There was just one day left for the work studies to start and the last day of school before it. David knew today everyone will pick their hero names which will stick with them till the end. He hadn't decided on a hero name nor did he care about it until yesterday.

In the past few days David had practiced Lava control and even leveled it up to level 3. He knew that using lava is very lethal and the association encourages catching villains alive but David wasn't one to show mercy. He'd rather drown a villain in lava and make the ground as if nothing happened than go through the trouble of disarming and capturing a madman.

David entered the school and saw many students were excited for today. They were busy asking each other's hero names and comparing to see whose name sounds cooler. David entered his class and saw the same conversations going on throughout his own class as well.

'As far as I remember in the canon, the hero naming happens the next day of the competition. This is a small change in the even but still, I gotta watch out for more changes. Let's hope the hero names chosen by my classmates don't change.' David thought as he sat beside Kirishima.

"Hey David, have you thought about a hero name? I am sure it will be something cooler" Kirishima said.

"I have finalized on one but I am not sure." David said with an embarrassed smile.

"I will have the coolest name in our class. You know something like 'Electro'." Kaminari said with a proud smile

"I have decided to keep my name simple and nothing complicated. And the name Electro has already been taken by another pro hero." Jiro said while rolling her eyes.

"Guys it doesn't matter what name we decide. The weight of that name depends on our own merits. We have to make our name become popular with our own deeds." Momo gave a textbook answer like always.

She looked at David and seeing that his attention was on his phone rather than her talk, she simply sighed. She thought that David was angry at her for losing the sports festival in the early part of the 3rd stage.

'From the day I first met David till today, he has always remained a mystery to me. It just feels like there is more to him than meets the eye.' Momo thought was suddenly broken by Aizawa Sensei's voice.

"Now that all of you are here, let's get this started. Today to approve your Hero names we have The pro hero MIDNIGHT with us." Sensei said and pointed behind him and Midnight entered the classroom.

As soon as she came in and gave a smile some of the boys couldn't help but get a little uncomfortable, mainly Mineta and Kaminari.

"Hi everyone...It's good to see you all. Your class has proven its strength during the sports festival and today I am here to see how your naming sense is. Your hero name won't be put in your file until I approve it so it better be short and meaningful." Midnight said.

Aizawa Sensei started calling the students to the podium to announce their hero name one by one. The names were same as those in the canon including Deku. The most time to decide a name was taken by Bakugo as his names sounded more villain like. In the end Midnight had to give up and finalize 'Explosion god' as his hero name.

"Next...David Carter. Come to the podium" Aizawa said and everyone looked back at David.

Even Midnight's eyes lit up seeing David "So it's none other than our winner. I am really interested in knowing what name you have decided as your hero name"

David came to the podium and wrote his hero name on the writing pad


As soon as everyone heard the name they had confusion written all over their face. They thought David would decide a name which describes his purple fire or his air control, but they didn't understand what he meant by avatar. Everyone except Aizawa sensei wanted to ask him. Aizawa was the only one in the class who knew about his other elements.

Midnight decided to voice her question and asked "David was does your name mean?"

"Avatar means the embodiment of a god" David said in a casual tone but his classmates were already in a bit of shock. They didn't expect David to compare himself to a god.

"Tch...Show off " Bakugo said breaking everyone from their thoughts.

Midnight was about to say something but Aizawa interrupted her and came forward. He faced David and said "I know the school decided to disclose it after the work study but seeing the recent events and the attacks on the pro heroes I don't want you holding back during your work study."

"What do you mean Eraserhead?" Midnight asked.

"David had some changes made to his quirk file a couple of days ago. Up until now the elements in David's file were just Fire and Air but now there is more" Aizawa said and all the students widened their eyes especially Todoroki. Everyone knew how rare it is to have control over 2 elements but having more than that was not even expected.

"So David now what are the elements in your quirk file except Fire and Air?" Midnight asked but David could see that his classmates were dying to know the answer to the same question. David looked at Aizawa who simply nodded.

"Except Fire and Air I can control Water, Ice, Earth, Metal, Lava, Lightning" David said while dropping a nuke on his classmates and Midnight.

"WHATT" Deku screamed all of a sudden.

"H-How can one person control so many elements?" Jiro asked and David just shrugged.

"I don't believe you asshole. Prove it to me" Bakugo shouted. He could believe that David had defeated him even with using less than half his power. Bakugo's self confidence had taken a big hit.

What David did next made everyone gulp down their Saliva including Aizawa.


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