The Village.

"Shen..! are you home. Is that you?", Mr. Han, who was reading a book and was sitting on his bed comfortably with a blanket on his legs and with some pillows at his back, inquired out when he heard her voice outside of his room.

"Father..! it's so late at night why didn't you sleep yet",

Shen when heard his father's voice she went into his room and stood beside the bed and said.

"I was worried about you when you called and said that you have so much work in the office and you may come home at the night I got worried."

"My dear, I know that these days are right for us. We are not going well but it doesn't mean that you stopped caring about yourself."

" I know you even work at night in your room you are not taking good care of your health and are not sleeping well. "

"This behavior only will harm you and will affect your health", Mr. Han with worried eyes and a painful voice."

Shen smiled and spoke happily,

"Father...! don't be worry about me and the company also, because I think everything is going to be perfect like before."

"What...!", Mr. Han was surprised and confused at the same time.

"Yes, father. Today we do a contract with "The Ri-Sen"." Again in a happy way she answered.

"The Ri-Sen...! Seems a new one. Never heard the name before.", Shockingly said.

"Yes, dad. It's a new company but it is so successful. Every company wants to do a contract with it."

"We read on their website that no one got lost who contract with them and the result was unbelievable."

"But Shen if the company is so successful then why do they want to do a contract with a company whose marketing getting low day by day.", Mr. Han inquired worriedly.

"Even I asked them and Mr.Chiu said that they have read about our company as we supported the newest companies so now they also wanted to do this."

"Mr. Chiu...! who?"

"Ahh...! Mr.Chiu the manager of the company. He came to our office and did that contract."

Mr.Han nodded at her words.

"Come here and sit beside me", Mr.Han said.

Shen smiled and went to him. And then she felt that he is a little upset.

"Dad, what happened?", she asked. "Why are you sad?", she added.

"Shen, I get so bored with spending time in this house. I want some change. I want to go out", with a deep voice he said.

"Is it just this..? ok then tomorrow after office we are going out. Are you happy now?"

"No, Shen, I do not want this."


"Shen, I want to go to the village."

"Village...!", Shen frowned when she heard that and reacts. "Which village?", She asked.

"My village, where my home was. The village where I and your mom met for the first time and my first house where we lived after our marriage. I want to live those moments again."

"I am sorry father I am not giving you the time you need", with a painful voice she replied.

"It's not your fault my daughter. I shouldn't have put on all the responsibilities on you. I am sorry".

"Father, please don't say that. This is not a burden at all.

You want to go you can go, but please keep notifying me about your health."

"Mr.Han nodded and mumbled I will...I will...!"

Did you eat anything yet? he inquired.

"Yes, I did in the office."

"Ok then go and sleep. No more work."

Shen smiled a bit and said, "By the way, when are you going?"


"Ahh really..!", She got shocked.

"But tomorrow The Ceo is coming to our company I would not be able to drop you off."

"Shen...! My daughter, you don't have to drop me. I will go by myself. And the driver will also be with me."

"Ok...! So you should sleep now."

"Maybe I will not be at home before you come back."

Shen hugged her father while sitting beside him on the bed she got emotional and said,

"I will miss you a lot."

Mr. Han rubbed her hair smiled and said,

"I will also miss you, my daughter."

And after, Shen turned off the lights of the room and went to her room.

Her dad's words were in her head. Which were, "My village where my home was, where I and your mom met. I want to live those moments again.....!"

She got teary eyes. Then she memorized those moments when her mom was alive. Her childhood, when her mom and dad were playing with her.

And when she got graduated that day mom and dad were so happy. Dad was so happy, she said to herself and added he loved her so much. He was so active.

And then she memorized her mother's funeral and after her mother, her dad broke his activeness and happiness and health.

Then she took out her mother's photo from the drawer.

"Mom, we were so happy dad was so happy."

She got so sad that a drop of tears fell on the photo. And then her phone rang.

She had a look on her phone and saw that it was Lee-Ann who is calling.

"Lee-Ann...", she whispered and wipe her tears.

"Hello, Lee-Ann is everything fine", she said after picking up the call.

"Yes, Shen, everything is fine with me but you forgot your purse in the office so I took it with me.

I am on my to home if you need it and it's very important so I can come there", Lee..., on his way to his home while driving a car he called her and said.

"No, Lee, it's ok don't come. Keep it and bring it tomorrow."

"Ok as you want. By the way, How is Mr.Han?"

"Yes, he is fine."

" Ahh! what happened?", Lee asked after hearing her low voice.

"Dad wants to go to his old home in the village."

"Well, this is good. If he wants to go let him. Why are you worried? Let him do what he wants."

"Lee...I don't mean that. I am not worried about why is he going I am worried about his health."

"Shen, if he said that he is fine then he is. And by the way, if he goes to that place he will feel much better which will give a good effect on his health", in return, Lee got no answer.

"Hello..! hello Shen",

Lee smiled and said, "so she again fell asleep during a call", and then he cut the call and went to his home.