
A few days earlier:

Wizard King Castle

Julius Novacrono sat in his chair, looking over some documents, when suddenly his consciousness blanked out.

His blond hair started turning black, and a sun tattoo appeared on his head. He snapped his fingers, and a hole formed in the ceiling, dropping a small black orb that created a separate space in the room from the rest of the castle.

Out of thin air, a short, muscular woman materialized in front of Julius. A hammer crackling with lightning was tied to her waist, and she had one of her left eyes closed, staring at the man in front of her.

She was Morgana, the queen of Dwarves.

"So you are still alive, Astaroth…," Morgana said with disappointment.

"You know that I can't be killed, and one more thing, call me Lucius from now on. Since you are here, did the Mangekyou Sharingan work perfectly?" Lucius asked.

Morgana opened her left eye, revealing it to be a Mangekyou Sharingan that seemed to have lost its light. She plucked the eye and threw it on the ground; it turned to ash while a new normal eye grew in its place.

"Tsk! The rejection is truly strong, I could only use it for a minute before I felt my soul tearing apart " Morgana complained showing a painful expression. 

"Alexander's Sharingan was truly miraculous. Sending an entire civilization a thousand years into the future… even my time magic can't achieve such results," Lucius said.

"Too bad it can be used only once and can't travel back in time," Morgana replied.

"That Sharingan was special, so it couldn't be turned into an artifact," Lucius said with slight regret.

"How is the progress of the plan, Lucius?" Morgana asked.

"Almost everything is going according to plan. The last Ragnvindr that we selected for the plan has obtained almost all the pieces; we just need the last piece to combine everything. As I said, almost perfect, as there is an anomaly… our Ragnvindr has awakened Anti-Magic too," Lucius said.

"You don't need to worry about that; I will take care of it," Morgana said.

Morgana snapped her fingers, and another Mangekyou Sharingan appeared in her hand, but it was different from the one she had. The pattern in the eye slowly rotated, changing its shape from an eyeball to a dagger.

"This is what you wanted, right? The power of perfect reincarnation," Morgana asked.

"Now give me the prison realm."

"Yes-yes, I remember," Lucius said, taking out a red cube with eyeballs on it. As they were exchanging artifacts, Morgana couldn't help but say, "I still hate making exchanges with you."

"You are making a deal with a devil, after all; the feeling should be obvious," Lucius said with a mocking smile.

"We will execute the final phase of the plan next month; you complete your preparation, and I will complete mine," Morgana said as she prepared to leave.

"Don't forget to give your descendant a visit; I believe her name was Charmy," Lucius said as Morgana disappeared, making the room turn back to normal.


As Julian walked towards Asta and Liebe, Kirin materialized beside Nacht.

"You seem lost, kiddo; want the great sage of lightning to enlighten you?" Kirin asked.

Nacht didn't get offended by the way he spoke, since he was used to hearing it.

"Fine, go on," Nacht said, calming down his nerves.

Kirin recited a summary of the events that took place after Asta's birth and his relationship with Asta, making Nacht finally realize what was happening.

Under normal conditions, Nacht is smart enough to deduce the story from the situation, but his mind is not in the right place.

First of all, he was in the place where his family died and used the ritual that killed them. Perhaps he wanted to see Asta and the devil fight to awaken a familiar scene. Still, seeing something unexpected like the time when he accidentally summoned a high-ranking devil, Nacht lost his cool.

This made him ashamed of himself.

Nacht's shock was expected since even his four devils were shocked to see the scene. They had never seen a devil-like Liebe.

Although Liebe didn't have a single drop of mana in his body, which would automatically put him at the lowest of the Devil hierarchy where mana was everything, the power of Anti-Magic had enormous potential that could make him rise to the level of supreme devils.

Just as Julian was about to begin his fight, his ear rang as he received a message from Yuno.

"We will have to stop our match; something has come up. You'll come with me," Julian said to Asta and Liebe.

Asta wanted to refuse since he wanted to train with Liebe to uncover the power of Devil Union, but Julian didn't take his no for an answer.

"Take some time for yourself, Nacht; you have worked hard these past few months giving us important information on Spade."

Nacht didn't complain and accepted his vacation, but his devils were disappointed as they wanted to see the fight.



It was an underground city rumored to be the home of angels in the past.

Just a year ago, that city relieved itself back to the world in the form of a dungeon, causing a disturbance in the ocean, making Julian and other Heart Mages work together to resolve the issue.

Recently, the disturbance seems to have reappeared on a bigger scale than before.

Julian reached the chamber of the Heart Queen with Asta, where Noelle and Yuno were already present.

Loropechika seemed to be taken aback seeing Julian there since she only asked for Asta's help.

"Enkanomiya is a place that I wanted to revisit, and this seems to be the perfect time," Julian answered before Loropechika could even ask her question.

"Sigh, I understand. Since you are going, I don't think I need to send any of my mages, I presume?" she asked.

"Right… four of us are more than enough."