
(Is Felix going to interrupt Morana's date?)

He seemed to appear out of thin air, I didn't even notice him before he spoke. And why would I not be able to go to have a coffee with Prince Rivenn?

I was about to ask him when Felix turned to me his brow furrowed, "You are coming to my party tomorrow, right?" He asked, my mouth fell open, i quickly closed it, I totally forgot about it.

"I am," I said nodding my head vigorously, hoping that he didn't catch on that I forgot about his birthday party.

"Why wouldn't I? Everyone in the office is going." I reasoned it is totally not because of anything special, he is my colleague, and by going to their birthday parties is how you bond with them.

A smile lit his entire face, as he heard my answer. I sighed internally, the smile on his face making my heart flutter. I think he genuinely wanted me to attend his party. I guess I made the right choice. It would have been heartbreaking to see him sad.