Chapter 19

Inside the woods, the rays of sunlight glittered through the gaps within the leaves in the branches giving the woods a rather beautiful look. From the outside if anyone had a look at these woods, it would be a perfect spot for camping but none would know the sinisterness lurking within these woods.

Sounds of birds chirping and sounds of cicadas were heard throughout the woods. However because of these sounds, the sound of digging was masked and did not reach a longer distance. 

This was Nick and he had just officially committed his first murder. While he had killed quite the few as a police officer, this one was different. He had just interrogated, tortured and killed this one for personal reasons. He had obtained some valuable intel from this assassin about the Tijuana cartel and some of their stash houses and the places their lieutenant's frequented and these could all turn out to be the places he hit when he went up against them. 

Just as he was about to shove the last bit of dirt his cellphone vibrated inside his pants. Taking it out he saw that it was his girlfriend. 

"Hello! Hey honey, what's up".

"Hey! It's nothing Nick. Just wondering if you have left for work" asked Julliete.

"No, not yet. I will be going to the office soon".

"Oh so are you at your house?"

"No honey, I didn't come to my house yesterday. I was out all night. I had a friend who was hospitalised and went there to see how he was doing".

"Oh I see".

"Oh yeah Julliete, do you have some time this evening? Let's have dinner together".

"Sure Nick. Where are we going" said Julliete in a cheerful voice.

"I'll swing by around 6 in the evening. Let's drive through the town and probably go to some place we haven't visited yet".

"Ooh, sounds like a plan".

"Sure see you in the evening" said Nick as he cut the call.

After cutting the call he thought back to the questions asked by Julliete and smiled a bit while thinking "How many TV shows have I watched back in past life. Almost all the time if a girl asked these questions they would probably be outside their boyfriend's house and after doing a preliminary investigation into their boyfriend's recent activities would call their boyfriend to cross check them". 

"Damn she must have called Hank and asked whether I was at work" thought Nick while shoving the last piece of dirt onto the now covered pit and wiped the sweat on his brow. 

Nick didn't find this strange nor did he resent her for cross checking with him. Even he felt that he was acting quite suspiciously ever since he awakened his abilities as a Grimm. Coming late to home, spending minimum time with Julliete, not calling her everyday & last but not the least he had been on edge ever since he killed those 7 Tijuana Carter's hit squad. Killing those many people would make any person unconsciously let out aggression and killing intent. This was also a reason why he avoided spending time with Julliete. 

From the time they spent together Nick had some basic understanding of Juliette and her character. Juliette was observant and a borderline yandere, this could be seen from how she was suspicious of Nick during the first season of the TV show and turning his proposal down because he was hiding something. 

In fact Nick found the Nick from canon to be quite incredible, after all he was able to keep himself out of suspicion for almost 75% of the first season despite killing a fair share of wesen and worse of all, at that time, they were living together. 

Nick soon left the woods and made his way to the precinct. He had a change of clothes with him and planned on changing it at the precinct after taking a quick shower. 

Meanwhile Julliete walked out of the condo where Nick lived before hoping onto her car and driving away. Nick's guess turned out to be right and he was right about not lying to her about being at his house, otherwise he would have got caught lying. 

Entering the precinct Nick made his way towards the shower room which was exclusive for the officers and made his way inside a cubicle, quickly took off his clothes and turned the shower on. 

Whilst enjoying the shower Nick noticed the cubicle next to him get occupied and the sound of flow of water was also heard. Turning to his right Nick could see that it was Hank who had occupied that cubicle. 

"Hey, a long night?"

"Yup, thanks to you my friend. I had to go to a crime scene and follow up on paperwork. In any case We have a case to solve so let's quickly finish showering and start working. 

"What's the case?".

"A hit and run case. The victim was mauled by a truck. Yes, not hit by a truck but someone had practically run over the victim, stopped, backed up and drove over the victims yet again. The victim died from having his ribs puncturing his lungs while his neck was crushed".

"Oh!!By the way did Julliete call you?" Nick asked.

"Ah! Ya, I forgot to tell you, she did call me while I was flooded with paperwork and asked me if you were at work. I said that you were with the feds regarding a case. Well anyways what happened over there?".

"Nothing much, just regular questioning and stuff. You know the feds, all confidential and stuff" Nick said while scrubbing his body using lotion. 

"So in the end what happened for so many feds to die?" 

"They met with an ambush from the Tijuana cartel. Didn't you know that already?"

"That's what they said to cover it up, Nick. I am not stupid. You are telling me that a bunch of semi professional to absolute noobs managed to kill one of the most powerful agency in US and that too in a one sided slaughter. I saw a few bodies and it looked like some rabid animal went through them".

For a few seconds the cubicle became silent and apart from water flow nothing else was present. 

"There are some things which cannot be explained through logic Hank and this is one such situation. In our line of work we, if not now, in the future will come across such events. Whether one chases after such things or not it's entirely up to themselves. This is all I can say for now. It's not that I care about some shit ass confidentiality but it's just that knowing of such things existence isn't necessarily a good thing, especially when one does not have the means to fight".

Silence once again descended the shower room. Just when Nick finished showering and moved out of the cubicle with a towel around his waist Hank too opened his cubicle and got the shock of his life. 

"Woah, man you're ripped. What the hell! Is this the new recruit I took under my wing? Please give me back my innocent rookie" Hank started doing some monologue shit making Nick laugh.

"Bro stop freaking out. Didn't you know? I have been working out quite a bit this past year. Let's just say that my persistent training bore its fruit".

"Well it seems like you have made up your mind for quite some time" Hank brought the subject back to track. 

"Well, yeah. I have been giving it some thought and I have finally come to a conclusion. I'll be joining the FBI special divisions department. I have received an offer from them".

"Does Julliete know about this?". 

"Not yet. I plan on telling her soon, though I don't know what her reaction would be. It would be nice if she accepts it. If she doesn't then.." telling upto this Nick sighed and didn't continue but Hank could fill in the blanks. In fact Hank was also bummed that his partnership with Nick would soon end and this wasn't something which he considered in the past.

"Is it necessary for you to go? Why do you want to fight? Is it because of justice?".

"Justice? No, I mean, may be a bit of that but not wholly. Hank, lats say you have power to fight against something, but you choose to close your eyes and let that happen, you hear cries of help, but you choose to close your ears, harden your heart and walk past like it has nothing to do with you. Tomorrow that very same thing happens to people close to you. They may be your loved ones or your friends. I just don't want to end up having regrets at a later time. Further, even if I choose to ignore, they who would come to know of my presence will not leave me alone and at peace. I, as an existence, am a band to their existence".

His reply seem to do it's trick as Hank went quiet and no longer brought up that topic and instead started talking about the case which they were about to investigate.