Shock Me Dad

After a lot of thought, David decided that he would never tell anyone about pulse control as it was something that could give his opponents serious brain damage if used correctly. And he could even create a small emp blast that would completely disable electronics, security systems as well as hero gadgets.

"George I'll go back to my room now I haven't tested other elements except air, water, and fire yet" David said while putting on his shirt.

"No problem but remember to be careful with electricity and let us know if u need any help" George said while he and James were secretly relieved that they didn't hurt their little brother with this experiment but they could see that David was fine.

David went back to his room all excited to test his other elements. Since last night he had made a list of other elemental control he could gain like lava, ice, light, radiation, metal, and even the infamous blood control which he was too excited to try but needed to have a certain level of mastery over water.

After coming to his room he decided that he will train his earth control from dad and water control from his mom. He had seen his mom use her water control quirk while doing everyday chores so he knew just the way to get her to teach him.

'Now the element I got is lightning...seems like I gotta shock myself a little. Let's ask dad' David thought while going to his father's research lab which was in the basement.

"Dad, I want to practice lightning wt do I do?" David said while peeping into his dad's lab.

"To stimulate electricity you'll have to pass some current through your body but I think you are too small for this. Why don't you practice your other elements" John said while reading a book.

"Dad don't worry lets at least try once and even doctor uncle said that I have a certain amount of immunity to the elements I can control"

"Okay, fine come here we'll give it a try" as he switched on a machine that had some clips at the end.

John connected one end of the wire to a machine and the other end to David's fingers.

"Okay now I'll start passing current and I'll start from 5mA (milliamperes) and 50V and u tell me if u feel anything. If you don't then I'll increase it a little and repeat the same process again and again. Got it?"

"Yes, dad...Let's get started"

John turned on the machine and David didn't feel anything and had full movement of his body. So John increases the output but still the same result and this kept going on and on until it reached David started to feel a tingling sensation in his chest. But he decided not to tell his father as he had full control of his body and he felt he could keep going on. After increasing the output again David saw a message on the interface.


[Congratulations host on unlocking lightning control [level 0]]


"Dad stop I think I feel something "David said as he removed the clips and tried to feel the tingling sensation on his hand.

After a couple of seconds, pale yellow sparks started to appear between his fingers. John used a multimeter to check how strong the electricity between David's fingers was and he widened his eyes.

"Dad what's wrong... why do u have such a shocked expression?"

"David these sparks are more than enough to stun or even paralyze a full-grown man. Let's go talk to your mother about this. How can it be this strong when u have just activated this quirk?" John said with worry in his eyes as he held David's hand and took him to Sally.

After telling Sally everything she kept thinking about it and told David never to use this quirk unless it's a life and death situation as she knew as time passed on the quirk will get strong enough to easily kill a grown up.

' I havent registered lightning as one of my quirks so i wont use it in public anyways.' David thought as he suddenly had an idea.

"I can agree to what your saying mom but i have a condition that you need to teach me water control and dad needs to teach me earth control" David said while looking at his parents.

"David u already have regular school on top of that your goin to start your martial arts classes tommorow and now u even want to practice multiple quirks. Don't you think this will be too much for someone as young as you?" John said to which even Sally nodded.

"Dont worry about that a hero can handle everything " David said while puffing his chest out.

Both of his parents found it too cute and couldn't help but accpt it and made a timetable to so that David can balance everything.

David went back to his room and started practicing air and fire and then meditate. This went on till late night. David was able to create and stabilize tornado but he knew he could never use that as an offensive attack. He needed to create an offensive move and he knew the right one , RASENGAN.

' I still remember which exercises and techniques naruto used to master might take tym for me but i can still do it....there's no rush ' David said while starting to practice fire.

At first he had to use candle to as a source of fire and then manipulate it a little but he could see that it was no different than a normal fire. By the tym he decided to sleep he was able to create fire on his own which could be counted as a big achievement in such an early stage.


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