Mr. Woo-Han The Chairman.

Lee-Ann came back and went to Shen's room. First, he knocked on the door and then entered, "Shen..!" he called her name but didn't see her in her cabin.

Everything was in its place. The chair beside the table, the laptop in the middle of the table, the glass of water beside the laptop with its cover, and a few files near the glass of water. He phoned her but she didn't pick up his call.

Where can she go....? he frowned and questioned himself? And added, "And also not picking up the call.

Lee-Ann then came out of her room and was on his way to the receptionist to ask her about Shen.

He went to her and asked her about Shen.

"Where is Shen? She is not in her room". He inquired.

Miss Shen, I saw her going out, the receptionist replied to his words.

Where...?! Lee-Ann asked.

"I am sorry sir I don't know. She was in hurry she didn't inform me," Siu-Lei the receptionist, replied.

Lee-Ann nodded and then was about to turn when an employee standing beside the receptionist said immediately, Mr.Lee, and as she spoke Lee turned around.

" I heard Miss Shen saying to her driver that Mr. Woo-Han's condition suddenly got bad. And she left quickly with her driver".

Ok..! Lee-Ann said and turned around and left.

Who is Mr. Woo-han? A new employee standing beside the receptionist asked the employee who told about him to Lee-Ann.

Mr. Woo-Han is the real chairman of the company, Siu-Lei the receptionist replied to her naturally. But she got a bit upset when she added,

"he suddenly got ill one day and he is not well from then and now his daughter Shen is handling the work."

"I am sad to know", the new employee replied with a low voice.

" Was he a good man?", She asked curiously.

"What do you mean? yeah, of course, he was and he is a good man. What do you think, this number one company of the era was built illegally." The receptionist retorted because she took that question as a silly question.

The employee got lost in deep thinking. Wide eyes and moving head, a file in one hand, and she was tapping it with her fingers of second hand and lost in another world.

Seeing her the receptionist called her name because she was lost in deep thinking so when the receptionist called her name she flinched.

Haa...! who....? the employee reacts.

What..? who what? where were you? go to your work spoke a bit furiously.

Employees nodded and they both left.

"Hugh...! I hope Mr. Woo-Han is fine",

Lee-Ann went to his room and sat on his chair, sighs and told.

Huh....! He exhales a deep breath.

"My advice is to stay away from all these for some time.... give yourself and your company a break and then come back later." Mr. In-hoo's words were in his head.

Lee-Ann then again called Shen but she again did not reply.

" I hope, Mr. Woo-han is fine."

Lee-Ann then placed his phone on his table and start working.

Doctor, what happened to dad? Shen asked worriedly as she was about to cry.

"Shen...!" The doctor who was sitting beside Mr. han peeked at her and called her name with a low voice.

Shen with worried eyes was looking at the doctor and was waiting for him to say something about her dad.

Shen, do not be worried your dad was not good but he is fine now. I gave him a dose through injection, Doctor replied with a smile of hope, that everything is fine.

But what happened to him? Shen asked the doctor anxiously.

He fell from the chair due to a spinning head, On asking her second-time doctor respond.

"Ohh..! doctor I told you not to tell her",

Mr. Woo-han said dramatically. He added, "Now she will scold me and will say...Oh dad I told you many times to take a rest and don't go here and there",

Mr. Woo-han acted like Shen and said.

On this doctor and Shen, both laughed.

I should go now, the doctor stood up and said, and when he told Shen looked at Mrs. Yang and said to take the doctor to the door. She nodded and took the doctor's bag and take him to the door and the doctor left from there.

Mrs. Yang...! the maid, in Shen's house and also the woman who looks after Shen's dad.

After the doctor, Shen was continuously looking at her dad with worried eyes.

Mr. Woo-Han when saw her he asked her what happened?

Shen then implored, Are you fine?

Mr. Woo-han tried to wake up to sit.

Shen immediately went to him and hold him. "What are you doing?, Please stay on your bed?"

" I am fine, I can sit, Mr. Woo-han said while nodding.

"Sit here..!", Mr. Han dab on the bed and said to Shen. Shen smiled and sat beside his dad on the bed.

So, how is your work going? Is everything fine in the office?

Shen smiled a bit and nodded. Mr. Han knew that nothing is good in the office. He knew that she is worried about our company.

"I know my daughter that you have a lot of burden of work on you and I also bother you." Mr. Han spoke out with a low voice.

Shen got so worried when his father words when he said," he bothers her."

"Please don't say that. You didn't bother me." Shen told with a low voice as if she gets broke. She sighs and then acted normally and spoke more,

"And yes there was not a lot of work in an office so it's fine."

"So, do you get any contractors yet?" Mr.Han inquired sadly.

"Dad...! I do not want to bother you with these things but I do not know who gives you information about all these."

Shen with worried eyes and with a bit loud and in a very bit angry way, respond.

Mr. Han chuckled at her words. Hearing his father giggled she also got happy and added more,

"Lee-Ann went to uncle In-hoo to talk about the work."

" Let's see what he can do."

In-hoo...! Lee-Ann went to him. Ok...! Mr. Han said surprisingly and added you seem tired come on go to your room and take some rest.

"Are you fine?"Shen placed her hand on his and asked with worries in her eyes.

"I am totally fine, come on now go to your room."

Ok..! Shen said with a tired face and stood up.

When Shen was near the door Mr. Han called her. She turned to him and then Mr. Han said, "do not bother yourself much."

" I know you have been working so hard for many days and you are also not taking care of yourself. Your tired face is showing that you need a nap so badly so instead of working with a tired mind get a nap first and then do whatever you want."

" Ok..!"

She nodded and came out of the room.

" Shen do you need anything", Mrs. Yang asked.

"No, thank you I am going to my room dad is in his room so...!"

" I understand I will look after him."

Thank you so much Mrs. Yang you do a lot for us.

Oh no, don't say that this is my job and I love doing my work.

Ok then, I am going to my room, take care of yourself also. Mrs. Yang nodded on this and after, Shen went straight to her room and did not know when she fell asleep.