Sen's Behavior.

"Here is Mr.Chiu," spoke Shen after Sen leave. "Nice to meet you Mr....."

"Haoran, My name is Haoran."

"Nice to meet you Mr.Haoran..." Chiu smiled.

"What did happen? Why did you leave suddenly?" Shen quizzed after Sen re-enter after a while.

Sen was quiet. Shen knew the reason behind his stillness. She pressed her lips to curb her laugh.

"Let's get perched," Said Shen.

Sen moved forward to get seated but stopped when he heard Shen tell Haoran to sit beside her on his chair.

"Haoran, come sit here beside me," she pulled the chair for him and talked.

"Ok," Haoran perched on the chair.

Lee and Mr. Chiu had not perched yet and were looking at her doing.

"Ah! Mr.Sen. I forgot that this is your place. But it's ok. Am I right?" Shen prattle.

"Why is this suit so fit?" Losing his tie he said in his mind.

Why would not you sit somewhere else? Shen spoke more.

"Come Mr. Sen. You can sit beside me," spoke Lee.

"Yes sure," Sen nodded at Lee, took his files from the table, and went to Lee.

When everyone was busy discussing work Haoran got bored by showing that he is working on his laptop. Sen noticed him and thought, "What does he do for a living? Who is he? Is he Shen's boyfriend in real?" Sen talked in his mind?

"Mr. Haoran," Sen addresses him.

"Yes! Mr. Sen," he replied.

"Mr. Haoran may I know what do you do for living?" Sen arose a question.

Before Haoran spoke anything Shen answered, "He is a businessman, just like us," with a smile on her face.

"That's great but never heard about you," Sen frowns and chatted with suspected eyes.

"Actually I am an international businessman."

"And what are you doing here. Sure you are not here just because Shen needed you to introduce someone."

Shen thought that he would make trouble if he retorted this question because don't know what will he explain. Thus, to stop him from speaking she rested her hand on his and clasped a bit to keep him silent but he didn't comprehend the sign and kept speaking. "Of course, not. I came here for vacations and to spend some time with my love," Haoran glowed at her with love. Shen also twinkled.

Their action caused Sen to feel envious and the way they were looking at each other. Sen, to control himself from response rolled his tongue in his mouth and start playing with the pen. Sen was observing them but Lee was observing Sen's reaction.

It was so clear that he is affected by all these. Grimace on his head, spied eyes which were investigating and rolling tongue in his mouth and playing with a pen to control his emotions.

Sen still looking at them and saw them lost in each other, in their world. He places the pen on the table abruptly and took a glass of water. As he took a sip he saw Haoran positioned his hand on her's which caused Sen to cough and some water from his mouth and glass spit out and chop down on his shirt.

"Sorry," he apologized.

"Mr. Sen! Tissue where are the tissues," Panicked Lee spoke.

"It's alright Mr. Lee. I need to go to the washroom," spoke Sen.

Shen knew that why did it happen. So when he stepped out of the room Shen smiled at Lee and Haoran and bump fist slightly with Haoran in celebration.

Sen went to the washroom took and a towel from there to dry his shirt.

"How can she allow him to touch him in this way? And...and what was that? why did she carry his hand and how did she give him my seat to settle." It was clear on his face how much jealous he is of them. Sen harshly positions the towel and sighs.

"Mr. Sen are you alright," Asked Chiu as he re-enters and settled.

"Yes, I am fine. I am alright. Absolutely fine," Sen whispered in a deep voice looking at Shen.

After work, Haoran asked Shen to leave. He holds her and spoke, "Let's go." Everyone was standing beside the table. When he holds Shen's hand Sen again peeked at him.

"You go I will be there, Shen spoke.

"Ok," I am waiting for you in the car said Haoran and left.

After he left, Shen addresses Lee and start chatting with him about work.

"Chiu, collect and took the file, I am waiting in the car, said Sen.

When Shen saw Sen going out of the room he excused Lee by saying, Sen is going. I also have to go now to show him that I and Haoran are going together. Lee nodded d then Shen left behind Sen.

Shen knowingly went behind him.

"What happened?" Shen with a great attitude entered the elevator and spoke.

"So, How is Haoran? Is not he better than you?"

"I don't know if he is better than me but, today in the meeting room when you both were chatting while holding each other's hand and were lost in your world, that was so disappointing. I am very hurt," Sen turned to him and said in a deep voice while looking into her eyes.

"So you are feeling jealous," Shen smirked.

Sen gazed a while into her eyes and said, "No Mrs. Shen I wasn't jealous. I was hurt because you were not doing your job. I didn't know that the CEO of such a huge company would do this. I deny millions and contracted with you. I want success in this project, not your and your boyfriend's love story. I hope tomorrow you will focus on your work.

The door opens as it reached its floor. Sen and Shen still looking into each other's eyes.

" Goodbye, Mrs. Shen." Sen stepped out of the elevator.

"Did not he affected a bit," grumbled Shen with pouty lips and big eyes.

Sen was seated in his car and beside was Shen's car. Haoran smiled at Sen when he saw Sen peeking at him. Sen in return also smiled.

After Shen stepped out of the office.

"Shen!" Haoran came out of the car and hugged her when she reached for him.

"What are you doing, leave me? Haoran," Shen complained.

"Sen is in the car next to us," Haoran whispered in her ear. "Is that? In this case, we should act like we are so happy of being together." Shen said and they both giggle. "Let's get in," said Shen.

"How dare he hug her?" Sen got so envious but he could not do anything instead of staying in the car.

Mr. Sen, Chiu uttered as he get in the car.

Sen was still looking at them not knowing the presence of Chiu.

Mr. Sen, Chiu repeated.

"Yes," Sen with a blank head responded.

"Is everything alright? You seem some disturb," Chiu asked.


" Let's go then," said Chiu, and after, they left.