Lunch at Shen's home.

"Hello Shen," Lee called her when he was on his way home after office.

"Yes Lee, speak, am listening," Shen spoke while dicing some vegetables with the phone in loudspeaker mode.

"May I know why did you leave early from the office."

"Nothing...! I thought to spend some time with Mrs. Yang so I came early to help her with her work," Said Shen.

"What's that sound," Lee questioned.

"It's the noise of cutting. I am chopping the vegetables."

"Vegetables...! You...! you are cutting vegetables," surprised Lee inquired more.

"Yes, and it's almost done. By the way, what are you doing?" after cutting Shen holds her phone and asked him.

"I am driving, on my way to home."

"Why don't you come here? You might be tired and hungry."

"Great, because I also was missing food cooked by Mrs.Yang for several days."

"Ok then see you in a few minutes."

"See you later then, bye," after saying Lee cut the call.

"Mrs. Yang I have cut the vegetables," Shen came out of the kitchen to Mrs. Yang who just walked out of the kitchen to do a little stuff and spoke.

"Aaa..! Shen stop playing with this knife," Mrs. Yang when turned to her to listen to her words she spoke worriedly when she saw that Shen is fearlessly moving the big vegetables cutting knife.

"Give this to me," she added more and take the knife from her.

After, Mrs. Yang placed it aside safely on the dining table and again turned to her. "So what were you saying," with a smile Mrs. Yang questioned.

"I said I have cut the vegetables."

"Ok..! now go and take a rest you might get tired," Mrs. Yang pat lightly on her arm and said.

"How can one get tired by cutting vegetables, no, I am not, I want to help you," Shen reacted with pouty lips.

Mrs.Yang smiled at her and nodded. Shen got happy when Mrs. Yang nodded and then she said, "So tell me what to do next."

"Let's get in the kitchen first and then we will see what to do next."

'After stepping into the kitchen Shen told Mrs. Yang that Lee is also coming, he was on his way to the office after work so I invited him for lunch. He said it is great because he has been missing food cooked by you for several days.'

They reached to the stove after Shen finished her words.

"Is it? Then we must cook something special for him. Let's cut some more vegetables."

Mrs. Yang placed her hand on the shelf and talked.

"Ok then give me vegetables to cut," spoke Shen.

"No, you will not cut them, I will cut them because I don't want you to cut your finger. The way you were fearlessly playing with the knife, I can not allow you to do that again."

"Sighs...! Ok... but give me some work."

Mrs. Yang looked here and there and then at the vegetables.

"Take these vegetables and wash them," She said and handed her the vegetables.

Shen took the vegetables to the sink to wash them.

"Where is that big knife?" Mrs. Yang spoke in search of it.

"You placed it outside on the table."

" I remember...!"

"Wait, I will take that," Shen spoke while taking steps to the door.

Shen came to the table and pick the knife.

The doorbell rings and Shen went to open the door.

"Good afternoon," Lee spoke with a big smile.

"Good afternoon Lee, come."

"Nice way to welcome someone," said Lee while looking at the knife which Shen was holding.

Shen think a moment about his words and then realized that he is talking about the knife.

"Ahh..! this. Mrs. Yang was looking for this. She is in the kitchen. Come along me."

"Good afternoon Mrs. Yang," Lee stepped into the kitchen with a smile and said.

"Lee-Ann...!come... good afternoon. Good to see you after a long period," A smile appeared on Mrs. Yang's face.

Lee-Ann reached out to her, greet her, and spoke, "I am also happy to see you, also when I missed your food for many days."

"I know Shen told me that you are coming, so I decided to cook your favorite dish."

"Well Mrs. Yang everything you made is my favorite really, you are such a good chief."

Mrs. Yang became so happy to see him because Lee was always so friendly and respectful toward her and this is not the first time they did this. Every time they meet they become so happy. Lee was like a son to Mrs. Yang so Lee hugged her respectfully.

Shen was looking at them with a straight face and crossed arms. When she noticed that they are keep ignoring her, she clean her throat to realize that a third person is also standing there.

"What are you doing with this idiot facial expression? Come join us...!" Spoke Lee to Shen while hugging Mrs. Yang, and pulled her toward him for a hug.

Because Shen and Mrs. Yang still hug him, he pats and rubbed their back and then they free him.

"Come on now Mrs. Yang I am so hungry cook something delicious for me," Lee spoke rubbing his hand in a hurry while looking at them.

Mrs. Yang smiled and nodded and then she went to cut the vegetables.

Shen went to the sink to wash vegetables and Lee followed Mrs. Yang.

"So, you are cutting you need any help...?" spoke Lee.

"No, I don't need help."

"Ok...then what should I do now...?" questioned Lee.

"It would be better for you to get fresh," Spoke Shen who took vegetables to Mrs. Yang after washing them.

"Great...!" Replied Lee and went to get fresh.

"So, Mrs. Yang what is the next work I have to do?" asked Shen.

"Your work is done, you already did so much work. You helped me in cleaning and then in lunch, you should now take some rest. Come on go to your room and get fresh," spoke Mrs. Yang with a polite voice.

"Ok," Shen smiled and answered.

"Mmm....! tasty," spoke Lee while devouring when they were having lunch.

"I am happy to know that you like it," Mrs. Yang replied with a smile on her face.

"Why don't you eat with us. Come on sit with us you might also be hungry," Said Shen to Mrs. Yang.

"No, I am fine. I will eat after you."

"Why later...? Why not now..? come on Mrs. Yang, join us. Come...." Lee-Ann insists her.

"Ok..!" Mrs. Yang smiled and sat with them.

Lee and Shen were busy having lunch. Mrs. Yang when saw them relishing the food she got so happy, and the time which Shen spend with her, she got so happy with that.

"They seem so good together," these thoughts popped up in Mrs. Yang's head.

"Mrs. Yang...Mrs. Yang.....," Lee and Shen called her two to three times but she was just smiling at them as she was lost in deep thoughts.

"Mrs. Yang," Shen landed her hand on Mrs. Yang's and called her again.

"Yes...!," Mrs. Yang surprisingly answered back.

"What happened? why are you not taking your meal?" Asked Shen.

"Nothing...," Mrs. Yang said simply.

After they had lunch, they spend some time together ,and then Lee left for his home.