Political advice

"Am I interrupting your training? I can practice elsewhere." David said as he saw the three of them.

"NoNoNo... seeing you yesterday made us want to start rigorous training again. So we decided that we'll practice when dad's teaching you and who knows one day we might become your sparring partners" Renji said.

"Come here David I have set up these rocks so that you can practice rock smashing fist but first we will start with introducing our quirks. As I have decided that I will even train you in quirks. But after reading your file I have a question? Your blood report says you have one quirk but cant be identified and your file shows that you have two quirks Fire and Air. If you don't want to talk about that I am fine with it. I normally don't enquire about a student's quirks"

"No, I trust you three with but no one other than my family knows and I'd like to keep it that way. One of the reasons I am telling you is because you can give me more ideas" David said in a serious voice.

Renji quickly turned on the force field.

" Okay no problem I'll even have your file sealed if you want" Hiroshi said while thinking that he would get a thank you in return.

"And let everyone know that I have something to hide? No thanks, just have my blood report altered and display two quirks instead of one." David said with cold eyes.

"Don't worry kid these records are safe in the hands of the hero commission " Hiroshi said while laughing.

"The hero commission is the one I am worried about. Don't do anything that will divert their attention towards me" David said while the other three looked confused.

"What do you mean David? They aren't the villains" Akira said.

"Ugh... I tell you about it after today's training."

"Okay, let's talk about it later now David we'll talk about your quirk after class. For now, let's start training." Hiroshi said while Renji was lining up a few hollow cinder blocks.

"Before using the technique directly on rocks and breaking your fingers start with these hollow bricks. Remember your movements must be fluid" Hiroshi said.

David nodded and started to hit the block. The blocks were crushed by just his touch. Then Renji replaced them with solid bricks. After a few tries, even those bricks were crushed. David slowly felt that with every minute his movements were getting fluid like a water stream.

"Good good... You are a fast learner now you can start with the big rocks. Once you can create aura consciously, then we can move on to strengthen your entire body" Hiroshi said while Akira and Renji started sparring on the other side of the ground.

In between practicing the rock smashing fist technique, Hiroshi even made him do more exercises to train his body. At the end of the training session, David had the movements on point but he couldn't break the rock only make cracks in it. Hiroshi told him it is because he hasn't imbued an aura that will happen in due time.

"That's it for today kid. Go and take a shower and meet me in my room after changing. Akira and Renji it's the same for the both of you as well" the old man said while walking away.

David got himself cleaned up and entered Hiroshi"s room. Hiroshi and Akira were already sitting and Renji was preparing tea.

'Why don't they have the servants make tea? Seems like this room is forbidden for most of the people here. Even on the day of the test except for Master's sons and Hina the rest of the family didn't enter the room'

"David I won't beat around the bush. My family is already one of the most influential families in Japan and I want to go a step further so I wanted to know what is your opinion on it. In exchange for your suggestion you can ask me for a favor which is a really big thing" Hiroshi said with a smile.

'He wants advice but he can't bring himself to say that in front of his kids to 4 year old and by favor he meant a deal but that would mean that he accepts I am equal to him. I guess I can help him increase his influence and more power he has more I can make his people do my bidding' David thought.

"I can give you a suggestion but the way you have to do it could get blood on your hands"

"Doesn't hurt to hear it. Tell me"

'Let's get rid of the bad fruits of the hero association' David smirked but didn't let it reflect on his face.

"You have to take over the hero association" David said while Akira and Renji widened their eyes.

"What's the deal with the hero association. You seem pretty upset with them" Hiroshi said.

"Apart from the corruption and the fact that they create fake crimes against those who voice out the truth and then make pro heroes kill them and many more"

"What? What proof do you have of all this" Akira asked.

"You have resources even a look on the surface and you will find many such stories. The time that you think is peaceful is actually the worst."

"Dad if what he is saying is the truth then I can't let this happen anymore. I never had any hunger for power or position because I thought in these peaceful times whats the need for it. We gotta expose this" Renji said

"He is telling the truth but if it was just about exposing it to the public he wouldn't have said about getting blood on our hands. Isn't that right David?" Hiroshi said.

"If you expose it to the public then they will just make noise. And villains will take this opportunity to create chaos and then the hero association will make some under-the-table deals, show a few arrests, and will become the hero of the public again. You gotta decide if you want to become the hero the public wants or the hero the public needs." David said as it took Akira and Renji some time to understand but eventually, they understood.