Chapter 13

Nick came inside Julliete's home with the purple bouquet hidden behind his back and once he stepped inside he gave it to her with a charming smile on his face desperately trying to act as if he always knew of what day today was to get away from being lectured by Julliete.

Julliete herself was a woman with sharp mind and despite knowing that he had forgot about what day today was, looking at how earnestly Nick was acting gave him a way out plus she had already melted the second she saw him dressed to his best and even buying this bouquet which meant eternal love. She knew of its meaning and also knew that Nick was ensuring her while asking her to wait and take things slowly one step at a time.

Seated in the diner Nick took in the view of his girlfriend who wore a red one piece dress in the room filled with coloured lamps creating a sensual atmosphere and a bottle of wine fueled it even more. In this intimate dinner Nick and Juliette talked and laughed while interlocking their fingers while sitting across each other. 

"When would you like to search for a place. I think it's time for us to move in together, that is if you want to". Nick brought this conversation up all of a sudden as he knew that if they were to take the next step in their relationship today was the right day and he also knew that Julliete was waiting for this. 

There was a few seconds of silence following which a smile crept in Julliete's face as she asked when Nick was free. 

Finally going back and forth the couple decided to search for a new home on Sunday after talking with the realtor. In fact Nick already had a house in his mind. It was the same one from canon. In the past few months he had a complete understanding of his  financial situation as well and having his inheritance money and property he was quite well off to buy this place and still would have a few hundred grand in his bank. 

He didn't really know much about Julliete's financial situation and didn't really ask about it as well. The rest of the dinner went as well as it could have gone and Nick followed it with an intimate dance to music which quickly escalated to both removing each other's dresses and engaged in a passionate session of love starting from the diner to the sofa in the living room and finally in their bed before falling asleep hugging each other naked.

Nick had a small smile on his face as he slept. After all, he had made his girlfriend nearly faint from pleasure and this was a pride for every man. Julliete had also complemented his physique which had rapidly improved because of his training in combat. 

Light shone through the couple's bedroom as Alarm bell rang waking Nick up and in the process waking Julliete who was in Nick's bosom. The time was 7.00 am and Nick quickly got up ready and focused unlike Julliete who was still on half sleep mode. Quickly writing a memo Nick kissed Julliete's forehead before waltzing out of Julliete's apartment and going towards his gym for early morning workout. Though it was quite late from his regular schedule Nick didn't have any thought of skipping his workout as he knew that if there was one thing which had helped him improve rapidly it was diligence and hard work and definitely not talent alone. 

Just because he had become a Grimm and had gained superhuman physical specs Nick didn't have any plan on stopping his training or reducing the quantity. He had plans to live a long and healthy life in this world and the more he trained the better he would be able to handle tough situations which would probably for the next 10-20 years be every other day if not every day.

After the workout Nick got his gear bag and popped inside his car and stepped on the accelerator and drove the car towards his home. 

Meanwhile inside the room of an undisclosed black clinic Dell Santos wearing a cast over his right shoulder sat on his bed with his back against the pillow kept against the wall.

While watching his mobile phone as if to check the time while also checking the messages he had a cruel smile while whispering "It should happen soon". 

Nick entered his apartment corridor and went towards his door and inserted the keys in the keyhole and stiffened just for a second however he quickly adjusted himself and acted as if he hadn't noticed anything and waltzed inside his home however if one watched closely one could see within his fist was hidden a sharp foldable pocket knife though small potent enough to take away human/wesen life if struck in vital areas.

Bringing his bag to the living room Nick threw it on on the sofa and slowly removed his shirt followed by his pants and threw it on laundry and walked to the shower room. While Nick walked throughout his house to do these extremely normal actions he tried his best to enhance his hearing ability to identify any abnormalities.

Though in canon Nick only obtained enhanced hearing after getting his eye injured by a Jinnamuru Xunte it was something which could be obtained by blindfolding oneself and this proved to be a right guess as Nick found himself capable of hearing more acutely.

Just as he was about to enter the shower room in only his briefs he heard the flow of air change behind him. Nick quickly gave a back kick towards the person who was about to attack him and got blocked as a result. 'Wesen are truly on a different level when it comes to agility and reaction speed' thought Nick however he did not give any time for the wesen to regroup himself from the sudden attack he faced and used his knife to give a flurry of attacks all aimed towards the jugular, wrists, arm joints and finally the heart itself. 

In his Woged form the Balam desperately tried to block the attacks only to get wounded despite his blocks and the only thing which saved him was his furry and strong arms which saved his jugular and heart. 

Nick didn't let this get to him as he his speed and power increased by move and finally made an almost vertical slash from down to up as if he was giving an uppercut breaking open his guard and took out another pocket knife which he had till now hid in the pocket of his brief at the right moment and stabbed through his chest and pulled it out at a high-speed making blood spurt. 

Without giving any time gap Nick changed the way he held his knife. Till now he had held it as if he was slashing at his enemy but now he held it as if he was about to stab right into the live target in front of him.

Seeing an opening at the area of his abdomen Nick slashed at it opening a wound making more blood spill followed by which he stabbed right at the leg of the Balam injuring and destroying the only advantage the Balam had which was it's agility. 

With a cruel smile to his face he spat right at Balaam's eyes making it instinctively flinch and try to block and save his eye only to feel a searing pain in his lung followed by his leg random making him fall to his knee only to feel a cold feeling on jugular only to be replaced by a rear naked choke. 

Within seconds the Balam lost his consciousness and returned to being a human as his woge returned to the state of normality. Nick did not plan on calling the police. In these past few months he had set up a few secret places, all built in the woods or rented using aliases which was easier to obtain considering that he was a police officer.