Chapter 40

David closed his eyes and through his thumb, he tried to concentrate on the blood of the kneeling gang member. He could sense the energy flowing through the blood and tried to trace it back to its origin.

'The origin seems to be the heart but if I do anything to the heart he will die. How did amon do it? Let's try to disrupt the flow of energy by inserting my own in it.' David thought

He let the energy in his body flow in its natural form and enter the gang member's body. The foreign energy was quickly rejected but David kept on pushing it.

'Let's try boosting my energy with aura. As it's my own aura my energy won't reject it.'

David boosted his energy with his aura and after a few seconds, he noticed that the energy in the gang member's body was dissipating. He kept doing it until the energy completely disappeared.


Mission Complete

Fire resistance increased

basic healing(incomplete)


David opened his eyes and lifted his thumb and said.

"Use your quirk"

Hearing this the gang member tried to use his quirk but nothing happened.

"Wh-What did you do to me?" the guy said while trying to activate his quirk.

David didn't say anything and decapitated the guy with an air blade. David then burned all the bodies so that no one will notice the bodies unless they specifically search for it. There were some scorch marks on the ground but David didn't have to be too particular here. He then removed the air barrier he had spread and returned back home.

At the same time, 6 people were sitting in a room at the dojo

"So this is the case David handed to you?" Hiroshi asked.

"Yes, Dad. Hideki and Mira have already started their work" Renji said

"How much have you confirmed yet?" Akira asked

"We have not made any actions yet. Dad we thought we should wait to confirm from Grandpa and Grandma" Hideki said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sato it's an honor to meet you. I am not acquainted with David so I wanted your opinion on how to go about this. He had some conditions on how to pursue this case. Although they are logical it makes our work a lot harder." Mira said while glancing at Hideki who simply nodded.

"Yes, Renji has told me about those conditions." Aiko said.

"Mom Dad, there is one thing that I don't understand. " Renji said while looking at Akira

"What is it Renji? What's bothering you?" Hiroshi said with a frown.

"Dad I have the same problem. Today David's class was attacked by a group of villains. Even a monster that the villains claim was made to specifically kill All Might was spotted. So why aren't we focusing on that case? Shouldn't David have told us to find the 2 villains that escaped?" Akira asked.

Even Mira found it odd that a kid like David was so laid back about the villain attack and even how David got all these files. According to her, David was only a kid who came to the dojo to train martial arts. But now seeing how much weight David's word held here she had started having doubts.

"Akira David seems to have given this case just so that we don't go in deep with the USJ incident. I have read the testimonies of all the students present there. The main guy named Tomura seems to be behaving like a man child and even threw a tantrum when things weren't going his way. I don't think creating that monster and planning this attack meticulously was his work. I think there is someone else planning this and it seems David realized this too which is why he didn't garner too much attention towards himself during the fight." Hiroshi said.

"And if David thinks whoever did this isn't someone we the association isn't ready to take on then I would tread carefully If I were you" Aiko said looking towards her sons and Mira.

"Hmm...That even answers my next question" Renji said

"What was that?" Aiko asked.

"Why did David let the main guy and the warp guy escape? It seems like he didn't want to provoke the one behind this attack" Renji said.

"For now Hideki investigate cautiously and in complete secrecy and Akira Renji, I want both of you to give personal attention to the case. I will handle the USJ case as currently most of the pressure is on U.A high school." Hiroshi said to which they all nodded.

For the next couple of days, David tried to practice healing and reach at least level 0. He knew how important it will be in the future. He was confident in winning the Sports Festival with only 2 of his elements.

Slowly time passed by and the 2 weeks were over. In these two weeks, David had seen his classmates practice and he felt that the USJ incident had motivated the others to train more.

Exactly a day before the sports festival David had managed to reach his healing to level 0. With this now David could easily heal small scars and even bruises which he often got while practicing martial arts.

David's parents wouldn't be able to make it but they promised to watch it on the TV. James said he and his friends would come to see the festival in person.

Right now they were all sitting in a hall inside the stadium. They could hear the cheers of thousands of people who came to watch this festival. Almost all of them were nervous, especially Deku who was sweating through his costume.

"Uraraka how are you feeling?" Mina asked seeing that Uraraka seems a bit anxious.

"I am fine Mina but I have never faced so many people before. Aren't you nervous?" Urarake asked

"I am but I am more excited as I get to fight the toughest in our age group and I can even show off my skills to entire Japan." Mina said while raising her fist in the air. Hearing this even Uraraka felt a little better.

Suddenly Todoroki stood up and everyone's attention was on it and started walking towards Deku.

"Midoriya I know that you are strong but this time I will defeat you." Todoroki said with a plan expression. Then he started walking towards David who was just yawning and looking outside the window.

"David I will defeat you too" Todoroki said.

While all this was happening a certain idiot was muttering something.

"Ev-even though you are strong I will surpass you one-day Todoroki" Deku was muttering.

"Heh...that won't happen in a million years Todoroki but you are welcome to try." David smirked