Treasure Hunt

"Night&Gale representative agency publishes an official statement: popular idol and fashion icon, Night, is NOT the controversial Dreamscape sensation, nor has he ever participated in any scandalous activities under the alias Mongrel…"

Sunny read the latest news title on the screen of his communicator and covered his face with a hand.

'Oh, gods…'

How did poor Kai end up being involved in this mess? Had the world gone completely insane?!

He stared at the message icon at the bottom of the screen nervously, half-expecting to receive an angry message from his friend. Or was it up to Sunny to apologize in advance? Kai had seen him purchasing the Mantle of the Underworld, after all. Even though the onyx armor did not look the same as it had before being repaired and turning from pure stone to the strange stonelike metal, there was a possibility that he would recognize it…

'Ugh. Why is life so hard?'

Sunny shook his head resentfully and stared at the ceiling.