortal"

The one Julian tried to kill was different from others as his body was similar to dead bodies but he was still functioning like a normal human.

"So these are the immortal soldiers that Loropechika was talking about…."

Julian snapped his fingers as this time all the soldiers were enveloped in black flames completely destroying their bodies including the mana they were made of leaving no chance of regeneration.

More magic circles formed around the base as a healing spell was cast upon all the citizens in the fortress whose mana was being drained and after a minute all of them were teleported outside to where Fanzell and the others were.

Julian teleported outside the fortress and contacted Secre

"Make some space, I am sending you something interesting"

Julian touched the fortress as the entire thing was teleported away to the Clover Kingdom.

The Diamond mages watched in shock as Julian in a few minutes rescued all the civilians and took down the Fortress.

Julian teleported in front of Fanzell and asked what to do with the civilians.

"Thank god you are there Julian.

I can't express how relieved I am to see you…

Let's go with everyone to the shelter, for now, Mars and others are waiting for us there."


When the Diamond Military fell apart, many of the soldiers including the generals became a part of the Spade due to a spell being cast on them making them immortal and stronger while taking away their free will.

The surviving generals: Alaina, Mars, and Lotus managed to escape with a portion of the army and created the resistance.

The Spade nation had gained control over a significant 90% of the Diamond Kingdom, and opposing them had proven to be quite challenging.

Consequently, the resistance made a continuous effort to relocate civilians to areas untouched by the Spade nation's influence.

This decision might appear risky, as attacking the shelters by the Spade nation could spell the end of everything. However, it does provide temporary refuge for the people.

When individuals are constantly living in fear of potential harm, it is preferable for them to harbor that fear in a shelter rather than being exposed to a higher risk of danger outside.

In this context, it is wiser to face potential harm tomorrow than to be exposed to it today.

The shelters are the cities that are located near the border between Clover and the Diamond Nation far away from the Spade Nation.

With Julian's help, all the recused citizens reached the shelters where the other people there helped them adjust.

Since a large number of people were living there, it was cramped but it wasn't too bad.

Although the tension was high, children could be seen playing on the streets which could be said to be a good sign.

Julian casually strolled on the streets and Fanzell briefed him on the situation.

"Who made this barrier? It's pretty weak" Julian said.

"This is the best barrier we could create with our technology since almost all the barrier mages are wiped out" Julian replied.

"How many mages do you have ?" Julian asked.

"Around forty but in terms of high destructive powers, we only have Mars and Alaina. "Fanzell said leading Julian to the meeting place.

Julian entered through the door to a large room with three people waiting for him: Mars, Alaina, and Lotus.

"Well well if isn't some familiar faces," Julian said greeting Alaina, Lotus, and Mars.

All of them once went against him in the past but ultimately lost.

Alaina was infuriated with Julian's smile as he made that remark but she didn't show it in her face.

Since Julian stood on top of the Clover Kingdom and the person they wanted help from, she was forced to greet him with respect.

"You don't look so good, let me fix that for you," Julian said snapping his fingers as Lotus's lost arm regenerated within a few seconds.

Three of the generals were shocked at the speed at which Lotus'arm regenerated since the only ones they had seen could do were people with the Devil's powers.

After the initial shock, Mars was the first one to speak.

"I am sure you have heard about the situation from sir Fanzell.

We need Clover Kingdom's help to rescue more of our civilians and strengthen the barrier. " Mars said.

"Hmm…..I could do that if I want but why should we? We are in time for war too.

Wouldn't it be more beneficial to attack Diamond Kingdom from the other side and completely eliminate you all?" Julian said.

"We are aware of that.....Either Spade or Clover eats away the Diamond Kingdom. " Lotus said.

"Since there is no grand marshall or the King anymore, I am the current highest ranked in the Diamond Nation" Alaina spoke up.

"If given an option to choose between losing my life or losing my arms to live, I would choose to live.

So, Wizard King Julian, Diamond Kingdom wishes to make a deal.

In exchange for the survival of our people and reclaiming our lands….if we win this war….The Diamond Kingdom will come under the Clover Kingdom" Alaina said taking out a contract.

This shocked Julian since Alaina said the last thing he expected but it was the best favourable outcome.

After a long discussion, Julian finallized the contract.

"Since we don't have much time left, I have the fastest solution to your problems "

Julian opened a portal from where around twenty elves walked out including Patry, Vetto, Rhya, and Fana. All of them were elves who wished to fight in the war.

The room immediately became heavy with their presence.

"There is a job for you guys to get back to the Devils,"


Although it was the middle of the night, the streets of the shelter were fairly busy.

Kirin and Julian walked side by side watching over the shelter.

"The stronger you get, the more alienated from society you become don't you think?" Julian asked Kirin.

[Why this thought all of a sudden?]

"You have seen me grow Kirin, you know me the best…..

When I was weak, people saw me as a part of them… equal.

But now, people see me differently… if I am someone different from them.

Some worship me as god while some the demons for taking away their loved ones but no one sees me anymore as their equal.

Can't blame them, even though I have slowly become indifferent to their lives.

The kid me would have cried seeing someone grieve over their loved ones but now, I don't feel a thing.

It's the same feeling as stepping over an ant and not feeling a thing. "

[That's the sacrifice you must make in exchange for power Julian.

Strength might make you indifferent but that humanity inside you is still there.

From the outside, you might appear to be stoic and indifferent but I know that all those emotions are slowly getting collected within you.

It will just take one incident to get it all out at once and that is the day you would realize how human you are.]

"Hope you are there for me the day I explode Kirin" a gentle smile formed on Julian's face.

[Of course, I would be there, I would be there with you till the end ]

"Thanks, Kirin, now let's get to business" Julian's smile dropped as both of them entered a shabby-looking house.

The inhabitants of the house were lying in a corner unconscious while a man sat on the couch leisurely with his legs on the table.

He was Dante Zogratis, the king of Spade.

Julian walked up to him and sat opposite him creating a couch of mana.

"So you knew I was here Julian," Dante said.

"Yes, the moment I stepped into the city...

Are you here to claim the rest of the Diamond Kingdom?" Julian asked.

"You appear to be pretty came in the face of your enemy.

Why don't you attack me?" Dante said.

"I don't want innocent people to get harmed."

"We are rulers Julian, we don't need to worry about lesser beings."

"Stop with that and answer my question, why are you here?"

"I came to give you a last reminder.

You only have a month before Spade Nation starts the war and won't stop till we connect the underworld and the mortal world.

As for the Diamond Kingdom, we are no longer interested in it as we have what we need.

Become stronger Julian so that you can entertain us more" Dante laughed as his body turned into a pile of flesh that disintegrated.